*the interpretation about Jesus rising from a nuclear explosion is NOT EVEN an OFFICIAL interpretation Lol
others say it's the resurrection, for me its the part on the apostle's creed nga Hedescended to the dead
a line after the "crucified and was buried" and before "on the third day He rose again"
come on! 10 being the highest? as a Catholic, i think the artwork depicts what i said...so not sure kay wala man mi nagistorya sa ARTIST..it seemed like and looked like..
However 10 that nothing is SATANIC about it...Lol
OMG break, mao gani depiction of the Artist based sa Scripture ug sa mga ideas...
it's not about preference break, it's about certain SCENARIOS we are to picture out..
if we are to draw a picture of Jesus being scourged then crucified are we going to draw a picture of Him smiling as if He did not feel the pain?
i wouldn't say the artwork is the resurrection part, kay di kaayo ko kakita ug glory so mao ni ingun ko basin kadto ning part nga He descended to the dead...BUT it DOESNT mean Jesus is NOTglorious ug labaw sa tanan SATANIC.. Lol