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I do agree with some of your points especially on Osmena's 'mayabang' side and respect your opinion if that would be of greater value to you. However surrounding yourself with people who have experience does not necessarily reflect a wiser Rama.
But just to share, the driving factor for me why I still lean towards Osmena is his transparency and dedication to continue improving the welfare of the majority. As Filipinos, study shows that we mostly lean to deciding through/with emotions. But to be a Singapore (for example), we need to start using our heads over our hearts.
By the end of the day, actions speaks louder than words and I see more action from Tommy.
Yes, debate! Let the people judge on who did their homework!
Just read in Sunstar that a couple of their columnists are complaining about uncollected garbage for a couple of weeks or so.and the reason for this seems to be the feud about the budget between Rama and Osmeņa. If Osmeņa has caused our none collection of garbage due to his political grandstanding, how can he have the Cebuanos interest at heart? That would be pure selfishness....