View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1121

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    history geng.. kadaghan na gigamit geng... value of human life? just what is the value of human life? depende ra gyud which side you're on... sa victim or sa victor...
    history has always been written by the victors!

    no to abortion!!!
    yes to the RH Bill!!!

  2. #1122
    C.I.A. ronz_rodz's Avatar
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    still abortion is killing people so sala ra gihapon na

  3. #1123
    Quote Originally Posted by ronz_rodz View Post
    still abortion is killing people so sala ra gihapon na
    So very true! That;s the problem with the pro-RH fanatics. All they care about is to fulfill selfish desires no matter who gets killed in the process.

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo
    ang among topic ni manny daan kay kung pro-abortion ba ang rh bill
    That is also why we are discussing the RH Bill. The RH Bill directly promotes EARLY-TERM CHEMICAL ABORTION through abortifacient contraceptives (contraceptives that can cause an abortion).

    The RH/abortion Bill funds the acquisition and even forces the dispensing of such abortifacient contraceptives.

    For those new to the thread, I have posted some of the evidence proving that certain contraceptives can cause an abortion. It can be found at:

    @manny if you're such a good man why dont you go around government hospitals look at the condition on maternity wards,cause for sure all patients are indigents, and ask around specifically each patient, how many kids they have and you'll find your answer. Kini mga pasyenteha mostly hard pressed, lisod ang kahimtang walay permanenteng kapuy-an uban nag squat lang, nya daghan kaayong mga anak...
    It's not a matter of who is a good man. No one is claiming to be good. It is your ideas that are wrong, and I am proving that they are wrong.

    The issue is whether the RH/abortion Bill will help these people. Well, abortion and contraceptives won't solve their problem, which is poverty. Proper economic management, good governance, and basic health facilities will. Your RH/abortion Bill won't help these people.

    The RH/abortion Bill will WASTE billions of pesos on contracep5tives that do NOT cure any disease. This will take away funds that could have been used to treat real killer diseases. Thousands of people will literally DIE just so some selfish people can indulge in their lustful desires. If they want to do it, let them pay for it themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by ********r
    history has always been written by the victors!
    Is that supposed to be some sick justification for murdering the innocent and helpless?

    It seems the pro-RH fanatics are finally showing their true colors. It's all about stepping on others to get their selfish desires for them -- and killing those who get in the way!

    Truly Nazi-like.

    The RH Bill promotes Abortifacient Contraceptives
    NO to the anti-life RH/abortion Bill

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-14-2009 at 07:52 PM.

  4. #1124
    ‘Responsible s3x, not safe s3x’ – Pimentel;-pimentel/

    MANILA, AUGUST 19, 2009— TERMS can be deceiving.

    Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel slammed the phrase ‘safe ***’ in the controversial Reproductive Health bill currently under debate in the Senate for it could send the wrong message pertaining to the Senate being complacent about “promiscuity” among adults.

    “Safe s3x implies that copulation by anyone with anyone at anytime is alright – a terribly blighted view of what s3x is meant to be,” Pimentel said.

    According to the senator, the State should promote “responsible ***” as an activity that is exclusive to married couples.

    “In short, the law should promote responsible s3x, not safe s3x; procreation, instead of reproduction and equal relations of women and men – not between or among artificially created genders – in matters of s3x,” said Pimentel.

    Safe s3x, he added, may now be said to include, among its many evils, “adulterous communications free from the discovery by suspicious spouses.”

    In another related aspect, Pimentel criticized the RH bill for suggesting that pregnancy is like a plague that should be halted by the use of artificial contraceptives.

    “If the contraceptives fail to prevent pregnancy and a baby results from a couple’s s3x acts, the child is then tagged as ‘unwanted,’ a most painful label ever devised by man,” Pimentel said. “If the baby is unwanted, the next ‘logical’ step for the parents to take is get rid of it. The dreaded ‘A’ word follows in the mind even if it is not done. But if thought is father to the act, abortion cannot be far behind.”

    Pimentel added the inventor of the birth control pill, Carl Djerassi, recently criticized in an Austrian paper, Der Standard, “the inevitable adverse results of *** separated from procreation.”

    “Without mentioning it, Djerassi knows that from his pills all sorts of illnesses have sprung, including high blood pressure, decreased libido, thrombosis, cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases:

    Pimentel is one of the legislators supporting the Church’s stand against the bill that seeks to control the country’s growing population through the use of contraceptives.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

  5. #1125
    no to abortion. kamo bay i.abort..lalim bah.. >:P

  6. #1126
    C.I.A. ronz_rodz's Avatar
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    @mannyamador tnx sa info bro.. so asa man ka ani karon ... safe s*x or responsible s*x?

  7. #1127
    i would rather agree to have abortion legalize pero must have a set of requirement and qualification before ka pwede maka abort. kay daghn na man gyud ang cases na kinahanglan gyud e abort for in case kana manga rape victim luoy kaayo ang bata ug ang inahan ana kay ma remind permi ang inahan sa nahitabo nya. or in cases like taboo where in relatives mo then na pregnant ang babae dako man gud chance na naay abnormality sa bata so mas maayo e pa abort nalang na kaysa ig anak mamatay ra gihapon. Pero mao lang sad basin abusaran sa uban so need lang gyud na strictly monitored ang manga facilities na mo cater ani na services.

  8. #1128
    naku bnfsupin... huwata tubag ni manny.

  9. #1129
    Quote Originally Posted by bnfsupin View Post
    i would rather agree to have abortion legalize pero must have a set of requirement and qualification before ka pwede maka abort. kay daghn na man gyud ang cases na kinahanglan gyud e abort for in case kana manga rape victim luoy kaayo ang bata ug ang inahan ana kay ma remind permi ang inahan sa nahitabo nya. or in cases like taboo where in relatives mo then na pregnant ang babae dako man gud chance na naay abnormality sa bata so mas maayo e pa abort nalang na kaysa ig anak mamatay ra gihapon. Pero mao lang sad basin abusaran sa uban so need lang gyud na strictly monitored ang manga facilities na mo cater ani na services.
    naa gyud sad ta unta law about nai niya... at present naa ta anti-abortion laws pero wala pa man nakulong tungod nagpa-abort oi...

    there must be something wrong with our abortion law...

  10. #1130
    Unintended pregnancy, rape, deformity, etc. are all very difficult and heart-wrenching situations. People suffer. But these difficulties do NOT justify MURDER of an innocent person (the unborn child).

    Death is worse than any of these situations. People can persevere and rise above difficulties, but once you kill someone that person will have no chance whatsoever.

    In any case, the unborn child is INNOCENT. He or she did not cause the rape, poverty, or unintended pregnancy. Why should the little child be punished (and killed) through abortion or abortifacient contraceptives?

    Quote Originally Posted by ronz_rodz
    @mannyamador tnx sa info bro.. so asa man ka ani karon ... safe s*x or responsible s*x?
    I agree with Pimentel. We should choose responsible s3x, In some cases that means no s3x.

    That is also why I am against the RH/abortion Bill (HB 5043). It promotes abortion through abortifacient contraceptives, violates parents' rights, religious freedom, and freedom of conscience of doctors, employers, and health workers.

    More info on abstinence and purity at
    True Love Waits Philippines

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)

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