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  1. #1081

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    halu...its me agen

    juz asking wat to do, i decided to tell him everything i feel, pero, it seems like there's no ryt timing at all... i can see he is struggling to stay away from me,.. which is good...but, i need to express everything or else i wont be at peace...coz i dun wanna end up regreting for the "wat if's" and "if only's"

    Anything? how to make the atmosphere? kanang dli kaau obvious... ug kanang dli ko 'desperate' ug dating....


  2. #1082

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    prehas ra gihapon nah friend, sooner or later ma feel gihapon niya ang desperation, the right thing to do is to be frank and straight to your point, kong ganahan gyud ka then ipag laban mo, and if di nmo kaya then u stay away,

    kahibaw ka sa imong sitwasyon kamong duha ang naglisod, how much more kong makahibaw ang katong iyang uyab.. mo samot ka complicated ang situation,

    tambag lang nako nmo dont show any moves nga u care bisan og sakit sa imong kaugalingon ang pag buhat ana pero thats the only way that both of u to have peace of mind, init pa ka ayo inyong sitwasyon karon, pa bugnawa sa gamay... kay kong love nmo ang tawo deli na mawagtang sa imong heart it will remains and it will always find a way para ninyong duha, just wait for the right time..

  3. #1083

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...


    hi, it's also me again..

    what better way to start an atmosphere that takes away the feel of "desperation" and create a sense of belonging, right? whatever the outcome may be, whatever decision you make, and whatever it is that you might think at that moment, it certainly WILL affect your relationship with him my dear..

    don't you think it's about time to really, and i mean really, take him away from his "comfort zone" and start initiating a heart-heart conversation? you have got to do that effort and try to let him understand that he has got to do it also.. else, you'll gonna end up stuck with your own self and you wouldn't be able to achieve that peace of mind you're wanting..

    take away those "what if's" and "if only's".... THEY DO NOT EXIST AND THEY NEVER WILL EXIST.. think of this phrase over and over and over and over and over again coz if you come to think of it, those "what if's" and "if only's" are the words that hold you back..

    just do it.. initiate a conversation.. look for him, talk to him, express your feelings.. next thing you know, he might never really care about what you think of yourself because he's got his own issues.. so think about it..

  4. #1084

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by meOwkyU
    halu...its me agen
    Hello mau, how are you? How's life? Are you doing well with your classes? Hope so, medtech is a tough course. Just focus and you'll do fine. Hope you and your loved ones are healthy and well...

    Quote Originally Posted by meOwkyU
    juz asking wat to do, i decided to tell him everything i feel, pero, it seems like there's no ryt timing at all...
    Maybe its because you're having your midterms? Or did you just have your midterms? Maybe you're busy with studies and priorities. Maybe, he's busy with his priorities and his girlfriend...

    Quote Originally Posted by meOwkyU
    i can see he is struggling to stay away from me,.. which is good...
    Why is he struggling? Did you have him bound to you with rope or chain? Or have you forgetten to use deodorant? Jokes aside maui, you know I am only teasing but please clarify your current situation with this guy... Are you sure he's struggling to stay away or is it just again, not having the right timing?

    Quote Originally Posted by meOwkyU
    but, i need to express everything or else i wont be at peace...coz i dun wanna end up regreting for the "wat if's" and "if only's"
    Can you please read the words beneath my iStoryan avatar? And please keep it to heart.

    In life we all make mistakes that we may regret... its the human condition. But also in the human condition is the ability to make choices... whatever faults or mistakes we make, we can either let these ruin us with regret for the rest of our lives or we can choose to learn from these errors and move on.. up to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by meOwkyU
    Anything? how to make the atmosphere? kanang dli kaau obvious... ug kanang dli ko 'desperate' ug dating....
    It's really simple maui. If this is really important to you just give lover boy a message that goes something like this. "Can we have some time to talk please in private? There is something I want to tell you truthfully about myself."

    Then wait for loverboy to make his move. If he really feels that you are important to him, then he will make the time and effort to be with you. If he doesn't then, like what Jugs was saying in his post above^^, that means what he feels for you might not be really important for him at all.

    You know for the sake of your own piece of mind, how you say it is not as important as to what will you say. I suggest you practice, alone and aloud, in front a mirror in your room. Visualize the scene. Heck even visualize his reaction. Practice and practice, practice makes nearly perfect. Who knows you might learn something from this rehearsal.

    Quote Originally Posted by meOwkyU
    You're welcome. Take care always, maui

    Just remember what master monrose and jugs_06 are posting to you. If you forget, let me remind you: you're just making things too complicated for yourself.

    Just be honest with yourself. Its a really a simple thing.

  5. #1085

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    ... and i agree

  6. #1086

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    @ monrose29

    the situation is already cold now that's y i kinda feel its the right time...i juz wanna make even ...i worry about our situation and i see that he does not...wat the h*ll? kansi ko da! aku ray way, i wanna share my burden, not with my frens who are already too sick of me and my feelings for him but, to he himself who is the centr of all my concerns...

    @ jugs_06

    i no longer care about our it improved or destroyed by this one move...i no longer intent to save the frenship coz if we're frens, we'll always be frens...i juz dont think i can contain this anymore, pretending that i really support their relationship with all my tired and sick of constantly reminding him that he should not give up with his LDR...for all i know he's old enough to think for himself...i dun wanna keep on pushing him back to her coz in the first place,he should be with her, spending quality tym blah blah (LDR is not an excuse para d sila magkuyog, he can always make ways if he wants to, kay hello, naa ra sa pilipinas, juz islands away).., and not with me...becoz, SHE is his gf and not me...

    and yeah, ur really ryt about getting him out of his comfort zone...its always been me whos suffering for him and his actions.., i must, i mean MUST let him know that i wont tolerate him and his 'infidelity'<---hahaha, applicable?...coz even if we nevr really cheated on his gf coz dli mi uyab but, its almost the same...quite the same, actually...all the people around us think that we are together coz of how he acts in public even in front of his family...

    also its about time for him to tell the world that he's got a gf...y keep on denying it in the first place? so pointless...

    @ diem

    hehe halu to u mah fren? how's the season coming?

    yeah, were kinda busy with midterms, soOoOOoOoo freakin hard, like u get to feel ur brain throbbing...literaly...feel gani nako, im failing...anyway, i know he is busy, but so am i,..if he and his girl got issues, we too have some, and i want it out...loud and clear...

    well, with the struggling thing, i can see he is holding back wen he is around me...not that i get too clingy to him and all coz i never was the one who gets close first.., like while i was studying inside the study room (he knows i was there), he did not go inside until (after many hours) he finally sent me a message to go downstairs to "teach" him on something which was really very easy knowing his intellectual capacity...and wen he was alone (actually, there were 3 of us, the 3rd one being asleep) with me, he gets close, very very close, then he juz make gestures na nanggigil xa, then he moves away...he also directly told me once that d xa mahimutang wen he's around me....

    hehehhe, i know its simple to say, but its actually very difficult to do...its gonna use up all my energy,..i never thought being honest is this hard and nerve-wrecking...but, wat needs to be done has to be done...this time, for MY sake and not his'...

    thenkyu agen... wish me luck ... but before that, do u think im doing wat is ryt..? this is wat most people suggested that i do...i only know of one person who bout u?

  7. #1087

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...


    wouldn't it be great if you could take that effort to converse with him and let him know your dilemma? i hate to sound harsh but there's really no other way to approach it (personally) than to tell you real straight that at least this time around, make it work..

    the fact that you posted again only means that you aren't over him yet.. you no longer care about your relationship with him? so what if you don't care, that shouldn't hold you back from talking to him right? the mere fact that he's holding back only sends a signal to you that you gotta make things happen..

    Quote Originally Posted by meOwkyU
    hehehhe, i know its simple to say, but its actually very difficult to do...its gonna use up all my energy,..i never thought being honest is this hard and nerve-wrecking...but, wat needs to be done has to be done...this time, for MY sake and not his'...
    don't just post it, DO IT..


  8. #1088

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    the siggy in your avatar caught my attention.

    "I know its wrong, but it feels so right..."

    dont do what's right.. do what feels right!

    the more you get away from the feeling, the painful it is..
    so just let things flow their way.
    care for him like you used to but dont let him feel that your world revolves around him(alone).
    continue living the usual life you had.
    dont hold back.
    that's what i did and Mai was right, just follow your heart..
    ...and be happy! like me.

  9. #1089

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Sometimes, we have to also take it that, the more conflict and problems there are in your day to day relations with your special person no matter how you try, it is a sign from God telling you it is not the one for you. Because if its coming from God, if the person is really meant for you, there wont be any difficulties and everything will just fall into place. Dili ka maglisud.

  10. #1090

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    ^u said it all ma'am..and im basing nsad ana sa akong failures sa love.. *sigh
    coz God nver admit his children nga mag.suffer man sad...
    if God's will he will give it with no hassles....

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