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  1. #141

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    I guess all of you are OUT OF TOPIC. the topic is not "why jesus died" which will give you answers like: "to save the world from sin blah blah blah" but "why did jesus HAVE TO die?.." the question already assumed that jesus died for the sin of mankind. the point is why DOES HE HAVE TO DIE.. is his death the only way to save mankind.. are there on other way for salvation.. and stuff like that..
    I disagree. The answer "for the sins of mankind", I believe, is valid both as the reason for His death and the necessity of his death.

    Put in another way, the reason for His death was the redemption of mankind from sin and the redemption of mankind from sin required His death. HIS DEATH WAS THE REASON AND THE REQUISITE, how off-topic is that?

    Peace, bring it on, Baby!

  2. #142

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    More than his death, it's his ressurection that is more important. His death would have meant nothing if he did not ressurect. That as promised he would since he is the son of God.

    Otherwise, ilad ilad ra diay iyang tanang storya.

  3. #143

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by zer0_cooL
    my view:

    i am an athiest.... but i used to be a devoted christian but i have some questions that needs answers and so far i haven't found the answer even in the bible... so i dont care much on why he died....
    Zero cool - define a devoted christian? and what was your question to God? Share it to us, who knows it might be an important question or just a little question that made your faith gone. Please share to us.

  4. #144

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Listen to the audio sermons or even watch the video sermons.

    And be blessed by God's word!

  5. #145

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    hmmm... why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    For me its simple. Someone has to pay for our sins. If you check out the Old Testament, there was always a sacrificial lamb, blameless and spotless, to be offered to God for the atonement of sins. In the New Testament, Jesus was the Sacrificial Lamb. God does not accept our sacrifices because we are unholy, which results in unholy sacrifices because God is Holy. We could never reach God in our own ways lang like mag binuutan/good works. God sacrificed His son Jesus as payment for our since, since in Romans 3:23, the payment of sin is death. Well, because of His undying love, Jesus paid the price. There was in fact no other way for the payment to be done.

    We should in fact be thankful nalang for what Jesus did on the cross. Because of that, we have a sure way of spending eternity with Him...

    To all who doubt Him: that's fine. its your choice. Jesus is not forcing Himself unto everyone. He only caters to those who believe.

    So, after we die, if you guys (atheists) are right, then you have nothing to worry about since that is the end of life as what you believe it to be. BUT, if Jesus was right and there is a heaven, then boy, you have to worry... because eternity is such a long time to spend in Hell... try to give that a thought...

    There really is nothing to lose in entrusting your life to Jesus. Only much to gain...
    My two cents.

  6. #146

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    why he need to die??

    so that the SPICE of LIFE will flow

  7. #147

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    to save us from sins.

  8. #148

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    No one really knows the reason why actually. But according to the book, it's to fulfill his purpose. But the question is why he have to? Are we really save? So far nothing change to humanity. Corruption pour the world, sickness is all over, poverty is worsen, war etc etc. Remember than only christians believe in Jesus Christ. Muslims has their own belief, buddism has their own belief too.

  9. #149

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    because people did not put Jesus in the center of their hearts. that's why corruption exists. we are all believers but sometimes we we've got a little faith in HIM.

  10. #150

    Default Re: Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    The theology of sacrifice remains an i.e., not only for religions that continue to practice rituals of sacrifice, but also for those religions that have animal sacrifice in their scriptures, traditions, or histories, even if sacrifice is no longer made. Religions offer a number of reasons for why sacrifices are offered.

    1. Gods need sacrifice to sustain themselves and their power.
    2. Sacrificed goods are used to make a bargain with the god, who has promised some favour in return for the sacrifice.
    3.The lives or blood of sacrificial victims contains mana or some other supernatural power whose offering pleases the god.
    4.The sacrificial victim is offered as a scapegoat, a target for the wrath of a god, which otherwise would be visited on the followers.
    5.Sacrifice deprives the followers of food and other useful commodities, and as such constitutes an ascetic discipline.
    6. Sacrificed goods actually become part of a religious organisation's revenue; it is a part of the economic base of support that compensates priests and supports temples.
    7. The sacrifice is actually a part of a festival and is ultimately consumed by the followers themselves; often this includes an element of redistribution where the poor get a larger share than they contributed.
    8. The sacrifice may be a sign of a covenant between a god and His people.

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