Ako I prefer Globe, at least they don't steal your money/load. Mga kawatan ug load ang taga Smart.
Right now I'm using my brother's celfon and he is using Smart buddy. Pag thusday afternoon, nag load ko ug 300 pesos - so ako total balance was 388pesos kay may 88pa man ko remaining sa ako load and 29 free text messages. The next day, nag text ko sa ako Mom (she's a globe user) 5 times and since wala jud ni reply I decided to call her. The call only took 1minute and 4 seconds. Pag inquire na naku sa ako balance na shock jud ko pag-ayo kay from 388pesos nahimo na lang 285 pesos and 19 free text. Puerte jud naku liboga ngano 103 pesos ang nakuha sa call and 10 sa free text nga 5 times ra man ko ni text.
Do the Smart people think that their users don't check their balance or keep track of their calls or texts? I really felt I was robbed. I was planning to complain sa Smart sa SM pero I'm sure pildi jud ko since wala ko lain proof. Pero I'm still planning to go to SM and complain bahala na ug walay action, just to give them a piece of my mind.