Originally Posted by
Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Yeap, your BIBLE just said he made the stars also like he has a magic wand and KAPOOTCH there appears the stars.
So you mean to say, Astronomers are witnessing GOD in action making stars right now? Did you look at the link I gave you?
So you believe that your GOD is making stars in REAL-TIME? infront of the very eyes of scientists?
I'm asking you question.
Please don't divert the issue.
Originally Posted by redhorse1L
Ok, we're already getting there.
I assume you believe in Newton's Law of Consevation of Matter and Energy.
I remember it when I was grade 5 when my teacher said:
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes from one form to another.
From a point of Singularity(Simplicity), we have a very dense energy ball.
Don't get me wrong, I am also open with the possibility that we started in a Big Bang.
But, did this Simplicity existed in eternity? Was it always there before 14billion years ago?
How many times do I have to repeat this?
What would you expect from a 2000BC prophet who wrote Genesis?
You want this to be written? "In the beginning, the universe was a small hot dense energy ball, so immense that it contained all the energy of the universe we have today, then a big bang occurs, creating a powerful explosion, gases whirling.. and after 5Billion yrs, it has formed to heavenly bodies, stars, nebulae, galaxies."
That is really absurd.
Like I said, the bible is NOT a scientific book (repeat it 1000 times).