melsgadget 0922-8582-089
melsgadget 0922-8582-089
up for new orders
pm or text me.. cut off orders will be friday or monday
txt me for faster transaction 0922-8582-089 MEL
deliveries for this week order is tomorrow due to cebu charter day.
accepting new orders and next week delivery 3-4 working days..
0922-8582-089 MEL
cut off orders friday 2-25-11
txt me for inquiries
delivered: tnx to all MELSGADGET BUYER
delivered 2-26-11 - tnx for trusting melsgadget
up up up up
up up up up
accepting new orders until friday
txt me @ 0922-8582-089 MEL
delivered 3-2-11. tnx to all melsgadget buyer
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