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  1. #121

    Quote Originally Posted by Wynna View Post
    mahimo kong ikugan
    tugkan kog muscles kog bangas

    HAHAHAHA ! Mag testosterone na ko
    hasolag wish.. hahaha

    1. mosulod sa akong pitaka ang winning number so lotto every month.

    2. mahimu ug 48 hours akong usa ka adlaw para daghan ko mabuhat.

    3. Time machine!

  2. #122
    more travel
    more money
    more honey (mga chx)


  3. #123
    - - trip around the world in one day
    - - magkauyab mi sa young lady sa HUNGER GAMES / FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS
    - - ABOT 1million akong edad d mo tiguwang.

  4. #124
    * for time to go faster, so i could be with her na...
    * for time to stand still when i am with her
    * to have another 3 wishes again, and i'd wish for the same thing over and over again...
    Last edited by tessai; 05-29-2014 at 02:22 PM.

  5. #125
    1. a pile of cash the size of mount everest
    2. one kickass super power
    3. a smoking hot chick....wait already have that so...refer to wish no. 1 hehehe

  6. #126
    1. have a million genie
    2. can provide a million wish
    3. another million batch of genie again

  7. #127
    1 mutubo ko.. hahaha
    2 ma successful akong business
    3 mamatay ang mga corrupt!!!

  8. #128
    if hatagan kog 3 wishes sa genie,

    immortal life for me and my family
    money and luxury
    beautiful girls

  9. #129
    - to pass ielts
    - to meet my one and only at the right time and place
    - to go to canada and greece

  10. #130
    1. I wish i am the most intelligent person of all galaxies
    2. I wish i have unlimited supply of everything
    3. I Wish i have unlimited super mega Giga Tera power (note: no weakness)

  11.    Advertisement

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