boy was a poor boy (hehe). he was not able to finish college early is his life because of financial troubles. we heard thousands of stories like his before and we so admired those that persevered and succeed later in life like boy did. so why not give him the benefit of the doubt? yes he is showbiz but his success didn't come because he looked like derek ramsay. he worked for it. he's a good host. he is a good, fluent english speaker and he is said to be a very good talent manager. so think of the country as a talent. make sense? hehehe. and he does have a master's degree in international relations as noynoy mentioned....of course all moot now that he declined the offer.
to those who made homophobic remarks, i hope that you would be blessed with homosexual children and grand-children and great-grand-children
to those who crucified boy abunda because they haven't gotten over the fact that noynoy has been elected president, yes you know who you are, move on. it's over. let go. hehehe.
a couple of links of things relevant/mentioned in this thread.
Gordon offers services to Aquino -, Philippine News for Filipinos
Manicurist of Arroyo begs off from ‘midnight appointment’ -, Philippine News for Filipinos