what a big mortal sin! no way!
omg...abortion...major sin...kaluoy pud sa baby...bahala mabuntis basta di lang nimu patyon imu own blood...maybe ok ra ang therapeutic abortion, kung mao na jud ang advice sa doctor, but other than that..di jud..
thats the problem.. im blind to YOUR REALITY... i dont see practicality in it.. its not economically viable... and its dangerous to the country..
the mother has the jurisdiction.. because she have the capability.. its like kung gi hold-up ka.. ang tulisan naa right to kill you right there and then simply because he has the ability to do so.. and maski unsaon pa nimu pag debate sa iyaha.. he can shoot you if he wants and if he finds it necessary..
he who holds the sword, makes the rule.. thats the basic law all men know even if they wont admit it..
like how man daw nimu stop isa ka mother be if gusto jud niya pa-abort..
i cant say the spartans of ancient times are crazy.. they do kill babies found unworthy.. kung di ka agree.. a isuggest one on one mo ni king leonidas...
there are many types of influence.. kanang sa church, just pure selfish ra jud na.. thats applying indirect pressure.. aka playing dirty.. just because ang politician mo support sa RH-bill, mo wali daun mga pari nga evil ang politician... thats intimidation.. murag si hitler bah..
politics is selfish to the eyes of the church just because they have conflicting ideas.. if the church imposes its own interests, then it is selfish..
mas hadlok ang church.. kay they use the name of GOD and the guise of democracy for their totalitarian agenda.. they simply just want to be the most powerful political party.. they really dont care if babies are being killed.. they really need fanatical people like you to do their bidding.. aka blind faith...
i can say the most dangerous political party in the phil is the church.. just like the taliban in the middle east.. blind to the belief of others except their own self-righteous point of view..
the church still covets the power it had during the spanish era.. it tasted power and it wanted more of it.. in the end.. it became corrupt... what an irony... priests use the name of GOD for their own political and personal agenda..
support the RH-bill.. to h*ll with ignorance and superstitions..
say no to poverty, say yes to responsible sexuality..
over-population is the source of poverty..
basic math time... bogo na jud di mka tunag ani..
aha mas dako..
20 pesos or 200 pesos..?
20 pesos ra ang condom.. 200 pesos gatas sa bata.. (di nlang iapil gasto sa school, medicine, clothes and etc.. and dili consider and hassle)
single purchase pa jud ng 20 pesos, kanang 200 pesos kay every week..
yup2 sakto dawg..mao na di jud ta mag-abortion ha..hehehe..^_^
FYI: The Philippines is not overpopulated...we have fair share of big lands to be occupied. It's just that people are congested in one area like the metropolis. The problem is not overpopulation guys so the bill would not be a justification of such so-called "problem" that the author of this bill tries to stress-out. Id like to point out that pregnancy results from irresponsible sexual indulgences as we may call it. People, we do not need a bill to be responsible. Studies show that the more aware youngsters are about ***, the more they indulge into doing it, so the more we promote this bill, the more chances of unwanted pregnancy would increase. This bill allots 50% of the budget of the LGU to buying condoms. the question is, can Filipinos eat condoms? The government rather promote Reproductive Health not in a coercive way and continue abortion to be an illegal matter up to this moment. The responsibility again is in the hands of those who made *** and resulted to pregnancy. They should not get away from something grave that easily. They should be adult enough to face the circumstances of their undecided actions. That would make them responsible adults and this bill would not help really... ^_^ i expect everyone to respect others opinion though...^_^
It's a good thing you gave the example of the killer/holdupper. Because that's what this kind of mad thinking good for: for the CRIMINALLY INSANE!
Hitler and Stalin though just like that. Look at the deadly disasters they brought on their own people and to the rest of the world.
The problem with you is that you seen anyone who disagrees with you as being unworthy of exercising their constitutional rights. You only want to silence them.politics is selfish to the eyes of the church just because they have conflicting ideas.. if the church imposes its own interests, then it is selfish.
Well, the Church has the RIGHT to try to lobby our legislators. It's in our Constitution! But since you don't care about democracy, you would deny that right to anyone who disagrees with you. That is why your thinking is itself dangerous to democracy.
This is the kind of selfish, dangerous, and deadly motivation behind the RH/Abortion Bill. It's pushers will stop at nothing, will perform any dastardly deed, and deprive anyone of their rights just to get their way. HB 5043 is just the beginning. From murdering the unborn through ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES, they will then move on to other measures that will deny the weak and marginalized their rights. We must stop them now by rejecting the RH/Abortion Bill.
Please sign the online petition AGAINST the RH/Abortion Bill (HB5043)
Last edited by mannyamador; 10-17-2009 at 05:33 AM.
[quote=mannyamador;5724144][quote=AmorsoloX;5721465]the mother has the jurisdiction.. because she have the capability.. its like kung gi hold-up ka.. ang tulisan naa right to kill you right there and then simply because he has the ability to do so.. and maski unsaon pa nimu pag debate sa iyaha.. he can shoot you if he wants and if he finds it necessary..
he who holds the sword, makes the rule.. thats the basic law all men know even if they wont admit it.i have no political party whatsoever.. i dont support any party.. as long as they create good laws. thats good enough for me.. as i see it, RH-BILL is good.. maybe a few would be negatively affected as you strongly preach and put much attention.. but thats acceptable.. a cost of a few outweights the benifit of the many..
It's a good thing you gave the example of the killer/holdupper. Because that's what this kind of mad thinking good for: for the CRIMINALLY INSANE!
Hitler and Stalin though just like that. Look at the deadly disasters they brought on their own people and to the rest of the world.
The problem with you is that you seen anyone who disagrees with you as being unworthy of exercising their constitutional rights. You only want to silence them.
Well, the Church has the RIGHT to try to lobby our legislators. It's in our Constitution! But since you don't care about democracy, you would deny that right to anyone who disagrees with you. That is why your thinking is itself dangerous to democracy.
This is the kind of selfish, dangerous, and deadly motivation behind the RH/Abortion Bill. It's pushers will stop at nothing, will perform any dastardly deed, and deprive anyone of their rights just to get their way. HB 5043 is just the beginning. From murdering the unborn through ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES, they will then move on to other measures that will deny the weak and marginalized their rights. We must stop them now by rejecting the RH/Abortion Bill.
im not dangerous to democracy, but im definintely dangerous to theocracy..
It's pushers will stop at nothing, will perform any dastardly deed..- murag simbahan nuh? maau nlang wala inquisition kay im sure im a dead guy already.. but hey.. the church has its own ways of enforcing its misleading agenda..
But since you don't care about democracy, you would deny that right to anyone who disagrees with you. That is why your thinking is itself dangerous to democracy.-- murag ikaw sir manny. hehehe.. motoo jud na sakto angimu belief without considering the belief of other people.. the catholic church is not the universal truth..
democracy man kaha ta.. so they have the right to benifit from the RH-BILL if they want to..
Hitler and Stalin though just like that. Look at the deadly disasters they brought on their own people and to the rest of the world. you forgot to add pope leo.. he brought europe to its knees during medieval times..
Well, the Church has the RIGHT to try to lobby our legislators. yeah like boycotting them.. be defaming them thru the holy mass... by calling them evil.. NO MAN, NOT even the CHURCH can pass judgement on men.. ONLY GOD.. the CHURCH is not GOD..
The problem with you is that you seen anyone who disagrees with you as being unworthy of exercising their constitutional rights. You only want to silence them.- are talking bout yourself sir manny?
the real world is a harsh place.. i agree that your point of view is noble.. but its only applicable in acedemic theoretical discussions.. it cannot apply in the real world today..but i do hope in your next life, you will be born to a perfect universe..
an action is a crime just because theres a man made law that say it is.. example; jaywalking is a crime just because somebody said so..
im not the person who imposes my will.. im just the kind of person who allows people to do what they want to achieve their potential.. i preach free thought.. without the influence and biases of the media and the church.. if they want to use contraceptives. let them.. its their choice.. not yours, not the church..
you can say im the free-thinker. an enlightened person. a man of science.. in the past, the church consider me as heritics because i challenge their authority.. but im the kind of person in which democracy thrives..
mau ra ang simbahan mo corrupt sa mind sa mga tao by feeding them false information imbued by fear of God.. this is what i call a form of mental slavery.. it robs the person of his free thinking.. the church utter words of men then makes them appear as words of GOD..
i believe naa people, "criminals" as you call them, because sa ka lisud sa panahon.. either tungod kay wala trabaho available for them, tungod sa pressure of life, or just plain ignorance.. simply because they have no access to resources and education kay nabiyaan sila kay daghan nag-ilog for such things.. in short- tungod sa overcrowding and overpopulation..
ironic kaau.. temple of GOD na corrupted by selfish men who dress themselves in holy cloth and proclaim false wisdom... wala mo nagwonder why as the only catholic country sa south east asia, isa ta sa pinakapobre.. its just like afghanistan where decision making is largely biased by religious institutions..
support the RH-BILL
first from the standpoint of a state-- laws are created to protect and preserve the welfare of the citizenry...
the question is the right of the woman vs the right of the unborn?
and a fetus is not consider a citizen, although it have an inchoate right but not like that of the woman...
but manny is twisting the legalizing abortion issue with the rh bill when in truth and in fact the two are different...
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