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  1. #111

    Salamat bro NASYO.

    May Peace be with you.

  2. #112
    I always keep shabbath. im a noahide, a goyim or gentile. ask wiki for your info.

  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshiro View Post
    Although it is kinda childish but you have a point.

    Bro can you differentiate Business and Business transactions?
    Why do you have to ask? Why not read the context of the verse? When I said no business, it means you don't do business/don't engage in any business transaction. That's what the verse should know better coz your an adventist. Don't need to play around with definitions. My point is, you have been telling non-adventists not to do business (or business transaction) during sabbath but you actually do business during the day!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshiro View Post
    You say "that means business still goes on a Saturday" what you mean is that we should close down all our business and declare it as foreclosed or liquidated during Sabbath and its liscence in SSC or SEC. It would be extreemly stupid to foreclose business and liquidate a business every once a week or every sabbath. I could not imagine the amount of work and money re establishing a business and registering your business every once a week.

    But If you say Business transactions will cease on Sabbath then that is entirely different it means that there should be no work, no business transactions and any kind of normal weekday activity on the Sabbath.
    No need to cease business.

    Exodus 31
    14 Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
    15 Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.

    The Bible explicitly says six days may work be done, it may mean that the usual six days of manual labor or any kind of work or activity.
    Again, you're misleading yourself or misreading my post. Nowhere did I say that you should foreclose your business or cease business perpetually. All I'm saying is that you spouse to observe the sabbath faithfully as described in the Bible but you still do business/business transaction during Sabbath like what Miller is doing. That's the point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshiro View Post
    Miller probably charge their patient on Saturday but the actual "work" of charging is done on a non Sabbath day. So what we are talking about here is the actual work of charging patients. Well evidently Miller as what you say does not have any accounting and cashiers on Sabbath. So there is definately no actual "work" of charging done on the patient on saturday. Even the actual "work" of computing the charges are not done on Saturday. And certainly there are no payment or bills actually being done on saturday.
    So to put it in a simple way there is no work done on Saturday on behalf of the Staffs and patients.

    The purpose of the Sabbath:
    The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God's purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God's plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children.

    The Sabbath is the day above all others when we should acquaint ourselves with God through His works. In the minds of the children the very thought of the Sabbath should be bound up with the beauty of natural things. Happy is the family who can go to the place of worship on the Sabbath as Jesus and His disciples went to the synagogue--across the fields, along the shores of the lake, or through the groves. Happy the father and mother who can teach their children God's written word with illustrations from the open pages of the book of nature; who can gather under the green trees, in the fresh, pure air, to study the word and to sing the praise of the Father above. By such associations parents may bind their children to their hearts, and thus to God, by ties that can never be broken.

    Sabbath is for the people not for businesses and Hospitals.

    Please don't misunderstand these. So on the patients end and on the staffs end despite the charges on Sabbath they should still be able to fulfill the sabbath without burden. It will even give them more leeway in observing the Sabbath by ceasing work on Sabbath.

    To be more realistic.
    Hospitals are not Jesus
    If you want to take advantage of free hospitals then it is non existent here in this Philippine economic setting. Even Vicente Sotto hospital is not free.
    But If you have faith in Jesus he can heal any sickness for free.
    You don't seem to get the message. The point is -- Miller charge their patients for those supplies (meds, diagnostics, etc) acquired/done during sabbath (which is technically doing business on a Saturday) however, just to say that you don't do business on a Saturday, you collect those charges on a non-sabbath as if to say that no business transaction happened on a Saturday when there was in real sense.

    No matter how you say it, Adventists have trouble observing the Sabbath. They still do business/business transactions during Sabbath ex. guzzle their cars on a Saturday at gas stations, pay fare, buy food etc.

    If you want to campaign for Sabbath observance - why don't you observe them without the rigid pretensions?

  4. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshiro View Post

    Well on your third point lighting a fire to cook our food can be a way to save ones life it may be our own. So it is consistent when Jesus saving a life in a Sabbath.
    Come on, you can argue better than that? Why...are you always in a life and death situation every Saturday that cooking is okay on a Sabbath when you are told by your Sola Scriptura that not a fire is to be lit on that day?'re trying to pretend/say that you observe the Sabbath properly and faithfully when you actually don't. Talk about consistency.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshiro View Post
    Adventist only follow the Sabbath particularly the Sabbath on the ten commandments.
    Not the old ordinances of the old testament.
    These are the main differences between SDA and Judaism.
    You are confused. What makes it so different for SDAs and the Jews to observe the Sabbath in another way? Does the Bible put any distinction between SDAs and the Jews to observe them differently when you have said that the Sabbath is to be kept by all people? The core of the problem to Sabbath observance in the case of the SDA and (non-Jew) Sabbath keepers is poor Scriptural understanding to find that distinction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshiro View Post
    Remmember there are two types of Laws in the Bible the old ordinances and the ten commandments.

    Reasons why old ordinances of the Old testament are not necessary?

    The Jewish ceremonial regulations (from the Law given to Moses, by God)

    * These regulations were intended to be "examples" or "pictures" to teach people about holiness and other spiritual matters. The principles which were being illustrated would be applicable to all of life.

    * The Jews were required to follow these regulations because of the covenant (agreement) they had made with God, to do so. Under the New Covenant, which Jesus established by his death and resurrection (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 8:6-13, etc.), observance of these regulations is no longer necessary (though not necessarily prohibited).

    * These regulations were never intended to be a way of gaining or earning salvation. Nor were these ceremonial regulations ever intended to replace the spiritual realities they symbolically taught.

    The Sabbath Seventh Day Adventist keep are not ceremonial statutes but the laws of the ten commandments.
    Exodus 20:8-11
    Hmmm...talking about ceremonial laws, I heard one of your pastors that women aren't supposed to attend Church services on a Saturday when they have their period. Some of your pastors couldn't even agree whether or not couples shouldn't engage in *** on the eve of Sabbath. As I have mentioned, among yourselves, you can't even agree which are ceremonial/non-ceremonial laws.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenshiro View Post
    Jesus Himself kept the Sabbath:
    Luke 4: 16
    Mathew 12:1-13

    I hope we could clear the confusion here.
    Just because Jesus kept the Sabbath, does it follow that we have to keep also the Sabbath? Jesus was born under the LAW (Law of Moses) that is why He kept the Sabbath. His death did away the observance of the Sabbath (part of the law of Moses) because Moses' law do not anymore apply to Gentiles.

    There is in fact no confusion here.
    Last edited by brownprose; 08-11-2008 at 04:02 PM.

  5. #115
    Banned User
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    Bawal maligo sa sabado.
    Mao nga ang Sabbath pwede ilisan og "Yaw 'Sa bath".
    meaning "ayaw osa kaligo".

  6. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by mathlizard View Post
    I always keep shabbath. im a noahide, a goyim or gentile. ask wiki for your info.
    are you a jew?

  7. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Soul Doctor View Post
    Bawal maligo sa sabado.
    Mao nga ang Sabbath pwede ilisan og "Yaw 'Sa bath".
    meaning "ayaw osa kaligo".
    very good. ('c',)

  8. #118
    sabado nights..
    sabado nights..

    Usa ray patron basta sabado nights, si San Miguel

  9. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by NASYO View Post
    sabado nights..
    sabado nights..

    Usa ray patron basta sabado nights, si San Miguel
    idol jud tika bro.

  10. #120
    sunday man... nganu diay? sunday man jud..

  11.    Advertisement

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