View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1461

    no to this bill...this will not help us in our problem.! We better focus on the real problems of our country... Overpopulation is not a problem, whoever said Philippines is overpopulated anyway. We have to be wise enough on how we should use our resources. Our Government officials or even us can think of better ways to be productive and this bill will definitely not help us...

  2. #1462
    Quote Originally Posted by jahjahjah View Post
    no to this bill...this will not help us in our problem.! We better focus on the real problems of our country... Overpopulation is not a problem, whoever said Philippines is overpopulated anyway. We have to be wise enough on how we should use our resources. Our Government officials or even us can think of better ways to be productive and this bill will definitely not help us...
    can you explain what your definition is of overpopulation?

    Is it number of people per land area or is it based on average income per household?

  3. #1463
    Quote Originally Posted by jahjahjah View Post
    verpopulation is not a problem, whoever said Philippines is overpopulated anyway.
    Hmmm... anybody with eyes.

    My helper has nine children and in her neighborhood her situation is common. Most adults in that place have no proper employment and the children lack essentials. I consider population control a major problem and probably the biggest obstacle to progress in the Philippines. What we are experiencing is a silent calamity which will one day cause this nation to collapse.

  4. #1464
    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Hmmm... anybody with eyes.

    My helper has nine children and in her neighborhood her situation is common. Most adults in that place have no proper employment and the children lack essentials. I consider population control a major problem and probably the biggest obstacle to progress in the Philippines. What we are experiencing is a silent calamity which will one day cause this nation to collapse.
    well said..

    it is a silent disaster.. we may blame the government or foreign countries bout it, but we failed to see that it is our own doing..

    truth hurts, but if we admit it and act on it, it will set us free from the bondage of poverty...

    ngano taas ang poverty sa pinas? simple.. ma daghan man gipanganak sa sa poor families.. ngano gamay ra dato? simple.. kay gamay ra man pud anak sa dato... they know that kung magpataka sila panganak, mahimo ra sila or ilang anak nga pobre... mas lisud buhion ang daghan anak kay sa gamay ra anak...

  5. #1465
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Oh yeah, a couple of pro-RH fanatics is a lot. I guess math isn't one of your strong points either. By the way I am not the only one who has been scoring you on your immaturity.
    Who is it who should lead with maturity, but has not, and hence has provided a bad example? Is that not you, since you are likely the oldest poster in this thread? There's only one other guy who is on your side here, so I guess we can golfclap the fact that you have at least one supporter.

    You really shouldn't project your insecurities on others. It's immature. Just because you're a gay pro-RH fanatic doesn't mean that everyone else you hate is gay or fanatical (I am neither of those). Have you tried seeking professional help for your hatred and prejudice?
    How exactly have I expressed either of hatred or prejudice? And oh.. I see what you did there. You called me gay because you thought it would get an angry reaction from me. But it seems you didn't read my post. Since I don't consider the word an insult, and I'm not an insecure little old fart who hides behind crass religiosity, that insult has no effect on me whatsoever. But let's explore this shall we? If I'm gay, what would that make a man who is older than 40 years old, has never married and has never had premarital *** with a woman in his entire life, is obsessed with babies and morning after pills? Straight? Funny...

    Well, after that bout of silliness from the peanut gallery, let's get back on topic. Looks like we have even more evidence that increased contraceptive usage leads to even MORE abortions. Which is all the more reason to REJECT the RH/Abortion Bil (HB 5043)
    Peanut gallery? What kind of insult is that? And just when we were starting to be awed by how macho you are... Also, you do realize the "evidence" you quoted comes from a TABLOID right? The same tabloid that says aliens from outer space exists.. We see now to what lows you've stooped to because of your desperation at not being able to win over anyone.. and that after all the time you've spent trying so hard to force people to see things your way. What a wasted life.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Your analysis is completely off the mark. The reason we lack the structures to maximize production is because of massive corruption, bad governance, indiscriminate debt servicing, and mismanagement. Reducing population won't address those. In fact, population reduction will just become an EXCUSE for NOT addressing the real causes. As long as they remain reducing population will NOT help the situation.
    Interesting bit of sophistry there because I never said corruption and bad governance don't impact our capacity. So how I can be completely off the mark for having never claimed something you attributed to me is an impossibility. There's no doubt corruption and poor governance impede population capacity, duh. In saying that, you have admitted impliedly that corruption HAS led to a limitation in our capacity to support a larger population. Until the problem of corruption is solved, we suffer from the effects of overpopulation, strained resources et al hence the need to slow down the population growth immediately. You act as if the two cannot be undertaken at the same time, which is devious and a lie. You have no evidence whatsoever that slowing population growth will be used as an excuse for not addressing corruption. You have no evidence, further, that allowing our population to grow unchecked will force our politicians to address corruption.

    So it's rather clear that if we had things your way, not only will we have a continuing problem with corruption and lack of resources, we will also have the double blessing of runaway population growth, greater levels of starvation and misery. The church and its allies are very clearly expressing such humane and caring foresight in their fierce determination to cram down their pigeon-hole morality upon all...

  6. #1466
    di ni mahimo.. maypa i limit strict 1 or 2child policy

  7. #1467
    Quote Originally Posted by UrbaNo View Post
    di ni mahimo.. maypa i limit strict 1 or 2child policy
    depende sa ur capability to feed them.

    if ur ultra rich , will you abide the 2child policy if u wanted more children?

    2 child per mother? walay labot silingan? friends? special friends?

  8. #1468
    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    You (and the Church) are missing the purpose of the bill by being so focused on the abortifacient contraceptives. You're making it the ONLY issue while in the bill, it is only one of the many issues tackled.
    If you have read my previous posts and statements by the CBCP, you will see that it is NOT the ONLY issue against the RH/Abortion Bill (although it is one of the most important ones).

    For example, many have noted that the RH/Abortiion Bill wastes scarce resources on contracetpives that do NOT address maternal and infant mortality while NOT funding those measures that do address the problem.

    HB 5043 also violates our civil rights, specifically freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and parental rights over their children.

    These are not minor issues. Please read the previous posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by raski
    There's only one other guy who is on your side here...
    It's bad enough you can't even compose a logical argument. Must you also demonstrate that you can't even count? It's amazing how your prejudice and hatred can impair even the your most basic thinking skills. That is a very bad sign. You should seek help. Seriously.

    You really must do something about all your pent-up hatred and prejudice. Those are likely to manifest themselves in dangerous ways, both to you and others. While you're at it you can come to terms with your homosexuality. if you really do not find anything wrong with it, why are you so obsessed with projecting this insecurity onto others?

    Quote Originally Posted by raski
    In saying that, you have admitted impliedly that corruption HAS led to a limitation in our capacity to support a larger population.
    Non sequitur. What it implies is that corruption does limit the capacity of a population to produce and to enjoy the fruits of its labor. By focusing on population, you are attacking a non-problem, wasting resources and time as you do so. Population is NOT a factor that must be reduced since by doing so you will also reduce production capacity. You should remove your ideological blinders and reduce those factors that impede productivity. That way you will have more production.

    But then your prejudicial hatred of the Church has led you to focus on some imagined threat of imposed morality. Such paranoia only serves to distort your analysis, hampering your already damaged ability in that area.

    Please seek some help. We don't want you doing stuff like in the story below.

    40 Days for Life Participant in Fresno, California Assaulted by Abortion Advocate

    A pro-life person who participated in the 40 Days for Life event in Fresno, California was assaulted on Thursday afternoon by an abortion advocate. Victor Fierro, director of the Hispanic pro-life group Latinos4Life, was the victim of an assault by a woman who first tried to intimidate him.

    Yesterday, a pro-abortion woman shouted obscenities at participants in the 40 Days for Life event, which is part of a national campaign.

    The woman first attempted to break a security camera pro-life advocates installed to protect themselves and catch any harmful activity on tape. The attacker then cut Fierro’s arm with an unknown object, drawing blood, stormed back to her car and fled the scene.

    I will, of course, pray for your recovery. Really.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-20-2009 at 04:57 AM.

  9. #1469
    hmm on the contrary.. money is well spent on contraceptives and education.. excessive production of babies produces more waste of our limited resources

    get your math right!
    20 pesos condom is a lot cheaper than raising a child (unless of course you have no idea what it is), gatas pa lang 200 pesos nah... kung gi condom pa na (10 boxes X3 per pack = 30), 30 rounds nah...

    so what do you propose instead of contraception? mura ra bag ikaw mo supporta sa new born babies.. ipasa raman gani nimu sa goberno or sa simbahan..

    im not paying taxes so that some other person can reproduce his species maski dili nya kaya financially.. mahal na man gani kaau magsupporta imu own family, unsa pa mo supurta sa uban.. but i will be happy to think that my taxes are used to prevent the reproduction of unproductive people..

    naa ko theory what kind of person sir manny (and some of he anti-rh guys) is:
    1.) the raski theory - hes a 40 year old unmarried virgin , possibly gay.. coz hes got no idea on raising children.. (logical man pud mo explain si raski beh)
    2.) he is a priest, that explains why he is unmarried and is die hard anti-rh
    3.) his a businessman whose products include baby products, kay malugi iya biz kung mogamay new babies..
    4.) he's just a plain catholic fanatic blinded by the truth his fellow filipino suffers from..

    support noynoy! support RH-bill! save the philippines!

  10. #1470
    Quote Originally Posted by UrbaNo View Post
    di ni mahimo.. maypa i limit strict 1 or 2child policy
    mas maayu bitaw ni bro... but mgdepende gihapon na sa imong capability and financial status...

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