View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1391

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    the question is the right of the woman vs the right of the unborn?
    and a fetus is not consider a citizen, although it have an inchoate right but not like that of the woman.
    Please read the Philippine Constitution, Article II, Section 12. It DISAGREES with your claim.

    Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. The natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the development of moral character shall receive the support of the Government.

    What part of "the life of the unborn from conception" do you not understand?

    The Constitution clearly states that UNBORN children must be protected. Therefore they have that right, just as mothers and other persons do. They cannot be lawfully murdered by selfish persons who trample more most basic rights of others just for their own convenience.

    HB 5043, since it directly funds and forces others to dispense ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES (like hormonal pills an the IUD), is sneaking in a form of silent abortion into the Philippines. it is therefore an abortion bill. This is truth that unsay_ngalan_nimo and other pro-RH fanatics are trying to hide.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX
    you can say im the free-thinker. an enlightened person. a man of science.
    This is hilarious! You're dreaming. Are you some kind of megalomaniac? You are none of those.

    Your ideas on morality are proper only to homicidal fanatics like Hitler and Stalin. They are not even scientific since they ignore scientific evidence. And trying to transfer your faults to others doesn't justify them either.

    Stalin thought his communism was scientific too. Hitler thought he was freeing his thinking by being able to do whatever he wished, killing all the way. They were both nuts. Perhaps you would like to join them? Bad idea, dude.


    Please sign the petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)

  2. #1392
    regarding about woman rights.. and democracy

    samot di jud ko motoo sa church pag sila na mo hisgot ani..

    the church is the largest gender-biased undemocratic institution in the planet..

    example.. ngano mga madre dili man pwede mag conduct holy mass?
    besides, during medieval times, they considered women as second class citizens..

    dili man ang congregation mo choose sa ila priest and church officials.. mga pari ra man magbuot2x sa ila organization..

    maluoy ko magthink ni mother theresa.. grabe niya paningkamot to serve the poor, gamay pa jud kaau iya budget, pero mga pari nato dire grabe ka ayahay.. makes me wonder aha padulong ang money nga ato i love offering kda sunday.. daun mag paka ingnon daun sila nga maaung tao kay anti-rh bill daw sila.. wat a crap.. mas daghan pa storya kay sa lihok..

    ang mga pari nato wala GENUINE interest sa RH-BILL or maski pa naa abortion bill.. ang ila gusto i prove is that they are still a powerful institution.. havent you noticed why karon pa sila nangisog aning RH-BILL nga hapit na election.. sadly naa jud mga tao nga ignorant sa ila ulterior motives..

  3. #1393
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    This is hilarious! You're dreaming. Are you some kind of megalomaniac? You are none of those.

    Your ideas on morality are proper only to homicidal fanatics like Hitler and Stalin. They are not even scientific since they ignore scientific evidence. And trying to transfer your faults to others doesn't justify them either.

    Stalin thought his communism was scientific too. Hitler thought he was freeing his thinking by being able to do whatever he wished, killing all the way. They were both nuts. Perhaps you would like to join them? Bad idea, dude.
    Atleast im someone who recognizes the truth that overpopulation exists by even just using the most basic law of economics supply and demand.. im no megalomaniac.. i dont desire to have a greater than life persona.. im not like those catholic priests..

    i use economics as a measure.. i only believe on numbers because numbers are impartial.. i dont believe on what people (like priests or supposed religious scholars) say if they cant give me actual figures..

    now what form of measurement or quantification do you use in your case? science and math goes hand in hand.. all youve shown us are abstract arguments

    free thinkers were da vinci, micheal angelo, aristotle, capernicus,darwin, einstein and all the great scientists who dared to defy the false teachings...

    and diay.. kinsa gani to nag sulti nga the earth is the center of the universe? and the killed people who proved them otherwise... ah yeah right... it was the superstitious catholic church..

    basic math sa ta ha.. bogo na jud di ka tubag ani..
    which is more expensive...
    20pesos condom or 200pesos na babies milk (dili lang nato consider other expenses padako bata)

  4. #1394

    kanang sa consti kay ang pasabot ana if ang life sa mother ug sa child kay not in danger... but if the state need to choose between whose life has much weight and life sa mother ang pili-on...

  5. #1395
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    Atleast im someone who recognizes the truth that overpopulation exists
    That is proof positive that you are NOT scientific at all. Overpopulation is a myth. if you disagree, then kindly show me that population actually CAUSES poverty. You can't because there is no proof of that. Even pro-RH people at the National Statistics Coordinating Board (NSCB) admit there is no causal relationship between population growth and poverty. And do you you think a nutcase like you is more credible than scientists, economists, and demographers like Julian Simon and the CATO Institute? You're really going off the deep end now!

    The "morality" you espouse is for homicidal megalomaniacs. Hitler and Stalin would have loved you.

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo
    kanang sa consti kay ang pasabot ana if ang life sa mother ug sa child kay not in danger... but if the state need to choose between whose life has much weight and life sa mother ang pili-on...
    There are very few cases where both cannot be saved.

    But in the very few cases like ectopic pregnancies, however, the child cannot be saved. Still, no attempt is made to kill the child. You attempt to save BOTH the mother and the child. But since the baby cannot be saved, it dies. That is not direct abortion.

    In such cases, as I said earlier, the baby usually cannot be saved anyway. So there is no choice to be made. You simply save the mother without doing direct harm to the child. But the child may die as a consequence.

    Take note, however, that this involves a situation where the mother's life is directly in danger. This is NOT what happens in 99% of abortions.

    In almost all cases, it is a a matter of the mother's convenience against child's life. In such cases, the LIFE of the child is ALWAYS more important than the mother's convenience. Direct abortion -- surgically, or through abortifacient contraceptives, or other means -- is NEVER justified.

    The fact remains that the Philippine Constitution EXPICITLY grants rights to the unborn.

    That is also why we must reject the RH/Abortion Bill. it sacrifices the lives of the innocent unborn child for the convenience of selfish persons through its funding of abortifacient contraceptives. The Bill is patently unconstitutional.

    “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-14-2009 at 11:55 PM.

  6. #1396
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    That is proof positive that you are NOT scientific at all. Overpopulation is a myth. if you disagree, then kindly show me that population actually CAUSES poverty. You can't because there is no proof of that. Even pro-RH people at the National Statistics Coordinating Board (NSCB) admit there is no causal relationship between population growth and poverty. And do you you think a nutcase like you is more credible than scientists, economists, and demographers like Julian Simon and the CATO Institute? You're really going off the deep end now!
    i really dont like to quote the bible and other unverifiable statistics.. who would believe hot air like that.. except someone like you maybe sir..

    to see is to believe...

    im pretty sure kita naka squatters.. kindly count children per family... and please compare them to average middle class families.. and while at it. please compute how much they would need to support the children..

    aha man mas mahal isupport.. 2 children or 1 child.. simple lang jud na ha.. and also aha man lisud ibuhi pamilya, imu income above 100k annually or less than 100k annually..

    overpopulation occurs at a local levels.. not in global levels.. well not yet...

    are you even considering those people who experience poverty?

    are you considering the job creation rate and compare it to the birth rate? are you considering the change in the average lifespan of filipinoes?

    kindly tell us what economic factors are you considering... and at what time they were made..

    please give us numbers.. unverifiable statistics, qoutes from the bible, and words of politicians are not convincing..

    please give impartial statistics...


  7. #1397
    and if assuming nga wala overpopulation like you said, how would you describe overcrowding of certain places? how would you solve such problems with only limited resources at hand? wed be really interested on such answers.. and please do consider all economic factors...

  8. #1398
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    i really dont like to quote the bible and other unverifiable statistics.
    You still have not shown me any proof that population growth CAUSES poverty. But you sure have spewed a lot of hot air.

    im pretty sure kita naka squatters.. kindly count children per family... and please compare them to average middle class families.. and while at it. please compute how much they would need to support the children.
    That is NOT proof that population factors actually cause poverty. All you are doing is showing that poverty exists. Hello, Mr. Obvious!

    You must show that population growth is the CAUSE of poverty. You must show that other possible well-known causes such as massive corruption, greed, economic mismanagement, indiscriminate debt servicing, and war do NOT cause poverty in the case of the Philippines. Until you do show that, all you have are empty conjectures and unfounded assumption -- in other words, plain BS.

    And spare us your self-exaltation as a man of science. From your fanatical hatred of the Church and your Stalin-like statements espousing heartless utilitarian "morality", it is apparent you are bordering on being a total fruitcake.

    By the way, you solve poverty by addressing its root causes: massive corruption, greed, economic mismanagement, indiscriminate debt servicing, and war. The stupid RH/Abortion Bill will NOT do that.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines


    Please sign the online petition AGAINST the Reproductive Health/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-15-2009 at 12:29 AM.

  9. #1399
    show me yours first and ill show you mine... hehehe.. all you posted so far has no intelectual significance coz they were all opinions..

    why is it always the government bah or the church or some other orgs? why cant you be man enough to take some of the responsibility and action,.. you talk the talk but you dont walk the walk

    "maau ra ka sa storya.. di man gani diay ka willing mo adopt sa mga unwanted children now mo ingon pa ka nga anti-RH and pro-life ka.. what a hypocrite.."
    (ako gi large and gi bold para mabasa sa tanan.. hehe.. its no way shouting, para example purposes lang on what is a hypocrite, repost ra ni)- mao ni mga kontra sa RH-bill.. wala baroganan..

    wala pa nimu gitubag ako gipang ask gaina.. nagwait pa ko sa numbers..

    naa ko feeling your waiting for mine coz hapit na hurot imu ammunition.. hehe
    to make it easier for you. please post raw datas..

    on poverty.. wouldnt they (squatters) be much better with less children?

  10. #1400
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    Well, the Church has the RIGHT to try to lobby our legislators.
    I find this problematic since the church leaders do not speak for the entire congregation. Moreover, even the CBCP is not united with respect to different issues.

    The church leaders can try to make noise all they want.. pero they do not speak for the whole community. In cases like the RHB for example, surveys have shown that most catholics are in favor of the bill.. yet the church claims to speak on their behalf as being against the bill.

    Whatever happened to separation of church and state. Here in the U.S., we don't have the church meddling in the affairs of the state. Likewise, the church is free from government ridicule to preach within its congregation.

    In the Philippines, hilabtanon lang gyud kaayo ang church. The church leaders are using this to lobby their personal agendas as government officials tend to kiss up to church leaders to gain votes. (because most of the people just blindly believe whatever the church shoves down their throats)

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