Originally Posted by
there's nothing wrong with copy and pasting somebody else's thoughts as long as you would "at least have the decency" to mention the author.
nobody cares if you copy pasted something in your blog, that's irrelevant. what we're talking about is your post on this thread.
and now you're wondering why NOBODY HERE takes you seriously... you can't even express a valid argument not unless you copy paste other people's thoughts... where's the maturity in that?
and there's nothing wrong if people here in istorya recognizes you as snmp / mosimos 'coz it's pretty obvious that you're one and the same. why hide? what's there to be ashamed of?
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1. the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
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I pity you with your baseless assumptions. I guess, its better for me not to dignify this accusations because I gain nothing.
As for the Nobody-takes-me seriously accusation, I guess you are not the one who coud judge that because you cannot speak for everybody. Lets leave that to other posters to do their own assessment. Besides its very impolite for a poster to say negative things to a fellow poster. Walang personalan lang.
As for the plagiarism accusation, I have said I already gave due recognition of the author in my blog. So where's plagiarism there?