It is better to have only one superpower to prevent another global war.
It is better to have only one superpower to prevent another global war.
@ FLANKER .... yes there was no WMD's found because it was so MOBILE that it was relocated obviously . The UN may not have found anything because the investigative panel was only limited to checking and and to confiscate for purposes of destroying it .
What we found though , take note ,WE found traces of compounds of RAW MATERIALS of large quantities of ANTHRAX that can be used as a filler for warheads . You dont want ANTHRAX amigo specially if its in the wrong hands .
I would like to know also how you knew about the US arming IRAQ with chemical weapons .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
The United States exported $500 million of dual use exports to Iraq that were approved by the Commerce department. Among them were advanced computers, some of which were used in Iraq’s nuclear program. The non-profit American Type Culture Collection and the Centers for Disease Control sold or sent biological samples to Iraq under Saddam Hussein up until 1989, which Iraq claimed it needed for medical research. These materials included anthrax, West Nile virus and botulism, as well as Brucella melitensis, which damages major organs, and clostridium perfringens, which causes gas gangrene.
Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Flanker, you don't know me, and I'm not your "homie"... You go ahead and keep on hating. It's a free country (thank the US military for that). It's easy to be the kind of critic that you are trying to be. Research the articles that support your view and post them. It's easy to pretend that you have what it takes to stand and fight for something from the comfort of a computer terminal. Your courage has never really been tested, has it boy...? Give the US military some respect. They are here helping your country. This isn't Iraq. Nuff said.. Except, if that's your girlfriend's photo in your avatar.. Can I have her #?
if you don't mind my asking, is this thread about us military intervention in the PHILIPPINES, or iraq?
i agree!!! there presence made us feel secured somehow...
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