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Sa akong lang sir ha dili ko uyon nga si Mocha ang gibutang sa kana nga position karun...
Naay rason nganong naa na si Mocha diha.
1. is political reward and dili na ug wala na gibawal sa atong balaud karon, ang rason ni digong kay naay or dakog natabang si Mocha sa Presidential campaign ni digong, maong iyang gitabangan pud si Mocha gitagaan ug pwesto sa goberno.
Wala nako gi depensahan si Mocha diri kay personally mas ganahan pako adtong iyang previous nga talent.
2. Is tungod sa iyang Social Media followings.. She now has 5 Million followers. . And that to me is unprecedented, as she has probably more hits, engagements, and followers as compared to the mainstream media. The Philippines has approximately 100Million population and has about 60Million internet users and there are about 47 million facebook users.
That is about 10% of the total Social Media users are following her, 10% may mean too small para nato, pero that is wayyyyyy more than anyone can bargain for. Try gud himo ug social media account in 1 year tanawon nato if makakuha kag 5000 ka followers.
How much more kung naa kay followers nga 5million.
This makes it easy for the government to disseminate information, and this is apart from her doing straight direct interviews to persons of interest.
She may not have that high intellect expected of a government worker, but she has the "means" that the government can utilize.
Hence, the benefits derived from her employ is much greater than hiring a PR firm costing in the millions.
Besides I think she is even doing MORE than those consultants nga gihire sa uban officials diha sa government.
These consultants are even salaried at 200k, unya murag wala ray gibuhat nag palanay.
Ang resulta gi initan ni digong hahaha. Ang uban officials ni abot pag tag tulo kabuok consultants. liman ka ana ang office mo incur ug 600k monthyl sa consultants nga mga walay silbi?
And besides kinsa man ang naay ingon ana ka taas nga following? KathNiel? -- remember LP was using A LOT of Artistas which probably even broke record breaking amounts of money for their talents fees. By the way bisan unsa ka sikat si Kathniel ilang following is only less than 500thousand. Kathryn Bernardo has about 3.1Million, and these people like Kathryn don't even give a damn about politics. lol Aside from the "shut up ka na lang comment" atong iyang pares.
Maong, sa akong nakita as long as Mocha remains to be an asset to the government which she is right now, bisan unsaon panag tira sa LP diha, the government won't let go of her. As long as digong don't see any corruption allegations against her.
She will remain in that position.
All these is all about mutual benefit.
Maong hala tira... Wala sila kabalo ug unsay underlying reason ana.. But to my mind mao na ang mga rason nganong dili gyud na i let go si Mocha.
Also, if you check her blog and compare engagements to mainstream media like GMA, ABS, TV5?
Mas taas pa iyahang engagements kaysa anang tulo. Meaning mas daghan mabenefit ang government in retaining her service than engaging a PR firm like ABS, GMA or TV5, which only shows seconds of good publicity and costing in the millions than engaging Mocha service, who's social media presence, topics and publications are pro-administration, which costs only a meager amount.
Sweldo ni Mocha 100k monthly bato? compared sa ABS, GMA ug TV5 which runs in the hundreds of millions.
Maong ug akoy ABS GMA hala tira .... haahaha.. hangtud mo bigay ang government, sige mobayad nalang mi ninyo for good publicity.