View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1041

    Quote Originally Posted by Vietcong696 View Post
    There are no such things as circumstances that should be allowed or considered...if the case is incestuous rape then the child would grow up ending up being retarded or abnormal is not a justifiable reason to abort an upcoming human being into this world, so ayaw ko ingna in the future kung mgk.anak ka nya abnormal m.consider nmu nga i.euthanize imu anak ky retarded man, dba it is whatever the reason it is still inhumane...mao n.imbento gyud ang condom ug uban pang contraceptives...mga lake dha ayaw mo pataka ug cumshot bsg asa! mga babaye dha control your biga be responsible people! hehe
    there is no provision in the RH Bill that condones abortion in cases of rape. The RH Bill explicitly treats abortion as a crime the same way our penal laws have.

    what is being proposed by, say, Davao Mayor Duterte is to provide rape cases w/ emergency contraceptive pills within 72 hours from being raped to avoid the woman to getting pregnant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vietcong696 View Post
    wla p sd ko k.dungog anang pregnant nya g.abort ky n.endanger ang life sa mother...kasagaran gni ana mismo ang mother maoy mo push through sa pregnancy aron m.buhi lng ang bata dba
    naa pre oi. in fact, it is quite common. ECTOPIC PREGNANCY.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 09-01-2009 at 08:17 AM.

  2. #1042
    Quote Originally Posted by Vietcong696 View Post
    There are no such things as circumstances that should be allowed or considered...if the case is incestuous rape then the child would grow up ending up being retarded or abnormal is not a justifiable reason to abort an upcoming human being into this world, so ayaw ko ingna in the future kung mgk.anak ka nya abnormal m.consider nmu nga i.euthanize imu anak ky retarded man, dba it is whatever the reason it is still inhumane...mao n.imbento gyud ang condom ug uban pang contraceptives...mga lake dha ayaw mo pataka ug cumshot bsg asa! mga babaye dha control your biga be responsible people! hehe
    hello im talking about the child-mother and not really about the child... see what do you think can a nine-year old child teach to his "brother/sister-child"? thats why i call it a recipe for a dysfunctional family... but since you introduced physical abnormality on the part of the child and not on the child-mother, how can a nine year old child take care of an abnormal child?

    who would want to to adopt an abnormal child na dili imu?

    sayon ra mu sulti na no to abortion beacuse we are not in the place of those children, sayon ra musulti nganong ni enter ngano diay nagbuot-buot diay nang mga bata ug pakig-***?

    really abortion should be allowed especially if such pregnancy endangers the mother's life...

    other than that it should be not...

  3. #1043
    Quote Originally Posted by Vietcong696 View Post
    wla p sd ko k.dungog anang pregnant nya g.abort ky n.endanger ang life sa mother...kasagaran gni ana mismo ang mother maoy mo push through sa pregnancy aron m.buhi lng ang bata dba

    tubag na sad ni GIddy...

    see given the choice more mother's choose their children.. kini lang ako ask sa pila nan pila man sa ila in their own free will nisulod ana na butang ug pila ila edad? ayw ko ingna naa nila 9 years old? pila an sa ila ang gi -rape sa ila mismo kamag-anak?
    Last edited by unsay_ngalan_nimo; 09-01-2009 at 08:40 AM.

  4. #1044
    i know this is news from few months ago but for the benefit of those who are new to this thread:

    Philippine Family Planning Bill Nears a Vote
    By Barnaby Lo
    WeNews correspondent

    A bill in the Philippines would create family planning programs for the first time. An attempt to reduce maternal deaths and curb population growth, it faces stiff opposition from religious leaders.

    MANILA, Philippines (WOMENSENEWS)--Doria Flores, a scavenger in the Payatas dumpsite in the Philippines' capital city, almost died while giving birth a few years ago. She didn't, but she lost her seventh child.

    That was the day she decided to have her fallopian tubes tied to make sure she does not get pregnant again. That was the day she realized enough is enough.

    "How can one keep on having children? We don't earn enough to feed them, much less send them to school," said Flores, a 48-year-old mother of six.

    The Philippines has a population of about 90 million people, the 12th largest in the world. If the annual growth rate of just over 2 percent persists, the population is expected to balloon to about 177.2 million by 2041.

    Women from the poorest households have six children on average, while the national average is 3.5 children, according to the Manila-based University of the Philippines Population Institute.

    This puts women such as Flores at the epicenter of a heated debate over a bill under debate here since September 2008 to create the Philippines' first national reproductive health and family planning program.

    Optimism and Worry

    Similar bills have failed in the past, but this time supporters are optimistic. A vote is expected in February and the bill has 113 co-authors and needs 120 votes to pass.

    But supporters also worry that the Catholic Church--which has scuttled previous efforts--still has time to whittle away lawmakers' support. With national elections scheduled in 2010, delays in approval could mean that more politicians shy away from it.

    Denounced in Sermons

    Bishops and priests are denouncing the bill in sermons. The church has been putting up posters and taking out full-page newspaper ads. Prayer rallies are being held. Although it does not openly fund political campaigns, the church has 500,000 names so far for a petition against the bill. One bishop threatened to deny communion to lawmakers who support it.

    High Maternal Death Rates

    What is equally alarming, though, is that at least 10 Filipino women die every day because of pregnancy and childbirth complications, says Angsioco, from the Reproductive Health Action Network.

    "That alone should make the whole nation raise our voices in protest. Any which way you look at it, it's unacceptable."

    Angsioco attributes high maternal mortality rates--162 deaths per 100,000 live births--to the absence of family planning programs and lack of access to medical care. Over 50 percent of women give birth at home.

    full article:
    Women's eNews - Philippine Family Planning Bill Nears a Vote

    NO to Abortion!
    Yes to the Reproductive Health Bill!
    Last edited by giddyboy; 09-01-2009 at 10:11 AM.

  5. #1045
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    tubag na sad ni GIddy...

    see given the choice more mother's choose their children.. kini lang ako ask sa pila nan pila man sa ila in their own free will nisulod ana na butang ug pila ila edad? ayw ko ingna naa nila 9 years old? pila an sa ila ang gi -rape sa ila mismo kamag-anak?

    I do clearly understand your point and I respect it, sa tubag ni GIddy naman, yung ectopic pregnancy din naman is considered as "Indirect Abortion" it is not the kind of abortion that I mean...

  6. #1046
    no to abortion!

    yes to the RH bill!

    dugaya oi! kanus-a man kuno voting ani beh?

  7. #1047
    Clearly Legalization of abortion is not the solution but the RH bill...for the guys out there, just use a CONDOM please..dont listen to those narrow-minded priests...condoms have health benefits too..AIDS nd other STDs are quite common nowadays..cgro kaya narrow-minded ang mga priests nd bishops na yan dahil di cla kabaw m.*****, they are not aware of the risks involved...ahehehe

  8. #1048

    Default ^_^

    IMO>>>>Legalizing abortion is okey.... okey kung Kailangan na gyud buhaton....... parehas anang mga cases nga ang bata murag kung padayunon pa ang pagpadako maglisod jud ang parents ug ang bata mismo sa iyang self (what i mean is kana bitaw mga bata nga severe na kaau ang abnormalities)
    they will have an option to abort it).....
    Another is, kanang Gi-rape nga namabdos (daku kaau na nga burden para sa usa ka babaye if iyaha na ipadayun oi maybe its right lng na tagaan ta na ug chance to decide if wether ipadayon na nya or iabort.)

    Wa lay apil kanang mangamabdos tungod sa Biga kay tinuyuan man na nila pud so dapat jud na panagutan nila... .

  9. #1049
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    No matter what other studies claim otherwise, W.H.O. did not acknowledge those findings.
    It is clear that you prefer political and ideological "findings" instead of scientific evidence. You seem to forget that the WHO also supports "medical abortion" using abortifacients such as RU-486, backed up by surgical abortion. These are classified under "fertility regulation". The WHO is NOT against abortion so we can expect them to ignore evidence that shows contraceptives are abortifacient. This has been a consistent failing of th WHO for decades.

    No. We should base our stand on evidence, not politics and ideology.

    The Catholic church is against the use of condoms and artificial contraceptives. Priests need not promote condoms but should not ban it.
    You are engaging in a strawman argument here. The Church CANNOT ban anything. It does not have he legal authority to do so. Your thinking is backward. You can use condoms if you want, but don't FORCE others to dispense it or pay for your selfish desires.

    The RH Bill is a matter of national policy and not of faith.
    National policy must be informed by science and morals, not RH ideology.

    [quoteWhile not 100% effective, condoms prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and STDs, and not any forms of abstinence methods which uses unprotected s3x.[/quote]

    Numerous studies have shown that condom programs are [color]INEFFECTIVE[/color] in preventing HIV/AIDS infections at the population level. It might work some of the time, but the overall effect of its widespread use is to increase the number of s3x partners of persons, leading to more HIV/AIDS infectgions and teen pregnancies (which increases demand for abortion).

    Abstinence methods of family planning is not an option to all women. Forcing natural family planning only that leaves no other option for women
    You are engaging in another strawman argument. No one is forcing NFP on anyone. Artificial contraceptives are ALREADY available in the Philippines. And NFP is an effective option for all women. NFP, in fact, more effective than condoms. The RH Bill, on the other hand, FORCES people to dispense abortifacient contraceptives and to attend mandatory s3x education classes that violate religious and academic freedom, as well as parents' rights.

    Abstinence-only ed only showed little success in the U.S., the reason why Pres. Obama eliminated funding thereof and replaced it w/ a new method (combination ed).
    Get your head out of the sand. The evidence shows that your "abstinence plus" s3x education is highly ineffective. Abstinence-only programs have been very effective, and many studies have been posted on this thread before. Obama just doesn't like them because he hs to pay off political favors to Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby.

    Six out of 10 Pinoys support the RH Bill.
    This hilarious claim has already been totally discredited.

    Our maternal and infant mortality rate is at an all time high. The reason is plain and simple: Filipinos (especially the poor) have little or no access to family planning methods and services.
    Wake up. Contraeptives will NOT solve marernal and infant mortalitgy. Pregnancy is NOT a disease. The real causes of infant and maternal mortality are lack of medical facilities and trained personnel. The RH Bill does NOTHING to effectively address these problems. Instead, it wastes money on contraceptives that do NOT cure any disease and do not address infant and maternal morality at all.

    The RH Bill is not only about family planning, nor s3xuality, nor religion, nor morality. It is principally about rights, health and sustainable development.
    The RH Bill is all about pushing contraceptives and the eventual sneaking in of certain types of abortion. It is one of the primary vehicles of the international pro-abortion lobby to push their agenda in the Philippines.

    Ireland has the same laws as the Philippines with regards to criminalizing abortion and "protecting the unborn", but their gov't funds all family planning methods including condoms & artificial contraceptives.
    But Ireland does not FORCE people to dispense abortifacients; it does not force parents to make their children attend a single, mandatory s3x education program; it does not force religous schools to teach a curriculum that contradicts their own religious beliefs; it does ot penalize anyone for speaking out against an RH law. The RH Bill, on the other hand, does all these objectionable things. You are ignoring the differences. As usual.

    Looks like all of your so-called "arguments" ave been sunk once again. But they were sunk on this thread long ago too. You are simply regurgitating your usual deceptions.

    Let's review some of the evidence instead of listening to rhetoric.

    The evidence is clear.

    • Natural Family Planning (NFP) is more effective than condoms

    • Condom programs are ineffective at lowering AIDS infection rates on a national scale. In fact, they may increase it.

    • Contraceptive usage INCREASES the incidence of unwanted pregnancies and demand for abortion.

    • The so-called RH bill (HB 5043) promotes abortion by funding and forcing doctors and employers to dispense or distribute ABORTIFACIENT CONTRACEPTIVES. As such it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

    • The RH bill violates our civil rights, suppressing freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion.

    • The pro-RH fanatics are resorting to every deceptive and underhanded means to force their deadly contraceptive agenda on the Filipino people.

    Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
    Last edited by mannyamador; 09-02-2009 at 12:48 AM.

  10. #1050
    tubaga giddyboy.

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