Originally Posted by
They ALREADY have access to it. Condoms can be bought everywhere. The info is all over the internet and in the propaganda leaflets of the pro-RH fanatics. What Filipinos need is good governance and moral leadership. They don't need contraceptives that will only make their problems worse. You are out of touch with reality.
again and again, i already said that the poor are the ones that has lack or no access to family planning methods, services, and information thereof. they don't have internet. family planning is not all about condoms or contraceptives. it is also about responsible parenthood and birth spacing.
again and again, 6 out of 10 Pinoys favor the RH Bill (per Pulse Asia). it was also cited that 90% of Pinoy Catholics favor the use of artificial contraceptives. 130 out of 200+ legislators are in support of the RH Bill.
meaning, it is the church and pro-life groups that are out of touch w/ reality. kumbaga tungod na sa tunnel vision, mao na.

Originally Posted by
Telling the truth is not a scare tactic. And it's a lot better than the SMEAR CAMPAIGN against the Church being conducted by pro-RH fanatics.
I don't even see it as the truth. smear campaign? is it the pot calling the kettle black? haven't u read the demise of Noynoy, Gibo, Pia, Chiz? dili na smear campaign against nila? all because they support the RH Bill.

Originally Posted by
Now THAT is a scare tactic! And you complain about such things? What a hypocrite!
Another scare tactic the pro-RH fanatics use is citing figures about maternal mortality and then pretending that contraceptives will lessen it. What they don't tell you is that the real cause of high maternal mortality is lack of obstetric facilities and trained attendants. The RH/Abortion Bill -- which will flood the health centers with useless artificial/abortifacient contraceptives -- will NOT address this need.
well, don't try to twist it. i am not complaining. i am just saying that old technique doesn't work anymore. and citing figures about maternal and infant mortality is a scare tactic alright but it is truthful. it is glaring statistics for cryin out loud and needs to be acted sooner not later. it also does not mean the RH Bill can lessen it thru contraceptives. didn't u read what i said? it is thru family planning methods, SERVICES (and that includes your ob/gyn facilities and trained attendants), and information thereof.
how about yours? isn't yours a scare tactic by equating unjustifiably and misleadingly the RH Bill as an abortion bill? isn't yours making a misleading poll question, a damned if you do damned if you don't question?

Originally Posted by
The RH/Abortion Bill ignores the real causes of maternal death while wasting resources on a non-problem. It is as if the pro-RH movement and the authors of the bill are intent on treating pregnancy as a disease (which it is not).
There are many other preventable and treatable diseases for which the poor cannot afford medicines. These include heart and vascular diseases, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, and diabetes. But the RH/Abortion Bill wastes the people's money on contraceptives which do not treat any real disease (since pregnancy is not a disease),
i do not see why that reasoning is better than FVR, Lea Salonga, Chiz, Gibo, Noynoy, etc who support the RH Bill...
btw, we are talking about Reproductive health, not diseases. Medicine for diseases have their own strategies. Cheaper medicine Act for example.
anyways, better i try to avoid you on this forum. to each his own kumbaga. u post yours, i post mine w/o bumping to each other, pwede? it seems u r oblivious that many r not agreeing here w/ ur style. style raba nimo padung personal attack.
NO to Abortion!
YES to the Reproductive Health Bill!
We are the last and only predominantly Catholic country on earth that has no RH Bill yet to speak of...TIME IS RUNNING OUT!