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  1. #141

    Default we "MAKE A WAY"

    Quote Originally Posted by sakagawasan View Post
    Kinsa man imo mga corporators of your so called bank? ngano dili man ka sa coop Sir?
    The people who share the same passion, integrity, vision and mission are the incorporators. I consider this as the working peoples' bank. Is there a coop that have the same vision as my "wish list"? we will use some of the good concepts of the coop. The coop is only as good as their chosen leader or directors. A chain can only be as strong as it's weakest link. There has to be a mechanism for the collaboration of talents. Knowledge and (God given Wisdom) is the number one capital. Knowledge is the power to change for the better and up-liftment of all.

    My inspiration came when I had a chance to work in Singapore and saw what Singapore is all about. It has nothing-ZERO in terms of natural wealth, only people with great minds and direction. They are filthy rich. We have a very very very very wealthy country in terms of natural resources, both seen and unseen, discovered and undiscovered but we have many 4.5 million filipinos involuntarily hungry everyday. How can a country with nothing(NATURAL RESOURCES) be so rich and a country with so much wealth be sooooo poor. Poorest among our neighbors.

    Hence, we not only "find ways"(Banco de Oro slogan), we the working class, can "MAKE A WAY". CAN, is the expression in Singapore. Time for the "intellectual revolution". It was conceived here in Born to be alive...

  2. #142

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    -deleted- nabasa na nako imo uban post sa first few pages. well good luck! medyo ambitious ra kaayo=)) No can do for me. IMO

  3. #143

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    Quote Originally Posted by sakagawasan View Post
    If that is your case, why for the OFWs only? Why not for all the Filipinos?
    Good question. In principle it is an open structure - OFW could be a misnomer, thus, I wrote in the beginning, friends and relatives of OFW's - being construed as open to many but not for all. OFW basically defines that if you are an OFW, you are of and belong the working class, you work and are employed. You depend on the "grace and blessings" of your boss.

    OFW share a common ground and feeling of how it is to be away from their family and that we can do something about. OFW know more or less how it is to live in a place of uncertainty and without any sense of protection and security? Anxiety, fear is part of your daily routine especially in Saudi Arabia. You know you have no rights. You have only one right, that is to remain silent. There is no such thing as contractual obligation of your employer. They can just twist and turn anything and you are literally hopeless. This are generalities and there are always some exceptions...

  4. #144

    Default Community that collaborates and cooperates -

    Open source collaboration to the rescue R&DIY

    Britta Riley: A garden in my apartment - YouTube

    Collaboration of talents - to create a talent bank - and level the playing field. Learn from the above site. It is all about collaboration and cooperation. Think how we can apply such process and procedure to the OFW bank - the bank of talents...

    Think out of the box and correlate an analogy, redefine business, not only do we find ways, we move it to the next level - WE MAKE do we capitalize on our individual strengths..evolve to a much MORE humane filipino species, if the askals can defeat singapore, we can defeat them in THEIR BUSINESS "game..."

  5. #145

    Default In the beginning,

    In the beginning, China bought a cotton farm, and China was pleased with his farm, and the farm was productive and looks good, then China bought ……check link below..

    In the beginning, that is 1960,’s perhaps, the new “Israel returnees”had nothing except desert, but they turned the desert into a very productive agricultural system,

    In the beginning, 1960's the Philippines was 2nd to Japan, full of natural resources and well blessed with talented people. Now the Philippines is 2nd to nothing. Its’ people forced to find opportunities abroad. Working in the middle east in countries with nothing except oil.

    In the beginning, OFW’s have nothing, but only talents, and OFW’s will buy a God-forsaken farm, make it productive, (just like what Israel had done), so help us God. Help us to regain what is rightfully our inheritance. Let us protect our natural resources and countries' richness.

    Australia lets Chinese buy huge cotton farm - Yahoo! News Philippines

  6. #146

    Default Follow this thread, you can be part of the "core group"

    Napoleon Hill said in his book Think Grow Rich that it is important to have a “master mind group” of like minded people who are after success in the same industry, your brain is like a "single-cell battery" by it self it is only limited to glow at a certain brightness but with a master mind core group, the battery has unlimited charge and shines brighter then ever!

    If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want - Zig Ziglar

    Whether you think you can or you think you can't you are right - Henry Ford

    If you go looking for a friend, you're going to find they're very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere - Zig Ziglar

    My goal in this thread, is to build relationships and network with like minded people that are focused on creating success for themselves and their family, I want to create a “master mind” or a "core-group" of people so together we can be unstoppable in this industry. We can!!

  7. #147

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    Boss EsoyLegaspi, mura ug nalayo naman ni imohang mga gipang post about sa imohang Imagined OFW Bank...

  8. #148

    Default If you think you can't you are right - If you think you can you are right - H.Ford

    Quote Originally Posted by sakagawasan View Post
    -deleted- nabasa na nako imo uban post sa first few pages. well good luck! medyo ambitious ra kaayo=)) No can do for me. IMO
    Thanks for your Opinion. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you are right." from Henry Ford

  9. #149

    Default Re: Ofw bank, bank of the ofw's, for ofw's, run by ofw's,

    The Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

    Know what you eat and what you feed your family. "By what you spend today, you can control tomorrow"(from the documentary). Question ? What has this got to do with OFW bank concept ?? The answer is in the documentary above.

    Moreover, millions of income, will all be gone, millions is nothing when cancer strikes, God forbid...

  10. #150

    Default "imagi-"nation"

    If we think out of the box, can you imagine what kind of “nation” we can build…
    Caine's Arcade 2: The Global Cardboard Challenge & Imagination Foundation - YouTube
    What has this clip got to do with OFW bank? What is it’s relevance…? Out of Topic Think, think, think…

  11.    Advertisement

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