Originally Posted by
was refering to this:
kung taas ang fuel prices ... more money sa ato current administration kai percentage baya ang taxes
i also considered your post OT because you are not bringing anything to the discussion and instead redirecting the problem to your own personal grudge against the current administration.
dili mana personal grudge sir
sa current administration bitaw padung ato taxes

alangan sa previous or future administration

Originally Posted by
the high price of gasoline cannot be blamed solely on taxation. common sense will tell you that, if it were the fault of taxation, then the problem of high fuel prices would only be localized here in our country. it is not. it is spread all over the world and the only countries who are immune are those who produce fuel themselves.
based sa imo statement murag isa siya sa cause

Originally Posted by
^^ and what you will get from the masakiton out of your long agrument is a three liner with a two thumbs up smileys
gi monitor napud ko nimo sir

atleast dili parihas sa imo gi post nga wala jud relation sa topic