Island Rescue Organization (IRO) would like to invite your organization to attend a special event to help end animal cruelty.
This coming October 08, 2011 from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM IRO joins many other Organizations in many cities worldwide, in celebrating WEEAC -World Event to End Animal Cruelty. WEEAC is a global campaign created to gain media attention and people awareness about animal cruelty issues.
We will have a dog walk and candlelight vigil to express our appreciation to all animals that have suffered from cruelty, neglect, torture and abandonment. We are hoping that through this campaign, we can make more people become aware of these acts and somehow help end it.
Please bring your group banner, candles & protest board as a support to end animal cruelty. As always, there is strength in numbers. We will be looking forward in seeing you guys there.