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  1. #1321

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan
    Jesus was a prophet to jews. to them his was no son of god.
    You cannot collectively generalize that this is the contention of the Jews. Some believed in His claim to be the Son of God. Read first the Scriptures before you make a claim like this. Otherwise this is just your opinion. Verify manuscripts bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakboy al-quaran to muslim issa(jesus christ) was one of the messiah..
    If you want a comparison grid between Christianity and Islam, and The Bible and Quran, I would advise you to click on this link:

  2. #1322

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by rcruman
    Kinsa man diay? its written! naa kay problem ana sa bible?


    Joseph was not Jesus' biological father, but a foster parent along with Mary. Read Luke 1 bro. Can you provide a single verse that made you arrived into conclusion "Kinsa man diay? its written!"?

  3. #1323

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by mordecai_327

    Joseph was not Jesus' biological father, but a foster parent along with Mary. Read Luke 1 bro. Can you provide a single verse that made you arrived into conclusion "Kinsa man diay? its written!"?
    bro i think you're mixing it up and fall into different category.
    Ang question sa poster kay amahan og wala siya niingon nga bioligical father.
    Bro bisan bata sa amoa bro kahibalo nga dili si Joseph ang bioligical father ni Jesus.
    I'm just answering his question.

    Now unsa imo laing question.


  4. #1324

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by mordecai_327
    You cannot collectively generalize that this is the contention of the Jews. Some believed in His claim to be the Son of God. Read first the Scriptures before you make a claim like this. Otherwise this is just your opinion. Verify manuscripts bro.
    Well, if you find a census that tells otherwise... then I don't generalize. But their culture isn't that hard to miss. How many christian church in Israel as of todate? How many jews practicing christianity? What is their religion until now they are following? Percentage wise. Manuscript don't tell you that census.

  5. #1325

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan
    Well, if you find a census that tells otherwise... then I don't generalize. But their culture isn't that hard to miss. How many christian church in Israel as of todate? How many jews practicing christianity? What is their religion until now they are following? Percentage wise. Manuscript don't tell you that census.
    ah a proof, an evidence you are looking for? hmmmm.... sounds fair. But that's the beauty of the Judeo-Christian GOD. they are one GOD! and easily missed by non-jew and non-christian.

    I agree with mordecai_327. There are jew believers of Christ. but it's not a problem if the Jewish people, majority don't accept Christ......... for it is written in scriptures just that! again the Bible is proven right!

  6. #1326

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by rcruman
    bro i think you're mixing it up and fall into different category.
    Ang question sa poster kay amahan og wala siya niingon nga bioligical father.
    Bro bisan bata sa amoa bro kahibalo nga dili si Joseph ang bioligical father ni Jesus.
    I'm just answering his question.


    ...then make your answer clearer bro! :mrgreen: In your haste to answer you amiss establishing a clearer position (which i find your very inclination btw to do so).

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan
    Well, if you find a census that tells otherwise... then I don't generalize. But their culture isn't that hard to miss. How many christian church in Israel as of todate? How many jews practicing christianity? What is their religion until now they are following? Percentage wise. Manuscript don't tell you that census.

    ...then before you make an assertion like that read History bro. The Scriptures or the Bible is also a Historical Manuscript. It only tells me you are not reading it. Looking for a "Census"? I would recommend you read Acts. The historian Luke details the movement of Christianity as it progressed from Jerusalem up to the other boundaries of the Roman Empire. Trace back the early followers of Jesus Christ during the infancy stages of Christianity. Manuscript do tells you who were the ones who believed first.

    Is it because you cannot find a "Percentage wise" number of Jews who are Jesus-believing right to date justifies or gives weight to your answer? Ridiculous.

  7. #1327

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    "I urge you brothers to watch out those who create divisions and obstacles in opposition to the teaching that you learned; avoid them. For such people do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own appetites, and by fair and flattering speech they decieve the heart of the innocent." (Rom.16:17-1

  8. #1328

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by mordecai_327
    ...then before you make an assertion like that read History bro. The Scriptures or the Bible is also a Historical Manuscript. It only tells me you are not reading it. Looking for a "Census"? I would recommend you read Acts. The historian Luke details the movement of Christianity as it progressed from Jerusalem up to the other boundaries of the Roman Empire. Trace back the early followers of Jesus Christ during the infancy stages of Christianity. Manuscript do tells you who were the ones who believed first.
    O, you want some answers, why suddenly defensive? bible is a piece of history but that doesn't mean you have stay on the same census that has been "historically written" and they have been gone for a long long time. Reading Acts? What will I get there? Census from an old civilization? that's been changed pre, so many times...

    I'm going to follow your way of thinking here, are you saying that since the time of jesus christ christianity multiplied? If they did... where are the jews that are christians? Didn't you know that christianity sin't the biggest chunk of religion in Israel now? Or you still go back to the OT/NT to cite your point. Don't know that there are several religions in Israel? Islam isn't excluded pre. We'll make sure that "historical book" called the bible should be the basis of census because it started from the time of christ... hehehehe... I make myself laugh (no pun intended here).

    Is it because you cannot find a "Percentage wise" number of Jews who are Jesus-believing right to date justifies or gives weight to your answer? Ridiculous.
    Honestly pre, yes we can!
    Religions: Jewish 76.4%, Muslim 16%, Arab Christians 1.7%, other Christian 0.4%, Druze 1.6%, unspecified 3.9% (2004)

    How about this...

    Israel is the only country in which Judaism is the religion of the majority of citizens. According to the country's Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2005 the population was 76.1% Jewish, 16.2% Muslim, 2.1% Christian, and 1.6% Druze, with the remaining 3.9% not classified by religion[1] (mainly immigrants from the former Soviet Union who are eligible to Aliyah according to Israel's Law of Return but are not considered Jewish according to the halacha.)[citation needed]

    As of 2006, 10% of Israeli Jews defined themselves as Haredim; an additional 10% as "religious"; 14% as "religious-traditionalists" ; 22% as "non-religious-traditionalists" (not strictly adhering to Jewish law or halakha); and 44% as "secular" [2]." Among all Israeli Jews, 65% believe in God and 85% participate in a Passover seder [3]. However, other sources indicate that between 15% and 37% of Israelis identify themselves as either agnostics or atheists.[4]

    Rididculous you say?

  9. #1329

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan
    O, you want some answers, why suddenly defensive? bible is a piece of history but that doesn't mean you have stay on the same census that has been "historically written" and they have been gone for a long long time. Reading Acts? What will I get there? Census from an old civilization?
    ...defensive? Huh? You said: "bible is a piece of history but that doesn't mean you have stay on the same census that has been "historically written" and they have been gone for a long long time."

    Then that should prove my response to what you said "Well, if you find a census that tells otherwise... then I don't generalize. ... Percentage wise. Manuscript don't tell you that census."

    I am stating a fact from history to answer what you raised (i.e., Well, if you find a census that tells otherwise), should you ignore it? Should I only be restricted to cite information that is "to date"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan
    Reading Acts? What will I get there? Census from an old civilization? that's been changed pre, so many times...
    ...Yes, census from an old civilization. Will that make my response void?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan

    I'm going to follow your way of thinking here, are you saying that since the time of jesus christ christianity multiplied? If they did... where are the jews that are christians? Didn't you know that christianity sin't the biggest chunk of religion in Israel now? Or you still go back to the OT/NT to cite your point. Don't know that there are several religions in Israel? Islam isn't excluded pre.

    Yes Christianity multiplied: the fact that it reached the Philippines! (LOL) Let me just make it clear dude that what I stated (i.e., "christianity multiplied") did not refer to Jews only, what I want to convey is that Christianity itself multiplied, irregardless of whether there are Jews in it or none, am I clear? Otherwise, again, Christianity could not have reached our place. What is it to me if Christianity does not share a "big chunk" of religion in Israel now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan
    We'll make sure that "historical book" called the bible should be the basis of census because it started from the time of christ... hehehehe... I make myself laugh (no pun intended here).

    I never thought you are that funny as well. Bro i am not laughing at you, "I am laughing NEAR you"...if you know what I mean hehehe!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinyalan

    Honestly pre, yes we can!
    Religions: Jewish 76.4%, Muslim 16%, Arab Christians 1.7%, other Christian 0.4%, Druze 1.6%, unspecified 3.9% (2004)

    How about this...

    Israel is the only country in which Judaism is the religion of the majority of citizens. According to the country's Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2005 the population was 76.1% Jewish, 16.2% Muslim, 2.1% Christian, and 1.6% Druze, with the remaining 3.9% not classified by religion[1] (mainly immigrants from the former Soviet Union who are eligible to Aliyah according to Israel's Law of Return but are not considered Jewish according to the halacha.)[citation needed]

    As of 2006, 10% of Israeli Jews defined themselves as Haredim; an additional 10% as "religious"; 14% as "religious-traditionalists" ; 22% as "non-religious-traditionalists" (not strictly adhering to Jewish law or halakha); and 44% as "secular" [2]." Among all Israeli Jews, 65% believe in God and 85% participate in a Passover seder [3]. However, other sources indicate that between 15% and 37% of Israelis identify themselves as either agnostics or atheists.[4]

    Rididculous you say?

    ...Is there anything to argue here?

  10. #1330

    Default Re: Discussion on the Christ Jesus.

    Yes Christianity multiplied: the fact that it reached the Philippines! (LOL) Let me just make it clear dude that what I stated (i.e., "christianity multiplied") did not refer to Jews only, what I want to convey is that Christianity itself multiplied, irregardless of whether there are Jews in it or none, am I clear? Otherwise, again, Christianity could not have reached our place. What is it to me if Christianity does not share a "big chunk" of religion in Israel now?

    you misunderstood my point. Are we not discussing within realms of jewish people? then again, it did multiply through the help catholicism and during that period of time, what was the motive, convert or die. My guess (because I dont know more about israel), they gave it to romans to pursue riches. Again, my stand is that if you can find a large census that Israeli people believe in christianity then, I will agree on your views. If not, my point remains... generalizing.

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