It's unfortunate that this thread has remained after three years. Much has happened...
After the postponement of the J-music Festival, the group also become inactive. Much of that is because most of the heads of the group are busy with work including the founders. Ren13-san is not based in Cebu all the time, X is busy with his own endeavors and I myself am also busy these past three years with work and some projects of my own. But it doesn't mean this org has been buried from my mind.
It's just the fact that.. well, we're all busy. Plus, the landscape has also changed. I believe personally that admitting too many people from the cosplay community has resulted to conflicts of interest within the group but not in a bad way. The cosplay community is a very robust niche that has its own visions that I think is different from what CIO-AMAGE has been set up for. There are now many different cosplay groups established from the three or four that existed when this group was first founded. There's also a group established to bring these cosplayers together, named GECCOS or Gathering of Enthusiastic Cebuano Cosplayers.
I had been busy trying out some other things including amateur filmmaking. I basically played with my time the past two years. Nowadays, I'm back to the mood that eventually led to me helping to establish this group. I'm courting the idea of re-establishing this group, but in a framework that even when the heads are busy, somebody would want to take over the leadership. That brings me back to the thought that we might have been too formal with things. Maybe we should take it easy this time... but the heads are still too busy these days with work and commitments.
Ice Knight 7, thank you for sticking with this thread after all those years, and X too.
As the Kawasaki motto goes: "Let the good times roll."