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  1. #141

    i dont mind calling jesus "bro" fact he's a friend (may kanta about this, nalimot lng ko sa lyrics)
    it's time para maduol kang jesus ang young generation instead nga ipanghadlok lang sa mga bata kung magbuhat ug bad...

    though sometimes dili lang naku ganahan sa story, how santino meddle with other peoples' lives without even the persons involved asking for help...

  2. #142
    Para nko its not at all blasphemy giencourage man gani ta na itreat si Lord na amigo nato where we can share anything that we can't share to anyone else. In fact he wanted us to be our bestfriend best of all friends jud. Na dili ka kailangan magpangap para lang mabelong ka sa group. Calling him Bro is like you have very personal relationship to Him like a brother who will do just as anything for you like a real brother would do. We are all hypocrites unknowingly.

    My opinion only, I really like how May Bukas Pa emphasizes that through Jesus alone you can ask forgiveness and help. Devotion is ok but not to the extent that the Saints are considered like the God. There's no such thing as the saints will pray for you but rather ask Jesus directly for he see us as his brothers and sisters no special treatment. Being a Saint are just titles given by the Roman Catholic for their martyrdom but we are equally seen by GOD.

    PS. Im a catholic

  3. #143
    to all fellow istoryan, ive said what i have to say on this thread, i will no longer touch this thread and i welcome request to have this moved or closed. i will no longer comment, and i thank you for giving respect to my pov, same as i did to you. and with those people who are rude and just plain senseless, thanks as well...

  4. #144
    on my end,

    i believe it gives a personal touch to it. I dont see anything wrong with calling Jesus as "bro" as from what we were taught before, Jesus is indeed not only our Saviour but also our Brother. It just so happens that "bro" is what the younger generation use to call their brothers so they used the term "bro" in the show.

  5. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by snowleopard View Post
    to all fellow istoryan, ive said what i have to say on this thread, i will no longer touch this thread and i welcome request to have this moved or closed. i will no longer comment, and i thank you for giving respect to my pov, same as i did to you. and with those people who are rude and just plain senseless, thanks as well...
    it's ok it will also give information to all people who can read each opinions .

  6. #146
    ok raman ni....dili mani bugal2x...

  7. #147
    they call Jesus Bro.. and call the presits "Father"...

  8. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by tmhiong View Post
    they call Jesus Bro.. and call the presits "Father"...
    Does the name you refer a person change what you feel towards him/her?

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordslave View Post
    Does the name you refer a person change what you feel towards him/her?
    nope.. but eto sabi ng Bible:
    Mat 23:5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,
    Mat 23:6 and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues
    Mat 23:7 and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others.
    Mat 23:8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.
    Mat 23:9 And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.

    yun lang po kapatid.. sana walang violent reaction...

  10. #150
    for me, there's nothing wrong in calling Jesus as "Bro" as long as you have a strong faith in Him, is sincere in everything you do and you're not hurting other people.. ana lang ka-simple...

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