View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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  1. #1061

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    I knew you were probably a data miner. Welcome to my nightmare, to learn that DNA is rewriting the books on evolution yet the books are not changing because too many prominent careers, reputations and Government Grant monies is involved. If while you have access to all those beautiful text books.
    yup, i agree with you on that.. DNA--Genetics is rewriting entire books on evolution, and not only evolution, but biology itself as a whole. The discovery of Watson and Crick on the chemical structure of DNA is making a rippling effect on every field of science related to life (living things). And I can imagine how most will definitely not want their government monies taken away. its a sensitive issue.. but i don't think it should be that sensitive to be able to have your government monies be confiscated.. unless people in the government are very polar about this creationist/evolutionist thing also.. the important thing to consider is that these grants are uncovering more knowledge to help us understand better how living things work.. it shouldn't be about who's ideology is right or wrong.. although it would be funny and amusing to see science *kill* its own theories.. but maybe not just yet.. gonna dig up more..

    as for getting the textbooks right, they really do not point out these fundamental differences that genetics/dna has created. sadly for darwin, he never knew what lay at the core of genetic mutations.. he thought species were "acquiring" new traits.. if only he had his hands on mendel's work which showed that it was just a mere shuffling of existing traits.. and even if it were shown that species "seemed" to acquire new traits thru successive breedings, DNA would still show that its just the same 4 nucleotides at work.. longer genes in different combinations, but still the same 4.

    I'm beginning to ask how this darwinian evolution could stand up to THAT proof AGAINST it?

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    Look up the new geological data that show there has been a systematic oppression of world wide flood event data. that report very rapid sedimentation and periods of great carbonate deposition in earth's sedimentary layers.

    The research of Physicist Robert Gentry has reported isolated radio halos of polonuim-214 in crystalline granite. The half-life of this element is 0.000164 seconds! To record the existence of this element in such short time span, the granite must be in crystalline state instantaneously. This runs counter to evolutionary estimates of 300 million years for granite to form. Information derived by the Super Collider project.

    Physicist Melvin Cook, Nobel Prize medalist found that helium-4 enters our atmosphere from solar wind and radioactive decay of uranium. At present rates our atmosphere would accumulate current helium-4 amounts in less than 10,000 years.

    Did you ever look up the Ica stones I told you about.
    hehehe.. i will look those up in due time.. i'm still quite curious how these radiometric datings work, how they can validate a fossil's age.. and how valid they are too.. sometimes, the textbooks don't point out these subtleties.. it could probably they are not aware of it yet.. but it could also probably be that they're "chicken shit" in their *faith*, and acknowledging these subtleties will crumble their entire world of science..

    i'm used to having my entire world crumble down.. so i'm really not attached to any form of world-view (be it scientific or religious).. i do know that i want to pursue this doctorate, and to be able to pursue it, i need to study what they teach and pass the exams. belief in it is another issue..

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    And good luck with your Doctorate I would like a copy of your dissertation? I am proud of you the Philippines only produces 14 Scientist and Engineers per every one million population. Everyone should be proud of you. It is hard to go back to school and get back into rhythm. You have my respect.
    thanks james.. although i'm not so sure i'm as smart as you say it.. (i've had realizations in the past couple of months that really hit me hard) thanks for the vote of confidence.. it is truly one of the hardest challenges i've had, getting back to school and getting back into rhythm in this rapid pace in a graduate degree.

  2. #1062
    Quote Originally Posted by chad_tukes View Post
    OT: guys, don't believe what our "scientist" have to say. this is clearly a direct insult to Filipinos. this 50 year old man loves to think highly of himself because what, he's an American and a "scientist" as what he says he is? pathetic. for the record James, the Philippines DOES NOT produce 14 scientist and engineers per every one million population. be careful with your statements and make sure you get your facts straight before you even begin typing. i know A LOT of Filipino scientists and engineers and the number is not even close to 14.
    One I was not being insulting the man I was giving him a compliment.I have done what he has done, it is a shared experience and I feel for him. You can complement a man to lift his spirits so it will help him with difficult times. But that means you have to care for someone else instead of just yourself. I am sure you do not know anything about that though.

    And you are right it was not 14. "I lied", Senator Edgardo Angara points out that the Philippines only produces 12 scientists and engineers per one million population.
    Philippine News Link, PhilNews - The Philippines Might Not be Around a Hundred Years from Now
    So do me a favor and tell Senator Edgardo Angara that he is pathetic, OH. For the record you are not too bright and you are predigest and your little is am so clever is waring a little thin. You are one of just a few really bad apples on this forum. Frankly when I can on this forum I had a misguided respect for the Filipino but over the last few weeks, I have learned my lesson. Some of you are really just evil and mean, mostly just evil. You insult and lie, and do not even have the class to say your sorry.

    Read the article, I did not write it, Kanos did not write it, Filipinos wrote it. so take hurt feelings and rude statements to them. You have a nice day.

  3. #1063
    Quote Originally Posted by bluedes View Post
    yup, i agree with you on that.. DNA--Genetics is rewriting entire books on evolution, and not only evolution, but biology itself as a whole. The discovery of Watson and Crick on the chemical structure of DNA is making a rippling effect on every field of science related to life (living things). And I can imagine how most will definitely not want their government monies taken away. its a sensitive issue.. but i don't think it should be that sensitive to be able to have your government monies be confiscated.. unless people in the government are very polar about this creationist/evolutionist thing also.. the important thing to consider is that these grants are uncovering more knowledge to help us understand better how living things work.. it shouldn't be about who's ideology is right or wrong.. although it would be funny and amusing to see science *kill* its own theories.. but maybe not just yet.. gonna dig up more..

    as for getting the textbooks right, they really do not point out these fundamental differences that genetics/dna has created. sadly for darwin, he never knew what lay at the core of genetic mutations.. he thought species were "acquiring" new traits.. if only he had his hands on mendel's work which showed that it was just a mere shuffling of existing traits.. and even if it were shown that species "seemed" to acquire new traits thru successive breedings, DNA would still show that its just the same 4 nucleotides at work.. longer genes in different combinations, but still the same 4.

    I'm beginning to ask how this darwinian evolution could stand up to THAT proof AGAINST it?
    True, Darwin did not know about genetics. He badly needed the explanation on how traits were passed down. But I don't get it. How does this contradict evolution?

  4. #1064
    Once and for all people!

    This is critical for us... either you stick to your beliefs that man was created by God or not. I would like to appeal to my fellow believers to read this. The 2nd largest religion declared that Evolution is a FACT.

    Please follow the link and read them: Pope John Paul II Declares Evolution to be Fact!

  5. #1065
    @ CHAD ...

    - FACTS can change . It establishes TRUTH temporarily thats why there is a word called HOAX to some degrees . Thats EVOLVING out of EVOLUTION . Its the same thing as being not the accepted FACT no matter who proclaim it . Evidence doesnt constitute TRUTH but just FACTS .

    - TRUTH however remains the truth even if it doesnt carry FACTS . Even if it were thought of as FALSE at first . Thats why I keep on saying like a broken record about St. Thomas and St. Augustine because these are not FAITH anymore but HUMAN THINKING which is another form of science called PHILOSOPY but then offtopic kaayo ta because it is more inclined sa religion instead of discussion about EVOLUTION .

    @ TRIPWIRE ...

    - That proclamation is yet to be verified because if indeed it is true , it only holds FACTS and not the TRUTH , not that I am calling the Holy See a liar but looking at it , that is more of a bigger explosion compared to BIGBANG and it is dated 1996 and there is no fuss about it even if 13 years has passed . The site is not endorsed by the Vatican so it is not rightful to say something in behalf of someone without authroization . Is the site a reliable source ? I am not questioning the reliability of your post but the substance in it . If that is the case , then it should shed light also to the atheist stand that there is a truth and not only a fact when theist and atheist coordinate .
    Last edited by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40; 10-05-2009 at 11:41 PM.
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #1066
    Quote Originally Posted by HALIKniHUDAS View Post
    mao diay kay mo coincide sa Theosophy, theosophist ka? mora man ka og creationist kato ra mo coincide sa bible ang ilang dawaton.

    misconception man na noy, wa man siguro ka kasabot sa imong gisulti.

    klaroha kono, dili ka motoo nga ang lower form ni evolve?
    hehehe.. sorry dude.. i'm not a creationist.. and theosophist is just a label, which i also despise..
    as for whether you believe in what i shared or not, its really up to you.. i know what i found startling, and i study and continue to understand biology at the molecular level. find out for yourself, and you'll get the picture too..

    your notion of what "evolves" is missing a crucial aspect of it..

    if you can define the boundaries of what the word "evolve" means, then you'll see.. (ill leave that as an exercise for you)

    anyway, if we are to consider darwinian *evolution*, in light of DNA and genetics, WE ARE THE BACTERIA and WE TRANSFORMED into higher more complex combinations..

    if we are to consider creationism and the bible story.. then in the beginning, as *God* has put it, we are all created uniquely distinct from every other living thing.. either way, they're both likely possible.. but given fossils and how the number of chromosomes of species hasn't changed over periods of time, its not easy to discredit the creationist version.. the creationist version though is not explained in a scientific manner.. its a story, but the essence and whole picture is contained in it.. it shouldn't be taken literally as it is..

    the former, as i've stated before, pretty much coincides with what i've learned from a friend in theosophy.. only, he did not mention any DNA or genetics.. he just told me that we are the lemurians who supposedly went extinct before the 4th cycle of man.. if you trace all that back to the 1st cycle, i wonder how we looked like. theosophy has a different take on all this *evolution* thing.. in the next cycle, the sexes will still be distinct, but we will not care so much about it anymore.. and communication will have evolved into some telephatic communal form.

    but don't take my word for it.. you are encouraged to study for your own understanding..

  7. #1067
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    One I was not being insulting the man I was giving him a compliment.I have done what he has done, it is a shared experience and I feel for him. You can complement a man to lift his spirits so it will help him with difficult times. But that means you have to care for someone else instead of just yourself. I am sure you do not know anything about that though.

    And you are right it was not 14. "I lied", Senator Edgardo Angara points out that the Philippines only produces 12 scientists and engineers per one million population.
    Philippine News Link, PhilNews - The Philippines Might Not be Around a Hundred Years from Now
    So do me a favor and tell Senator Edgardo Angara that he is pathetic, OH. For the record you are not too bright and you are predigest and your little is am so clever is waring a little thin. You are one of just a few really bad apples on this forum. Frankly when I can on this forum I had a misguided respect for the Filipino but over the last few weeks, I have learned my lesson. Some of you are really just evil and mean, mostly just evil. You insult and lie, and do not even have the class to say your sorry.

    Read the article, I did not write it, Kanos did not write it, Filipinos wrote it. so take hurt feelings and rude statements to them. You have a nice day.
    sir, you haven't even read several youtube comments and yet you are so quick to say that some of us are just evil and mean. surf on several forums and register yourself and while you're at it, watch atheists vs. theists youtube videos and start discussing there and you'd realize this is not even half of it. you are complimenting the man and i credit BLUEDES for being so cool with it---but you have to know that the minute you post something here, everybody can read it.

    and oh, that article from Angara is the very same article that was CRITICIZED by iStoryans in the P&CE board. mod spring can attest to that. at the end of the day, we're all just TALKING.

  8. #1068
    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    Once and for all people!

    This is critical for us... either you stick to your beliefs that man was created by God or not. I would like to appeal to my fellow believers to read this. The 2nd largest religion declared that Evolution is a FACT.

    Please follow the link and read them: Pope John Paul II Declares Evolution to be Fact!
    An excerpt to the link I posted:

    "What a predicament!! What an embarrassment for Christianity! At a time when the Protestant church in America is fighting to re-introduce the teaching of creationism into the public schools, Pope John Paul II stuns the world and declares Darwin was right after all, and man has descended from the apes! He is dismissing Genesis as fable and actually accepting Darwin's Origin of the Species as fact! Absolutely amazing!"

  9. #1069
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
    Once and for all people!

    This is critical for us... either you stick to your beliefs that man was created by God or not. I would like to appeal to my fellow believers to read this. The 2nd largest religion declared that Evolution is a FACT.

    Please follow the link and read them: Pope John Paul II Declares Evolution to be Fact!
    here are other institution that declared Evolution as fact.

    Genetic Society of America

    Statement on Evolution and Creationism

    The GSA supports educating students in genetics and consequently feels it important to express its views on the teaching of evolution in elementary and secondary schools. The GSA strongly endorses such teaching, as genetics and evolution are two very closely interwoven disciplines. In fact, evolution might be summarized as population genetics over time. Some people have been opposed to the teaching of evolution because "it is only a theory." Such opposition rests on a mistaken understanding of what defines a scientific theory. In common usage "theory" means "conjecture" or "speculation," whereas in scientific usage it means a systematically organized body of knowledge that explains a large set of observations and makes testable predictions.

    Science operates first by observation and then by developing a hypothesis as a preliminary explanation of the data. A theory is a hypothesis that has been subsequently confirmed by abundant, consistent data obtained from tests of the hypothesis. For example, the atomic theory explains the behavior of physical substances in terms of the properties of elementary particles (atoms) and their combinations (molecules). This theory accounts for so many observations that it is accepted as the basis for all of chemistry.

    The theory of evolution by natural selection is also such a confirmed hypothesis, as developed through the ongoing investigation and understanding of many different areas of biological, chemical, physical and earth science. As such, it is modifiable and constantly refined as new research and information come to light. Without evolutionary theory, we would be forced to completely discard much of what we understand about fields such as genetics, botany, zoology, paleontology, and anthropology.

    "Scientific creationism," "intelligent design," and other terms have been offered as alternative explanations for past and present biological processes. However, these represent a collection of beliefs usually based on a literal interpretation of religious texts and are thus disguises for religious doctrine, and not scientific theories. They ignore the empirical data around us and fail to provide a testable hypothesis. Consequently, since no testable explanation for biological history has been provided by these alternative views, they cannot be considered scientific theories and should not be part of school science curricula. They are more appropriate for courses in literature, sociology, or religion.

    As evolution is the only scientific theory to explain the biological history of life and as the GSA supports the education of students in genetics, the GSA hereby endorses the teaching of the facts and theory of evolution at all levels, including in elementary and secondary schools.

    For a more complete discussion of science, evolution, and creationism, see the booklet "Science and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of Science."

    Document developed by GSA Board of Directors, June, 2003.

  10. #1070
    Quote Originally Posted by schmuck View Post
    True, Darwin did not know about genetics. He badly needed the explanation on how traits were passed down. But I don't get it. How does this contradict evolution?
    darwin believed that species acquire new traits to adapt and survive..

    but species do not acquire new traits per se.. all life on earth is made up of 4 basic nucleotide sequences, no matter how long that sequence is, its still made up of 4..

    i'd beg to question what if there are other life forms out there not here on earth.. that is made up of different 4 or maybe another 5th added.. but i haven't had time to ask that yet..

    so if all life on earth is just made up of 4, where's the acquisition? its like you're only reusing the same lego blocks to create a different form, but the contents and pieces are still the same.. there's no acquisition of some sort happening at all.. this is what darwin failed to see. if you follow darwin, you'd think we become supermen in the future, continually acquiring traits far better than what we have now.. but that's just not the case.. it may look like we *acquired* new abilities, but the real thing is its already within us.. the possibility.. you just need to reorder your DNA so that you can do this or that.. in transgenics, that is simply what they are doing.. implanting an insulin gene in bacteria so that bacteria can produce human insulin.. but you did not add anything new to bacteria fundamentally speaking, you only replaced that portion of DNA to match its order to yours (human insulin).. its just reshuffling or extending and reshuffling.. your cards are still limited to 4 kinds.

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