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guys, everything does change,the only thing that does not change is change. Let us not be too self-rigtheous.
at first there was only Jesus and the Apostles they did not celebrate any mass, then after Jesus' ascension the apostles were left to take care of the flock. Then came Paul, then came the church fathers then so on....
nowhere in the bible where you can find that Jesus celebrated any mass nor did he structured one. even sa time sa apostle this traditional mass that you so loved never exist, then paul came and he too never celebrated any traditional mass, can Paul speak latin? NO.
this so called traditional mass came later and was designed according to the needs and call of that period. if thats the case then it can also be changed according to the needs of the changing time. ang importante lang sigoro nga dili kuhaon is ang holy eucharist.
You dont reli understand the meaning of mass sis...please read the 62 reasons...