as long as my pay won't be affected..awh! uyon...hahahah
as long as my pay won't be affected..awh! uyon...hahahah
80 hours every 2 weeks.
4 days in the first week, 5 in the next, 4 days the week after that, then so on and so forth.
That's what we are doing here in our company. So far ok raman no probs..
ok ra pero optional lang ang 5th day kung di mahuman ang trabaho for the week...
example kung naa kay gi design na page good for 4 days.. then nahuman siya for 4 days, pwede naka di mosod igka 5th day..
pero kung naa pay usbunon.. aw sulod nalang dyud ..
mas ok ta ni aron naa panahon ang mga tawo, nya maka himo pud sideline2x.., og suroy2x , relax... lipay2x.
Maayo man pud,
maka-save sa gasto sa gasolina o plete.
kapoy lang gyud ni, maorag apektohan gyud
ang efficiency sa mga worker, mostly sa mga
oras nga hapit na mahuman ang work.
OK kaayu ni ug Monday to Thursday Working DAYS nya FRIDAY to Sunday Optional ug mo WORK ka OT nana!
like SINGApore Mon to Friday Working Day Sat & Sunday is optional ug mo Work ka aw OT ...
Uyon unta pero murag wa man dyud ni nahitabo. Kalami ra 3 days off.
kung ako ma presidente, day-off na mo permi. no more working days!
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