Aw its in the book of Genesis... Bible is the king of all books i tell you...
"if you have faith as small a mustard seed you can move mountains" do you believe in that? well i do..
have you read the story of Albert Einstein? he write a book titled God VS Science in 1921.
this can explain everything..
kung familiar mo magdownload gamit ang torrents, just visit sa isoHunt Lite the BitTorrent & P2P search engine and search sa title "Ancient Aliens".. then, thats it.. Then naa rapud sa documentary makita kung kinsa ang nag-commission.. =)
mo to-o na lang ta sa duha
It is a very common misconception among many that humans evolved from chimps or apes. This is not what science affirms. Science claims that humans and the other great apes (chimps, gorillas and orangutans) descended from a common ancestor; in other words, we're cousins, not direct descendants of each other.
A number of proofs have been identified that validated this theory. Vestigial organs like Coccyx (our tailbone) and Lanugo (a thick coat of hair on the body of typical 6-month old fetus, which is then shed off before birth) are some of these. Evolution explains this phenomenon accurately (that we evolved from hairy ape-like creature with a tail), while creationism can't explain this.
The discovery of vestigial genes (as opposed to vestigial organs) would go further than the great ape common ancestry. These trace our origins further up the evolutionary tree, to our common ancestry with the reptiles and birds. If you've looked at an image of a 4-week old fetus, you'll notice a yolk sac. Yolk sacs are filled with yolk. So, there should be genes for yolk in the human genome somewhere. We don't make yolk but evolution does not work by removing entire genes out of DNA. And there's no way that entire genes can be neatly taken out of DNA by natural selection. It's usually degraded by mutation. Now that we can sequence genomes (and human genome in particular), we have found three genes to make egg yolk...and as predicted, all of them are broken due to the process of mutation. They have pieces missing so they're not expressed. How else can you explain egg yolk genes in a human that are broken?...except that we inherited those things from our common ancestor that did make yolk.
Ever since we've been able to sequence the human genome, we've found more proofs to support human evolution. A few months before the publishing of the complete human genome sequence was the publishing of the complete genetic code of the chimpanzee. We all know that evolution argues that we share a common ancestor with the great apes: the chimpanzee, the gorilla, and the orangutan. If that's true, then there should be genetic similarities. And there are.
It is well known in genetic science that we have two fewer chromosomes than the great apes. We have 46 chromosomes (23 from Dad and 23 from Mom) or 23 pairs of chromosomes, while the great apes have 48 or 24 pairs of chromosomes. So, if evolution was true, we must find the missing pair of chromosomes. If this was lost, theory of evolution would be in would be false. If we share a common ancestor, then that ancestor must've had 48 chromosomes. Logic follows that if we (humans) differentiated ourselves by having two less chromosomes than the rest of the great apes, then that ancestor should have 48. What must have happened along the way is that one pair of chromosomes must have gotten fused. So, we should be able to look at our genome and discover that one of our chromosomes resulted from the fusion of two primate chromosomes. If we don't find it, evolution is wrong. We don't share a common ancestor.
How would we find this missing pair? Biologists would know that chromosomes have these little markers. They have markers called centromeres, which are DNA sequences that are used to separate the chromosomes during cell mitosis. And they have these little DNA sequences on the end called telomeres. What would happen if a pair of chromosomes got fused is that the fusion would put telomeres where they don't belong, in the center of the chromosome. And the resulting fused chromosome should actually have two centromeres, one of them inactivated but nonetheless should still be there. If we don't find that chromosome, evolution is in trouble.
Guess what? It's chromosome number 2. Our chromosome number 2 was formed by the fusion of two primate chromosomes (published in a paper from Nature in 2005). Here's what the paper said: "Chromosome 2 is unique to our lineage, it emerges as a result of a head-to-head fusion of two chromosomes that remain separate in other primates."
You'll be amazed at how precisely we can look at things these days. The precise fusion site has been located at base number 114,455,823 to 114,455,838. In other words, within 15 bases. And you'll notice multiple sub-telomere duplications, the telomeres that don't belong...and yes...the centromere that had been inactivated corresponds to chimpanzee's chromosome 13. It's there. It's testable. It confirms the prediction of evolution.
Pa theory, theory lang na ang evolution but it has been validated time and again, it's predictions proven true with no evidence to falsify other words, it has attained scientific facthood. It is just as true as gravity, the atoms, and pathogenic bacteria.
I checked the synopsis ani bro..Mao man diay ni ka Erich Von Daniken..I read his book chariots of Gods when I was still in High School, that was a long time ago...
Dugay naman ni gi debunk/dismissed iya mga books/claims bro sa academic is revealed as complete and utter rubbish, inaccurate, false, deliberately misleading and totally unsupported by facts..
These are some of his false claims:
1. The Step Pyramid of King Zoser in ancient Egypt was built from granite block
Fact: It was built from limestone
2. The Egytian had no rope
Fact: Samples of their ropes are on display in Cairo Museum
3. Egypt had no trees therefore they could have not use wooden rollers
Fact: They imported timbers
4. Stone from Stonehenge was brought from south-west Wales
Fact: They were quarried just a few kilometer from the site
Daghan pa jud na cya false claim..research na lang
I will check the video..pero kani style ni Daniken pseudoscientific..iya gi understimate ug insulto ato ancestor by denying them credits for their own skills, ingenuity and creativity...
that's the only answer to the "dinosaur issue" thrown by some of the posters here...if we are to get our explanation from the Bible... yes bro... that is the "only" answer to that "dinosaur" question...
i believe in the Bible... i believe as well in science... and how it helped our modern lifestyle... from cellphones, satellite technology, to building of advanced structures... but what the theory of evolution is saying is one thing that i can't accept... and since up to now they are still looking for that very solid "evidence" to prove this false concept... evolution is still a theory... some people may find it convincing... but it will still be forever a theory... and again... ako itaya ako life for that...
believers of the evolution theory don't believe in God and would rather believe in aliens... most of them maybe if not all... even Albert Einstein believes in God... and if we are just to rely on pure logic... there should be one Supreme Being who created all the beautiful things that we are seeing now... everything happens for a reason...
i will give evolution all the time they want to prove their so-called concept... and they could excavate all the lands to look for the missing link... and insist on the genetic connection between human and apes...
but one thing is for sure mga bros... God exists... and we are his masterpiece... and we never evolved from apes... we have spirits... we are above all other creations... we are given the noble responsibility to take care of this planet... and we should be proud of it...
well said bro. thanks for sharing your brilliant thoughts...
and i agree... the Bible should never be taken literally (e.g. the day in the creation isn't necessarily equal to our normal 24-hour day)...
the Bible is a "complete" guide for our salvation... if im not mistaken... it's in Isaiah 34:16...
^^exactly! we have Spirits... and that all the matters..
Pagkataas na ani nga thread. Personally, I believe in God and what the Bible says. But I also know that my spiritual beliefs can well be strengthened with "Science". Faith and Science can work together to give meaning to the realities we see and experience. But, there are realities that the tools of Science can't just fathom, reach, and most of all, cannot ignore. Thus, the ultimate arbiter, for me and I guess, for those who believe, for such realities, is Faith. Even the Wisdom and Intellect of Man are beautiful creations of God. Something must have gone wrong when men become too proud of their wisdom and intellectual capacities, and obstinate as to throw God out of their consciousness and awareness.
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