just a matter of time... this bogus account will definitely be deleted
can't you do any better than using offensive language or name calling?
since you love your god-forsaken company so much. can you not help it improve?
maybe not. you're probably one of the money-hungry losers
who make sure the politics in this place are as hot as pizza just out of the oven
- you get burned if you use your bare hands!
C'mon now.. NO LEGIT records in SSS, BIR, and PAG-IBIG? this isn't a company!
it was a registered internet cafe..although congrats on the upgrade of location. MEPZ 1! nyahahaha!
I hope they only allow registered companies in MEPZ 1 unless they claim to manufacture spare parts of obsolete computers. LMAO. not even their "accounting" office can liquidate your taxes, or contributions.
They don't even require you a medical exam before you enter-
yeah saves you money but you never know your officemate has SARS of Swine flu or some sort.
I wonder if you eat with your eyes closed.
You see EVERYONE of those who commented here are telling us what
they have personally experienced- the harassment, the injustice, and the oppression.
If given a chance, they'd be glad to work in another company
maybe even that spare parts company for obsolete computers as long as it's a REAL JOB.
even if you think it's a little thing.
Your office MUST have ergonomic chairs and NOT MONOBLOCK chairs. that's pretty hilarious!
it's required by the business sector unless you want all your employees to suffer
back pain.. but maybe you do.
maybe you do require your employees to get sick? why?
because you have no HMO. you have no health insurance.
not even a nurse or a clinic. I don't even know if you have a first aid kit!
there's not even a decent canteen. again, required in the business sector.
must I, and everyone here, sermon this company about what needs to be done?
clearly there was no logical scientific study in the conceptualization of this company.
It must have been like-
"Hey Mr. Alien in the philippines, do you know anyone who's name
I could use to put up some kind of monkey business in the philippines?
yeah! that's right. that bar girl. she's pure Filipina right?
Oh don't worry about the filipinos.
you hang a carrot in front of their eyes, they'll chase it in any way possible
you can tell them that if they do more for this big joke of a company,
they'll get a lot of money and when they do ask for it,
tell them their work wasn't enough. they won't care because they need a job"
so how do you like that? not nice, huh? but I'm sure it must be pretty familiar.
"who cares if these people not like how we abuse them?
we can always get more! with the rate of unemployment and low IQ here,
we can get more dumb people to do the dirty work,
and they'll feel even good working in a call center. just dress them up LIKE one. "
and maybe during coffee breaks, these people laugh their heads off and watch everybody
work from a remote view. looking like they're raising an ant colony.
It must be a good thing they quit or got terminated because they could finally find
justice for themselves.
I guess it wasn't easy to get a job,
but with that kind of job, people would rather commit suicide.
Who finds purpose in living like trash being stepped on over and over again?
so if you techwizard, find some kind of peace
defending this balogney of a company.
Maybe you'd want to rethink it.
because as soon as you feel the old age kickin' in
and all the illnesses are gonna come and haunt you...
ask your beloved boss if he cares.
he'll tell you you've just been terminated because you aren't needed anymore.
he'll tell you that it's a business and there's no charity.
he won't care.
or maybe... you say that. you say that personally?
you announce your stupid time-in and time-out rules to your employees
and watch them crumble like little plastic soldiers left out under the sun too long.
tell them that if they are late- they'll have no pay for that day...
or if they'd rather miss work because of it, tell it to their face that they can't come back
to work anymore.
Do you enjoy watching this kind of insanity and call it call center?
with even the most bad ass centers out there,
they ensure that they follow Philippine regulations that salary comes on time.
promises about bonuses are fulfilled, and rules are enforced fairly.
I hope I said more than enough. anyway, a mod is gonna ban you.
I hope he can give us your IP. so we can trace you...
and we'll see how you really look like, how the
real face of an oppressor really looks like