new season mga followers they will have 4 new episode ths month
new season mga followers they will have 4 new episode ths month
any updates on the season 4 of House, ang last na episode ako nakit-an was si Amber namatay. dvd marathon ra ko ani. i dont have the time to watch man gud sa TV anyone??
Last edited by Hime; 08-10-2008 at 09:45 PM. Reason: need to update
..adik sad ko ani before,,hehehe.. pero la na ko ka-update karOn.. ^^ gud kong dr. hOuse! toinx!
-- ehehehe..maka adek bitaw labi na si House.. very mysterious ang iya character and its nice... i like the episode katong girl na naa sa alaska ba to or north pole.. the one he had crush with .. you could really see in his face na he cared for the girl..and shocks..makakilig jud ay..nyahaha
i wonder if na bay local doctor na parehas niya?
or na bay local doctor na parehas ka bright niya?
just wondering...
layoa pa d ay nako ani oi.. season 1 pako.. gahinay2 kog tan-aw kay abi man nakog di kaau nindot..
maka addict man d ay as u get along sa mga episodes...hehe
..mkA adIk, perO i've trIed watChIng cOnsecUtiVe ePisOdes In a Day.. naH!! makA labAd sa UlO!! labI na mag-ApAs ka sa ilAng cOnversAtiOn sa SUbtitLes, hehehehe.. i lOve dR. hOusE! brYt kaaU UesT!maYnTA naa saY dR. nGA parEhaS nIya drI CEBu.. hehehe..
-- aw wait nalng diay ta ani... mero luoy ayo tong last episode.. nice ayo pagkahimo... as in ni hilak nalng gud ko eventhough i ddnt like amber at first coz she was really was a b**ch as what Dr. House always say..ehehe ^^
dali ra kaayo mahuman ang usa ka season sa kung imo i-watch sa DVD.. T--T
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