View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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  1. #1191

    Quote Originally Posted by schmuck View Post
    That's it? Its not even witty or anthying.
    Ger, I am dissapoint.

    there is no such word as "evolutionist".
    thats like calling someone who believes in the gravitational theory a gravitationist.

    Only creationist would use such a term
    so do you call scientist as scientist? coz we call them scientist... i think its a refusal at all cost... is it WILL against LOGIC?

  2. #1192
    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    Like you have proof of....?

    would you please put some logic in to this statement? I can't "pick" your brain if you have circular reasoning.
    We have been talking all the time trip, I wonder why we cannot understood each other? sorry trip if think my brain is have this circular reasoning that's how I call it: "recycling what you can use..." try it it its healthy.

  3. #1193
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    The genome reveals, indisputably and beyond any serious doubt, that Darwin was right — mankind evolved over a long period of time from primitive ancestors. Our genes show that scientific creationism cannot be true.
    --- well the evidence show start from what you have seen... cell phone, computers, your food, everything brad... everything is created cell phone have purpose, your pc have purpose. Why do you have to be so technical when you can easily spot what is created and what is not.So you have to be so technical to prove your point? hmmm, that is why science becomes a religion because of the people who believe the lies. Kasayon raman ani na punto oi...--- bantug diay brad naka observe ta ice cap sa mars does it mean naay water dd2? too bad, your observation is wrong.Yes, evolution by descent from a common ancestor is clearly true. If there was any lingering doubt about the evidence from the fossil record, the study of DNA provides the strongest possible proof of our relatedness to all other living things
    --- do you know what is dna? DNA is some kind of a complex program. so whos the programmer? hehehe simple napod? dba? what you are doing is making up your own stories... hahay. logic tells me if there is a program / system somebody created it designed for a purpose.
    Take note of the lines that are highlighted:

    Kebz, per your understanding... do you think science is all about lies?

    kebz, do you really know what is ICE CAPS? What are the chemical components?

    DNA is some kind of complex program? Are you sure?

  4. #1194
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    so do you call scientist as scientist? coz we call them scientist... i think its a refusal at all cost... is it WILL against LOGIC?
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    We have been talking all the time trip, I wonder why we cannot understood each other? sorry trip if think my brain is have this circular reasoning that's how I call it: "recycling what you can use..." try it it its healthy.
    Say that again?
    Last edited by tripwire; 10-07-2009 at 01:25 AM.

  5. #1195
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    thanks for the article. i've read it from top to bottom---and one of the readers review states:

    "I agree with the scientist in the report, however, why is it only Judeo/Christian creation myth that can be 'real.' There are many different creation myths from the past until the present. I think it is offensive to negate all those other myths for the "one true 'real'" myth (depending on one's point of view). After all, who is to say which one is right? Could it be that they are all right in their own way?"

    precisely my point about the mythological GREEK GODS i posted in the previous pages, and nobody has yet to convince me with the right answer.
    That is a good point. The bible states that man was once one peoples with one universal language. That God chose we be confused by an imposed multi-language existence. That those then speaking common tongue gathered together and moved throughout the world to evolve to the languages and societies that exist today.

    If we were once a common tongue and a common people, is it inconceivable that the ancients would have taken their stories with them. Most all ancients have stories of great Flood events, giants, mystical dwarfs, demons, ultimate battles in the heavens between good and evil, dragons, and great beast. Could these not be based on a common shared memory of historical facts lost through ancient languages being lost through the long age.

    This would not make these myths and legions wrong, for they could all be based on an inherent truths. Some may be distortions derived through fanciful story tellers oral traditions. Geek Gods were the Roman Gods, for they were assimilated. Rome conqured a vast empire and imposed their Gods on those cultures who had their own deities. One was a small nation of Israel who had a single God. Romans crucified a Jewish prophet (I believe he was the Son of God) named Jesus and in less than 300 years Rome was the sit of the christian faith. Their 4,000 year old Gods crush and their temples deserted, because of the growing numbers of Christ believers. Rome could not kill these christian believers fast enough. Their shear will of their belief and conviction and willingness to die for their belief.

    What did they see that brought about that faith? To worship the words spoken by a simple man in the armpit region of a vast and powerful empire, and be willing to die for their beliefs. I believed they saw something, and they believed.

  6. #1196
    Quote Originally Posted by cromagnon View Post
    obviously i just wana hear it by ur side , thats all. So u mention creationism is all about faith and with the abscence of whether its true or not . and believing such things makes u a better person . Well,
    from my POV , i can see the oposite as how i look at the world today and at the past . no thanx.

    but u both with James . I' ll leave u with how u understand the world. its non of my business anyway.

    i like how ur creation story goes , i leave u with that,.
    on my side , its just hard for me to understand / believe such myth , that fossils are results of great flood.
    Scientif findings satisy me more. anyway ,- good luck.
    Things die all the time and leave virtually no existing reminisces to even be fossilized. Yet there is this amazing mud layer found throughout the world, that captured a vast number of different species, encasing their bodies which allowed them to fossilize.

    Is it so inconceivable to believe that vast mud displacements that would be caused by the Bible Genesis Great Flood event, may very well be the reason for these fossilizing mud layers? Such an event as massive artesian wells spewing waters 38 Kilomiters into the Air, would displace mud that could cover vast ecosystems literally consuming valleys and lowlands. This would trap vegetation, insects, birds, and land dwellers in single mud layer events.

  7. #1197
    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    This is a good example of "crab mentality". I'd rather exchange good discussion with you if you show a little bit of maturity.
    I dont get it... and immature you say? if you think maturity is licking others butt then - "girl, we are in different wavelengths"

  8. #1198
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    good job james but not good enough. you gave me parapsychology and pseudosciences which does not, in any way, explain how God or Moses did it. how one person can divide a river/sea into two using psychic powers or whatever you call it is simply ODD. one advice for you James, being a SKEPTIC and not immediately believing in what you read sometimes helps.
    I only described the mechanics which could accomplish the assigned task, as they would have to be implied. The fact that you believe that a single mortal has the ability to explain that which beyond all of the world sciences to explain. That that even a room of Einsteins could not explain.

    You actually think a man can explain that mystery? That is why they are called miracles. I am sorry that I can not explain a miracle. That must make me a dumb man. Wait you can not explain a miracle either. You then use it as an argument to prove that you lack in the belief in God is factual and verifiable? If I can not explain something it does not exist, and if nobody else can not explain it then I must be right. You may call that wisdom but other may call it just being limited in your logic. You may be angry because God will not do pallor tricks for you. I hope you do not want him to dance on your string, and do your bidding. God owes us noting, and we owe him everything. I know you will not believe me, but it still does not mean it is not true.

    Question: Would you spend all your time trying to fulfill all the wishes of a mound of ants? Would you feel obligated to each and every ant for thousands of years? Would you care if the ants could explian you? Would you even conceive that the ants could even begin to understand how to explain you? You exist and the ants exist and that is fact.

    We need to stop trying to be god, and accept we are merely ants.

  9. #1199
    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    Say that again?
    oh, you're so MATURE... why dont you eat the answers established in front of you OR make your own point... or EAT ME!!!

  10. #1200
    Quote Originally Posted by Malic View Post
    "To a cup that is already full, nothing can be added"
    Oh sure you can, pure enough liquid in a cup and you can totally change the contents. It may hold no more volume, but it can contain better liquid.
    In essence your statement is still true.

    If a man's brain is that cup the the constant pour of positive or negative knowledge into that brain may still only hold a certain volume of knowledge as that cup, yet that cup could have also also gained wisdom or faith, which are hard to measure by volume.
    In essence the answer is inconclusive due to the adding or subtracting of the unknown variable, the cup can contain more than just volume.

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