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  1. #1421
    C.I.A. moy1moy1's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Blog Entries

    Quote Originally Posted by hydrozam View Post
    dEpEndE sAh kLasE nAh TURTLE EmU gUsTo dUdE...
    kUnG R.E.S... I think 8 will cOsT ArOunD 180.00...
    Ug SULCATA & other tortoise... mGa 6,000 to 10,000....
    PIGNOSE... mGa 2,500
    Ug SOFTSHELL... i ThiNk less dAn a hUndrEd gUro... nEvEr Ask sAh mAnalili mAn gd...
    other kinds of TURTS... i hAvE nO idEa sAh PRICE...
    pwd mu discourage ug buy sa pignose?... hehehe

    good afternoon CUTE!! nnkoi turtle hehe wa lang koi pang pikturx2

  2. #1422

    Talking Exhibit @ Persimmon Plus, Mabolo.....

    The ACE Exhibit at the Persimmon Plus by the last week of July 2010

    * ACE will have an exhibit by the last week of July to celebrate it's second year as an Organization.
    * This is an ACE event but other Organizations like IRO, C.U.T.E., CRV and etc. will be invited to join.
    * The exhibit will run for an entire week. Seminars and lectures are recommended during this event.
    * We don't have to pay for the venue, but will need to contribute an amount for the electricity.
    * Jamila will help us with the invitation of various Clubs and Schools to be there during the event.
    * Jamila is also planning to tie up with various entertainments like bands and etc.
    * Tables if needed, are to be rented and will not be shouldered by the venue.


    C.U.T.E. wE wiLL bE jOiniNg wd A.C.E. in dr Exhibit @ Persimmon Plus on the last wEEk of July 2010...

    We will havE a mEETiNg on July 17, 2010 @ 6:00p.m. sAh WAKAN's Residence in Urgello St., Cebu City...

    ThosE wHo ArE interested to SHOWCASE dr TURTLE please feel free to add in the list below....
    1. Bluebubble & Hydrozam
    Last edited by hydrozam; 07-08-2010 at 05:49 PM.

  3. #1423

    Talking Turtle in d' nEw'Z... hEhEhE....

    *sHarE LnG kO AnE nAh ISSUE sAh SUNSTAR.... wHaT a cOiNcidEncE kAy AnG iSsUe nE.FALL sAkO BEST COMBi DATE of d' YEAR... 7-7-2010....
    Last edited by hydrozam; 07-08-2010 at 05:48 PM.

  4. #1424

    Talking Update lng...

    The ACE Exhibit at the Persimmon Plus by the last week of July 2010

    * ACE will have an exhibit by the last week of July to celebrate it's second year as an Organization.
    * This is an ACE event but other Organizations like IRO, C.U.T.E., CRV and etc. will be invited to join.
    * The exhibit will run for an entire week. Seminars and lectures are recommended during this event.
    * We don't have to pay for the venue, but will need to contribute an amount for the electricity.
    * Jamila will help us with the invitation of various Clubs and Schools to be there during the event.
    * Jamila is also planning to tie up with various entertainments like bands and etc.
    * Tables if needed, are to be rented and will not be shouldered by the venue.


    C.U.T.E. wE wiLL bE jOiniNg wd A.C.E. in dr Exhibit @ Persimmon Plus on the last wEEk of July 2010...

    We will havE a mEETiNg on July 17, 2010 @ 6:00p.m. sAh WAKAN's Residence in Urgello St., Cebu City...

    ThosE wHo ArE interested to SHOWCASE dr TURTLE please feel free to add in the list below....
    1. Bluebubble & Hydrozam
    2. CiNdy_bOnEz & Siok'mon

  5. #1425
    ka-cute sa inyong mga turtles oi...

  6. #1426

    Exclamation C.U.T.E. Meeting....

    The ACE Exhibit at the Persimmon Plus is moved on the first week of August 2010


    We will havE a mEETiNg on July 18, 2010 @ 4:00p.m. sAh WAKAN's Residence in Urgello St., Cebu City...
    Please confirm:

    1. Bluebubble
    2. Hydrozam
    3. CiNdy_bOnEz
    4. Siok'mon
    5. Wakan 1
    6. Wakan 2
    7. Wakan 3
    8. Wakan 4
    Last edited by hydrozam; 07-15-2010 at 02:33 PM.

  7. #1427
    na a mu snaping turtle guys? hehehe

  8. #1428

    Exclamation Snapping...

    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    na a mu snaping turtle guys? hehehe
    @shAdE: U'vE gOT P.M.... mUrA'g dUgAy2x nATo bAh... hEhEhE...

    rEgArdiNg sAh EmU SNAPPING TURTS... mUrA'g w'La kO kA.bAnTay nAh na.a c'La d'ri bAh...

  9. #1429
    2 days na since i got a green turtle. di lage kai siya ganado mo kaon?

  10. #1430

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