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  1. #131

    Default Re: Foursquare Cebu Thread

    Help Philippines (Cebu, Manila, Davao) Earn a Foursquare Cities Badge. Retweet 3 posts in my blog post. THANK YOU, and please share to all Foursquare fans in the Philippines!

    Help Philippines Earn a Foursquare Cities Badge « geffchang

  2. #132

    Default Re: Foursquare Cebu Thread

    Hi Geff! I'm an SU1. How do we push for a Cebu Badge?

  3. #133

    Default Re: Foursquare Cebu Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesvincent View Post
    Hi Geff! I'm an SU1. How do we push for a Cebu Badge?
    Hi James, nice to "meet" a fellow SU.

    Please retweet the following posts:

    Hopefully, Foursquare will consider giving us a badge if we get a lot of retweets.
    Invite your friends to retweet as well!

  4. #134
    Yeah. Thanks. Will do.

  5. #135
    Newly-created on Facebook:

    Foursquare Cebu fan page:

    Foursquare Cebu group:

    Foursquare Day 2013 (April 16, 2013) is fast approaching.

  6. #136
    Foursquare Day 2013 is FAST APPROACHING! Would Cebu be interested in a meetup to unlock a Swarm badge for those who still don't have it? (For those who have it, join and support us!)

    RSVP in this Meetup page: Foursquare Meetup - Cebu, Philippines | Apr 17, 2013 - Meetup

    ** FYI, 4sqDay 2013 is April 16 (Four squared. Get it?), but we can move dates if there are conflicts with schedule.

  7. #137
    The official RSVP for Cebu Foursquare Day 2013 is here: Foursquare Meetup - Cebu, Philippines | Apr 17, 2013 - Meetup

    That link that was submitted to Foursquare for tracking, and for getting Foursquare swag, if we reach a GOOD number. Can we target at least 50? Or 100?

    BY THE WAY, ORGANIZERS NEEDED. FEEL FREE TO ORGANIZE THIS MEETUP. I give the floor to more talented and active people!

    I am busy, and may have limited involvement, but I WILL SUPPORT the ORGANIZERS. - @geffchang, 1st Cebu Foursquare Day Organizer, and Super User Level 2

  8. #138
    Apil mo sa conversation para sa Cebu Foursquare Meetup 2013, guys!!! spread the word~ Join the meetup~ Gather your friends~

  9. #139
    wooow... nindot iapil basin ma bz sa workk nya,

  10. #140
    For those who still haven't RSVP'd to the 4sqDay 2013 Meetup,
    please register here: Foursquare Meetup - Cebu, Philippines | Apr 17, 2013 - Meetup

    If we want to get freebies from Foursquare,
    we need to increase our headcount.
    So, please invite your friends to RSVP in the Meetup site.

    Right now, the organizers are still checking with two possible venues:
    - Bo's Coffee
    - Greenwich

  11.    Advertisement

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