any chocolate basta dili lang nang tae.. hehehehe
Cadbury og Van Houtten :mrgreen:
toblerone, meiji, fujiya, hershey's dark choc, kitkat and snickers
Know what I really, really, REALLY want right now?
Minty dark chocolate. Now THAT's something I'd really like to try. Naa ba na sa Pinas?
cadbury millk chocolate
hershey's kisses (kanang white chocolate with cookies)
hershey's dark chocolate
reese's (with peanut butter)
toblerone (white chocolate)
Chocolate covered macadamia nuts.
See's Candies
Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Cups
black chocolate..
lamia jud ui..
in fact, nagkaon ko ug black chocolate ron..
black chocolate ang da best!
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