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Kinsa man imo mga corporators of your so called bank? ngano dili man ka sa coop Sir?
The people who share the same passion, integrity, vision and mission are the incorporators. I consider this as the working peoples' bank. Is there a coop that have the same vision as my "wish list"? we will use some of the good concepts of the coop. The coop is only as good as their chosen leader or directors. A chain can only be as strong as it's weakest link. There has to be a mechanism for the collaboration of talents. Knowledge and (God given Wisdom) is the number one capital. Knowledge is the power to change for the better and up-liftment of all.
My inspiration came when I had a chance to work in Singapore and saw what Singapore is all about. It has nothing-ZERO in terms of natural wealth, only people with great minds and direction. They are filthy rich. We have a very very very very wealthy country in terms of natural resources, both seen and unseen, discovered and undiscovered but we have many 4.5 million filipinos involuntarily hungry everyday. How can a country with nothing(NATURAL RESOURCES) be so rich and a country with so much wealth be sooooo poor. Poorest among our neighbors.
Hence, we not only "find ways"(Banco de Oro slogan), we the working class, can "MAKE A WAY". CAN, is the expression in Singapore. Time for the "intellectual revolution". It was conceived here in istorya.net. Born to be alive...