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  1. #101

    Default Re: Components for Aquaponics

    Perspiring is one way our body “detoxifies” itself-apart from cooling function. If we suppress this area of the body by “plugging” them with “deodorants” then we are indeed looking for problems with dire consequences.

    The article below on “deodorants” and the chemicals used are being questioned. More seriously, if outside “chemicals” to suppress perspiration can get inside through the skin and have an effect, how much more dangerous is what we feed(our food quality) and goes inside(processed) our body. Then we need to DETOXIFY later when CANCER is forthcoming. Health and food quality is what we wish to promote at Philippine Aquaponics.

    Parabens in Antiperspirants May Cause Breast Cancer

    The use of deodorants is like treating the symptoms instead of treating the root cause of the problem. Smell and perspiration is a function of what you eat or what you do not eat.

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  2. #102

    Default Re: Components for Aquaponics

    GM Foods: The Shocking Cause of Birth Defects

    Food for today, hunger and cancer for tomorrow. Reinventing the “wheel”?? We need to take hold of our future and understand what is good for us by understanding nature and how it works – the cycle of life. I believe we do not need to re-invent “God’s Wheel”, it is already perfect by itself, we just need to know how to use (apply) it wisely. God wants us to be happy and not dependent on others for our food and survival and enjoy what He made for us. If we just take good care of what He “designed” for us there is more than enough for everyone.

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  3. #103

    Default Harmony and Understanding

    Alternatives to Antibiotics in Animal Health - Poultry Articles from The Poultry Site

    Alternatives to anti-biotics, pro-biotics ?? Understanding how the bacteria-micro-organism work is critical to the function of Aquaponics System. I have inserted the topic here on anti-biotics for others to get a glimpse of the interaction of bacteria in our lives and almost everything we do. We can either make war with it or make peace. To “win” the war, we must know our enemy. Our “war” need not be violent-just as mankind has been, we just need to understand(intelligent war) and work with our “friends” and the “friends of our friends”.

    The war with bacteria and micro-organisms as I observed is no different when we observe our relationship with our fellow men. Each has the right to exist and be respected regardless of their race, creed or religion. So are the bacteria-micro-organisms. Let us learn about them and respect them. We live in peace and harmony with our environment in both seen and unseen(bacteria-micro-organisms)

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  4. #104

    Default Help alert our DA

    Please help alert our DA. Above article refutes the finding of our dearly beloved Filipino scientist at DA and advocates in Congress of the Philippines that Bt eggplant is safe. Bt toxins are found in the pregnant women and babies in CANADA !!!!! Please my dear friends tell DA in Luzon about this if this article does not make any sense and whether there is any truth to this or not. Bt corn and Bt eggplant is propagated in Luzon

  5. #105

    Default Our very own homegrown Coco oil

    Over Half of Your Diet Should Consist of Saturated Fats

    Used by our ancestors, Coco oil for healthy heart – Many years ago, our phil-coco oil was terribly maligned in the US with so much negative advertising-propaganda scare supported by “research” funded by “soy bean producers”. However, you just can’t put a good product down, coco oil prevails. We are safe with our home-grown products and there is no need to really be “corrupted” by US-advertising coco is bad. Just compare the advertising propaganda of the softdrinks and against our very own coco-juice..If this coco-juice was promoted many years ago, many farmers-planters should not have used coco-trees for lumber and the coco-trees continue to provide protection for our environment. Our ancestors expression was - use your “coconut”(pointing to the head) and Go Natural…

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  6. #106

    Default Re: Components for Aquaponics

    asa location ani?

  7. #107

    Default Re: Components for Aquaponics

    Aquaponics is planned to be used in conjunction with Vertical Farming and Renewable Energy to achieve ZERO WASTE or almost zero waste. That is in the US. Can we do something similar to this in the Philippines?? Fully integrated, self-sustainable, energy efficient system. Singapore - has built their ZERO Energy Building. Can we beat them to it by introducing a self-sustainable energy and food production included?

    Please check out side below.

    'Vertical Farm' Produces Zero Waste

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  8. #108

    Default Re: Components for Aquaponics

    Cook up some fish to keep your vision sharp in old age: study - Yahoo! She Philippines

    let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food

  9. #109

    Default Fight Cancer the Natural Way

    Lemmon grass can grow in an aquaponic environment. Grow lemmon grass and fight cancer the natural way. Start your aquaponics herbal garden, your private pharmacy at home. Check this site below.

    Fresh lemon grass fields in Israel become mecca for cancer patients | ISRAEL21c

  10. #110

    Default Re: Components for Aquaponics

    guyabano many cures – food na, masarap pa, extra bonus on healing – let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food, another potential export drink

    10 Health Benefits of Soursop (Guyabano) | Healthmad

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