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  1. #101

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    I find that those countries which boast superficial national pride, jingoism and suchlike in reality have very little to be proud of. Those places which have actually succeeded in creating vibrant economies and harmonious society are often modest and unassuming with little fanfare. Flag waving and over or inappropriate use of the national anthem seems like plastic ceremony with no real purpose.

    What the people need is focus, a common goal and a leadership who instill confidence and encourage excellence in every person regardless of their background.... unity through ambition!

  2. #102
    Elite Member
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    Feb 2011

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    I find that those countries which boast superficial national pride, jingoism and suchlike in reality have very little to be proud of. Those places which have actually succeeded in creating vibrant economies and harmonious society are often modest and unassuming with little fanfare. Flag waving and over or inappropriate use of the national anthem seems like plastic ceremony with no real purpose.

    What the people need is focus, a common goal and a leadership who instill confidence and encourage excellence in every person regardless of their background.... unity through ambition!
    lingaw man pud nang ceremony nga superficial national pride bro.. basta naa lang pud genuine national pride. tan-awa lang china.. grabeh kaau ka higugma nila ilang nasod. Sa opening lang sa olympic ceremony, makakita ka sa mga tao nga hapit na mohilak sa pagkanta sa ilahang national anthem.

    Para sa imoha, superficial ra siguro nah kai di nimo na-feel ang imong higugma sa pilipinas.. ayaw lang sab asumir nga tanang tao ingon ana pud.

  3. #103

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    YouTube - North Korean Mass Games - Finale

    Who'd have thought these people are on the verge of starvation? (not Glorious Leader of course).


    Or that this guy has an army comprised of foreigners because he doesn't trust his own people.

    Pomp and ceremony has it's place, but it's so easy to be become ridiculous when glitz becomes more important than substance.

  4. #104
    Elite Member
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    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    ^ dose are very extreme cases u are posting. and that is fake nationalism, because if those people don't pretend to love their country they will get killed. its a far cry from china or even the U.S. they people show their nationalism because they really love their country.

    We aren't North Korea or Libya so there's no harm in showing our nationalistic spirit in ceremonies if that's how you really feel about the country. if you don't want to nobody will force you.

  5. #105

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    Watching a movie in a theater is not IMO a ceremony and legislation has been drafted (there was a thread a while back) which seeks impose on people.

    Extract from

    ...Rufus Rodriguez said even moviegoers who do not stand up when the National Anthem is being played in cinemas will be sanctioned if the bill becomes a law, as it empowers the security personnel and ushers in movie houses to arrest a violator and summon law enforcement officers to assist in conducting citizens' arrest.

    Clearly a step into dangerous territory and a reasonable example of misguided nationalism happening here.

  6. #106

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    I so agree on the article. We are relying too much on "Willie Revillame", we are all "Juan Tamad"!

    A lot of people on the streets making begging-for-money a living, you can add snatching, hold-upping, swindling and to name a few, looking for the easiest way. They would always make "wasn't-able-to-go-to-school-coz-we-are-poor" an excuse for not having a decent job.

    You can always find a decent job if you are willing to. Start from collecting plastic bottles, cans and boxes from the neighborhood just like the kids who are frequent in our place for this purpose. In that way you can feed your family, you may not able to send yourself to school through this, but if you have the determination you will really succeed. Who knows from this small way of living you can save up a small amount everytime and will be able to send your kids to school.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    ^^na sai uban nga ang makuha nila nga kwarta anang pagpamunit ky gastu-on ra mn sd sa bisyo og sugal. hahaiz...

  8. #108

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    What in the world are they smoking in congress these days? I agree that is misguided nationalism! Can't they come up with a better bill or law that involves economic growth instead? Pagka-toy toy ani nila....IMO that is a useless bill!

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Watching a movie in a theater is not IMO a ceremony and legislation has been drafted (there was a thread a while back) which seeks impose on people.

    Extract from

    ...Rufus Rodriguez said even moviegoers who do not stand up when the National Anthem is being played in cinemas will be sanctioned if the bill becomes a law, as it empowers the security personnel and ushers in movie houses to arrest a violator and summon law enforcement officers to assist in conducting citizens' arrest.

    Clearly a step into dangerous territory and a reasonable example of misguided nationalism happening here.

  9. #109

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    magnda nmn ang government ngaun.. boking lhat.. -)

  10. #110

    Default Re: Lee Kuan Yew's Reply to Mr. Marcos' Statement

    A lot of people on the streets making begging-for-money a living, you can add snatching, hold-upping, swindling and to name a few, looking for the easiest way.

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