View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1451

    Quote Originally Posted by raski View Post
    You people have this all the wrong way. You do not increase population and then use that population to generate more infrastructure. You must first have the improved infrastructure in place before you think about increasing the population, that way you can accommodate them.
    Your analysis is completely off the mark. The reason we lack the structures to maximize production is because of massive corruption, bad governance, indiscriminate debt servicing, and mismanagement. Reducing population won't address those. In fact, population reduction will just become an EXCUSE for NOT addressing the real causes. As long as they remain reducing population will NOT help the situation.

    The population is already there. Why waste resources on measures that will NOT make them more productive? We should instead focus on measures that will remove the obstacles that keep them from being productive. Corruption is not productive. Neither is is bad governance or any of the other things causes of poverty I've mentioned. Address those instead of wasting money on flooding the country with condoms and promoting abortifacient contraceptives.

    People have to free their minds from the RH/population control ideology that has been drummed into their heads for the past decades by radical NGOs and blind supporters such as the RH Bill pushers here. It's a hoax. The sooner we disabuse ourselves of this useless ideology, the better.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-17-2009 at 03:43 AM.

  2. #1452
    ano ba ito si mannyamador.. npaka farfetched ng mga examples..
    palagi nagqoute ng mga articles na wala nmang kinalalaman sa pilipinas
    sa tingin ko ay walang experience ito si mannamador.. when it comes to babies..
    puro kc theories...

    much worse, he's blind sa katotohanan

  3. #1453
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Your analysis is completely off the mark. The reason we lack the structures to maximize production is because of massive corruption, bad governance, indiscriminate debt servicing, and mismanagement. Reducing population won't address those. In fact, population reduction will just become an EXCUSE for NOT addressing the real causes. As long as they remain reducing population will NOT help the situation.

    hmm.. ito ang ibig sabihin ko ng out of touch... no matter how much ka mag rally2x dyan, wala kang magagawa to change something, dapat you have to change yourself first.. lead by example kagaya ni gandhi at mother theresa

    mayron akong kilala na may napakaraming anak. clearly contributor cya sa overpopulation problem.. di kc alam paanu gumamit ng condom.. di nya kayang pa puntahin sa school yung mga kids nya so mannyamador, your a good catholic, how bout adopting half of her children?...

  4. #1454
    the Poll question is misleading.

    RH bill is against abortion yet the poll equates the bill as an abortion bill.

    Abortifacients like IUD and Pill should be discussed in another issue. Pero the TS is clearly trying to make it the central issue here.

    Its absurd to legalize abortion.... So don't make others believe nga the RH bill is in favor of it.

    Clearly naay attempt to spread misinformation to the uninformed.

    Read the RH Bill....

    I will state again an article from the bill...

    "While nothing in this Act changes the law on abortion, as abortion remains a crime and is punishable, the government shall ensure that women seeking care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner."

    If ever naay abortion through abortifacients like IUD and Pill... it is a loophole in the bill which needs revision. As far as the bill states, illegal ang abortion so technically only artificial birth control pills that are not abortifacients should be allowed.

    The way the church's reasoning is.... just because of one issue (abortifacients) they are rejecting the WHOLE bill...

    If the only reason they are against the bill is abortifacients, why don't they push for more specific guidelines on the bill as to what types of artificial birth control methods are allowed... instead.... reject the whole thing gyud sila.... It goes top show that they don't really care about the benefits of this bill or are not taking time to clearly discern the benefits it will bring to the community...

    I don't like the way this thread is misguiding the uninformed.... for shame.
    Last edited by vipvip68; 10-17-2009 at 04:44 AM.

  5. #1455
    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    the Poll question is misleading.

    RH bill is against abortion yet the poll equates the bill as an abortion bill.

    Abortifacients like IUD and Pill should be discussed in another issue. Pero the TS is clearly trying to make it the central issue here.

    Its absurd to legalize abortion.... So don't make others believe nga the RH bill is in favor of it.

    Clearly naay attempt to spread misinformation to the uninformed.

    Read the RH Bill....

    I will state again an article from the bill...

    "While nothing in this Act changes the law on abortion, as abortion remains a crime and is punishable, the government shall ensure that women seeking care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner."

    If ever naay abortion through abortifacients like IUD and Pill... it is a loophole in the bill which needs revision. As far as the bill states, illegal ang abortion so technically only artificial birth control pills that are not abortifacients should be allowed.

    The way the church's reasoning is.... just because of one issue (abortifacients) they are rejecting the WHOLE bill...

    If the only reason they are against the bill is abortifacients, why don't they push for more specific guidelines on the bill as to what types of artificial birth control methods are allowed... instead.... reject the whole thing gyud sila.... It goes top show that they don't really care about the benefits of this bill or are not taking time to clearly discern the benefits it will bring to the community...

    I don't like the way this thread is misguiding the uninformed.... for shame.
    its the church's way of doing things.. through deciet, manipulation and misinformation...

  6. #1456
    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    RH bill is against abortion yet the poll equates the bill as an abortion bill.

    Abortifacients like IUD and Pill should be discussed in another issue. Pero the TS is clearly trying to make it the central issue here.
    That's because abortion IS the central moral objection to the RH/Abortion Bill.

    • HB 5043 promotes a form of silent abortion.
      It does so by directly funding certain types of artificial contraceptives (such as hormonal contraceptives and IUDs) that are abortifacient contraceptives. There is growing body of evidence proving that these types on contraceptives are abortifacient.

      Even if one chooses to deny reality and refuse to believe the evidence, there is still no evidence to the contrary: no one has ever proven that such contraceptives can never cause an abortion. At best, those in favor of such contraceptives can only claim the issue is UNRESOLVED. Given the grave stakes involved (destruction of innocent human life), we are morally and logically obliged to take the SAFER APPROACH and reject the use of potential abortifacients.

    • The Bill also forces persons to distribute and dispense abortifacient contraceptives
      The Bill forces doctors, and health workers to dispense artificial and abortifacient contraceptives (under the guise of "reproductive health services"). If a person objects to this and refuses to do so, he/she is still required under the Bill to still refer the requestor to another person who will perform the objectionable act. Thus the Bill forces persons top become formal cooperators in what they believe to be an immoral act, violating their right to conscience,.

      The Bill also forces employers to distribute such contraceptives, even in violation of their conscience.

    Thus, it is only proper that we refer to HB 5043 as the RH/Abortion Bill.

    The distribution of abortifacient contraceptives is NOT merely a loophole in the Bill. It is the main act and purpose of the bill. Nothing else in the bill receives as much mandatory funding and institutional support.

    We should also keep in mind that multiple scientific studies have shown that increased contraceptive usage (one of the main objectives of HB 5043) also leads to more unplanned pregnancies and more demand for abortion. So this is another indirect way that the bill promotes abortion.

    I can understand hopw the pro-RH fanatics might want to hide these facts and keep people from discussing them. This is a part of their deceptive tactcs, which they have been using consistently throughout all the debates on the RH/Abortion Bill.


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  7. #1457
    You (and the Church) are missing the purpose of the bill by being so focused on the abortifacient contraceptives. You're making it the ONLY issue while in the bill, it is only one of the many issues tackled.

    Why is the church against the whole bill instead of just making objections on the use of abortifacient contraceptives? The true objective of the bill will do good to society... how come the church doesnt want it to be passed just because of one objection which isn't even clearly defined in the bill....

    Its as if, diretso lang dayon ug kontra ang church when the bill doesnt even clearly go into details on the types of contraceptives used.

    Can you state other objections sa church aside from abortifacients or reproductive education sa schools? All 3 of your arguments refer to the use of abortifacients... wala na gyuy lain reason?

    The abortifacient argument is silly since the bill doesn't even mention its use specifically. If the church is hell bent against the Pill and IUD, then make a motion to exclude those from allowed contraceptives because of their abortifacient nature.... inyo man hinuon i-among ang whole bill.

    That's like if naay sick kid... instead of figuring out what the sickness is then curing it, what you're doing is killing the kid just to get rid of the sickness...

    Thats NUTS.
    Last edited by vipvip68; 10-17-2009 at 06:38 AM.

  8. #1458
    what do you propose para dili mabuntis ang female kung mag loving2x?

    rythm method? yeah right, thats the least effective... wala man gani nagteach ang catholics ana...

    mau ng naa contraceptives kay you can do loving2x everytime without making a baby... whats bad about s*x?

    bad ra ang s*x, para sa wala katilaw og sa ignorante... s*x contributes to a healthy marriage..

    ah yes.. catholic church.. those guys just want to have all the fun for themselves.. they dont want you to have fun.. they dont want you to enjoy S*x... they tell you not to do it while they are doing it without your knowledge.. tsk tsk tsk

  9. #1459
    ^^sad but true. most of them dont practice what they preach...

  10. #1460
    dili effective ang church kai gamay ra mo patuo nila
    kasagaran mo simba kai for the sake lang maka simba kai sunday

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