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  1. #131
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by orangepink View Post

    myth : when has a cough, be sure to spit out the phlegm whenever you can. i know some people who swallow it back. you're only making it worse.
    clarification lng, sure ka MYTH nang dapat nmo iluwa ang phelgm kung giubo ka? eew!!!

  2. #132
    thanks for the info..

  3. #133
    very true.. unused carbohydrates will be stored as fat..
    its ok to drink c2 after exercise if you have a different goal if you are into gaining..
    but I recommend drinking c2 before exercise.. rather than after.. it will give a quick boost sa imo energy kay high glycemic index carbohydrates cya..

    and by the way.. ang tea.. naa sa c2 is not strong to cause dehydration..
    unless you are talking of real tea and coffee that has around 30-60 mg of caffeine.. that causes dehydration..

    So.. it would depend on what goal you are trying to achieve..

    But I recommend this.. nothing beats water.. and post workout meals(real food, if you don't have time to prepare.. then go for protein shakes)

    In some cases people try to argue with regarding to supplements.. It is harmful kung ma sobra-an..
    Its called "supplement" check what it means.. from its root word alone.. "supply" to supply what is deficient.. so.. don't go arguing with too much protein intake causes blah blah blah.. hehehe
    cause the answer is all there..

  4. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by BUroKHUli View Post
    4. Taking a bath after exercise

    This particular one seems to be a homegrown myth. I have yet to meet a Westerner concerned about how long they should wait before taking a bath after exercise because of 'pasma'. It could be an Asian belief but the Asian fitness professionals I have spoken to haven't encountered this 'problem' with their clients. How can this belief get in the way of fitness success? Easy. By becoming the reason why some people don't exercise. It goes something like this: "I can't exercise because I have to take a bath right after to make it to the office on time". If you cool down properly after exercise, meaning your heart rate and breathing rate return to normal and you spend about five minutes stretching (in other words, relaxing), there should be no reason why you cannot hop under a shower.
    Yeah! Athletes in western countries go to the shower right after a game. My brother is a basketball player and he does the same. He says he does not feel any pasma or something.

  5. #135
    nice choi pd

  6. #136
    mejo taas2 xa basahon pero worth nuon...

  7. #137
    yeah yeah yeah... good~!

  8. #138
    tnx for the info

  9. #139
    not eating breakfast is the most brain damaging habit.

    gisultian ra ko sa akong college teacher ana.

  10. #140
    Simple as this lng. Your body responds better to this.

    Breakfast - Heavy (like meat and other proteins)

    Lunch - Moderate (fish and some veggies)

    Dinner - Light (veggies and fruits, mostly fibers)

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