This proxy server is administered by our IT group remotely via hi speed leasedlines. LL ports that we're using for our main application is different from the port which you saw the IP you mentioned but, this is hosted in only one machine. To you, I may appear to have logged locally when in fact I'm not. The DSL port only serves as a backup management to the server and not for the audio application. That's all I can share with you.
To explain further, the leasedlines(LL) ports I'm talking about acts as a extended audio cables and we're recording in realtime using these hi speed ports. This means that you can remotely record your guitar, in realtime, at 96KHz in 32bit depth with no hiccups. Simply consider the LL ports as the audio cables.
Don't worry guys I'm not angry with you... I understand.....
Best wishes to all.