View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1421

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    repost lang nako and ako gi shorten.
    As I said earlier, this article makes claims about overpopulation, but provides NO PROOF whatsoever that population factors actually cause poverty.

    For example, claiming that "overpopulation and poverty go hand in hand" does not show that the first factor causes the second. There could be other intervening factors that actually cause poverty, with "overpopulation" merely being incidental. The way to prove that overpopulation is the cause is to eliminate the other possible causes, and overpopulation logically become the "cause" by default . But the article has failed to do that.

    Please fry some logic. It will really help you.

    clearly wala nimu gi basa ang family with 7 children..
    You're NOT thinking. The question you should be asking is WHY the family is poor in the first place.

    It is quite likely it was poor even before any of its children were born. In fact, the parents were probably poor before they even got married. So the cause of their poverty is NOT their family size but rather the unjust structures that keep the poor in poverty while a few rich families continue to get richer.

    I think that's called greed, injustice and corruption, NOT overpopulation.

    Your analysis of the problem necessarily determines how ou will attempt to solve it. Depressing population growth does NOT address the causes of poverty such as greed, massive corruption, or bad governance. if you want solve poverty for ALL, then address the real causes.

    But I suspect you will simply refuse to do that as well.

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-15-2009 at 07:19 PM.

  2. #1422
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    You're NOT thinking. The question you should be asking is WHY the family is poor in the first place.

    It is quite likely it was poor even before any of its children were born. In fact, the parents were probably poor before they even got married. So the cause of their poverty is NOT their family size but rather the unjust structures that keep the poor in poverty while a few rich families continue to get richer.

    I think that's called greed, injustice and corruption, NOT overpopulation.

    Your analysis of the problem necessarily determines how ou will attempt to solve it. Depressing population growth does NOT address the causes of poverty such as greed, massive corruption, or bad governance. if you want solve poverty for ALL, then address the real causes.

    But I suspect you will simply refuse to do that as well.

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    No to Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043) Petition
    manny, you sound like a communist..

    aha lagi mas mahal suportaan.. 7 children or 2 children?
    try to support 7 children daw bi kung dili ba ka ma pobre..
    dont change the issue..

  3. #1423
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    manny, you sound like a communist..
    Speaking out against greed, injustice, and corruption sounds communist? Gee, Jesus Christ must have been a communist then! Please do try thinking rationally before posting.

    The overpopulation lie
    Mass abortion, 'gendercide,' junk science leading to under-population crisis
    By Anthony LoBaido
    © 2009

    It is perhaps the single greatest disinformation campaign in human history: The planet is grossly overpopulated, and unless something is done to limit human population growth, calamity will ensue.

    Hunger, famine and resource depletion are often mentioned as the major reasons to justify limiting human reproduction. Unfortunately, few can summon the facts to repudiate this erroneous, non-scientific assumption.

    . . .

    'Gendercide' in Asia

    The major cities in Asia -- Bangkok, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong -- are overpopulated, but prosperous nevertheless. Overpopulation does not lead to poverty.

    A young boy rides an ox in Laos. The hill tribes of the region are decreasing in population due to the genocidal policies of the Laotian government, as well as their being targeted by the United Nations with a population control campaign.

    For example, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan are very densely populated and are some of the richest nations in Asia, if not the world. Taiwan has a population density of 1,460 per square mile, while China has a population density of 360 per square mile. Yet, according to the CIA's "World Factbook 1999," Taiwan's per capita gross domestic product is $16,500, while China's is $3,600.

    The communist government of China has had a one-child policy for much of its history, but even now the Chinese government is beginning to question that policy. As most Chinese want sons, they abort the females on a massive scale. It is not uncommon for a Chinese family to murder its two- or three-year-old daughter if the mother becomes pregnant again with a boy. Within 100 years, China will have far more boys than girls. Will the men then decide to become homosexuals, or will they march out of China, as did the Mongol horde, in search of wives?


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-15-2009 at 07:29 PM.

  4. #1424
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    I think that's called greed, injustice and corruption, NOT overpopulation.
    its injustice kay ang ila parents wala access to education and counseling when it comes to reproduction

    its corruption because ang church cge sulti mga butang contrary to the economic interests of the country

    its greed because the parents didnt consider life their children will live..

    dont blame the government.. the corrupt government is only a reflection of the corrupt population..

  5. #1425
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    dont blame the government.. the corrupt government is only a reflection of the corrupt population..
    Well, maybe YOU are corrupt (which is the logical conclusion of your own statement), but I'm not. And neither are a whole lot of Filipinos. Please don't transfer your insecurities to others.

  6. #1426
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Well, maybe YOU are corrupt (which is the logical conclusion of your own statement), but I'm not. And neither are a whole lot of Filipinos. Please don't transfer your insecurities to others.

    naaah.. im good.. i think for myself.. im not some other guy's biaatsh.. im not the church's veaachh.. so i cant say im corrupt.. hehehe

    and i pay my taxes regularly and donate to charity..

    then again, your right.. by church standards im corrupt. because i challenge the church's authority.. im not a blind follower of the church like you... im nobody's bitch..

  7. #1427
    imu mga example bah lau kaau.. pangita pud article about philippines nga wala bias..

    and, ayaw compare sa other countries kay lahi man ta.. ka vain ba nimu para mo compare. hehehe

    dato sila kay disiplina man sila.. and do you call making 7 children knowing di nmu kaya suportaan as naa disiplina?

    to change anything, begin by changing yourself..

    instead of blaming, why dont we take action with what we have.. we gain nothing by bitching at the past and how we were taken advantage of.. it wont change a thing.. how bout instead we rebuild with that we have left.. its called moving on!

    hopeless na jud ang pilipinas kung dili ma pass ang RH-BILL


  8. #1428
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    naaah.. im good.. i think for myself.. im not some other guy's biaatsh.. im not the church's veaachh.. so i cant say im corrupt.. hehehe and i pay my taxes regularly and donate to charity..
    Well then you just contradicted your earlier post. Here's what you said:

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    dont blame the government.. the corrupt government is only a reflection of the corrupt population

    Therefore a corrupt government is NOT necessarily a reflection of a corrupt population. Quod erat demionstrandum!


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  9. #1429
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Therefore a corrupt government is NOT necessarily a reflection of a corrupt population. Quod erat demionstrandum!
    dont get me wrong.. im not the government's veeaaatch either.. its just that atleast there doing something economically good...

    the government comes the people, for the people, and by the people... if you dont agree with this, then your undemocratic...

    a corrupt government only comes from a corrupt populace.. there are corrupt officials because they represent the corrupt people who voted them in the firstplace.. (vote-buying? yea right.. if dili corrupt ang tao, dili dapat sila magpa buy)..

    ps. i mean no offense.. but latin is soooo homo.. like boy-lovers in holy cloth

  10. #1430
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    ps. i mean no offense.. but latin is soooo homo.
    Language determines homosexuality? You need help... Try calling Kahupayan Center.

  11.    Advertisement

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