View Poll Results: Is Evolution a scientific fact?

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  • Yes!

    33 66.00%
  • No!

    13 26.00%
  • I don't know

    4 8.00%
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  1. #1041
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brownprose View Post
    In law, our discussion here is already moot and academic for the authorities have spoken THAT EVOLUTION IS ALREADY A FACT. It's like saying if you don't believe in evolution might as well not believe in gravity at all.
    unfortunately we have people here who thinks that they are more qualified. hahaha.

    one guy thinks that he is a scientist. the other one thinks he got all thngs sorted.

  2. #1042
    @ MALIC ... please attack the POST and not the POSTER . Tnx bro .

    To all , we just need to further and practice our approach on ACCEPTANCE . IMHO ... CREATIONIST and EVOLUTIONIST needs to co exist and vice versa .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  3. #1043
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    This is your two questions, and here are my posted answers
    is a theory any lesser than a law?
    YES, a Law is verifiable fact.
    A theory is just a possibility or belief and is not proven to be deserving the title of law.

    does a theory mature into a law?
    Yes, many have but they had to proven to be absolutes
    Maturity is an unusual term, but if the science proves a theory can be fact, it can become a law.
    Laws can also be disproved and then they are just relegated to being just bad science theories.
    Works both ways.

    May I ask where it is plain wrong? So I will know where I am suppose to feel shame about being such a bad biologist. Would you please enlighten me there, Schumk. Thanks
    theories will remain theories. Laws will remain laws. They don't change from one to another. Any scientifically inclined person knows this. How could you get it wrong?

  4. #1044
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post
    What were you thinking? Is gravity part of EVOLUTION? tungaw ngaw ngaw!
    Did you misread what i just said or you just didn't get it? binisay-on kebot ha. Ang EVOLUTION gideklara na sa syensya nga usa ka kamatooran. Evolution is as factual as gravity -- that is the declaration of the entire scientific community.

    The scientific community doesn't care whether you believe them or not - i repeat, the scientific community whether you believe it or not, doesn't care about your opinion, the opinion of your pastors, your fake scientists or teachers and even your Bible for they cannot change the fact about evolution.

  5. #1045
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    So are there enough irrefutable proof that we humans do came from monkeys.....or just hunches and scientific predictions?.............

  6. #1046

    OT : Hehehehe .... thats good one bro .

    But ask lang ko ... what difference does it make if KEBOT would say the same thing considering he can speak in behalf of the Christian community , bible believers , creationist ? To start these people would just say justify everything in SCIENCE thru CONCLUSION and not on PREDICTION just as what SCIENCE will also say about creationist to just stick to your bedtime story from the Book of Genesis because we have our question , experiments , hypothesis but conclusion is yet to be made because it doesnt connect the dot .
    Last edited by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40; 10-05-2009 at 09:10 PM.
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  7. #1047
    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Next would be the SCIENTIST's who studies the EVOLUTION which would compose and not limit to BIOLOGIST , ANTHROPOLOGIST etc but to this day , only THEORIES were presented . Findings are exciting but to no conclusions yet . Its either we are not capable right now or there no CONCLUSIONS at all to provide in the first place .
    spring, do you believe in Creationism or Evolutionism? it seems like you’re banking on two sides, so i just wanted to make sure. it’s funny, you say findings are exciting but there should be no conclusions yet, but creationists actually think the other way around. THEY HAVE CONCLUDED THAT GOD CREATED EVERYTHING. if somebody is against that statement in caps can be considered a *****.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Lastly , of course we wouldnt both the CREATIONIST and EVOLUTIONIST discount the theory also which states " what if everything was created by CHANCE? " , hence just proves another argument of the existense of a creator or should I say , a Creator . Its because to answer your question of WHAT , the answer will be another form of question which is a WHO .
    it’s not a matter of WHO but a matter of what or where our universe came from. The “WHO” word here is inapplicable. There are no WHO’s for the evolutionists, only WHAT, WHEN, HOW, and HOWCOME.

  8. #1048
    Quote Originally Posted by kebotDiNaMute View Post

    --- of course Evolution is based on assumption. Thats the same question we kept asking by the way... don't worry chad you are learning...
    --- evo said the earth cooldown and it rain... so do we have to require them to post their sources? hmmm... i wonder if they can provide one...
    --- golden rule chad fyi:
    gravity + rock + water = possibility of life.
    i just fell for what? i didn't fall for anything. maybe you are running out of excuses so you go off the tangent. sorry kebs, i already see a pattern in you. cut the crap and admit that you are losing the argument. of course i am learning, we all ARE except you.

  9. #1049
    @ Chad ... I am more in the middle ... I would not know how to call that but to give you an idea , I firmly believed in the creation story and to further realize and analyze it , evolution steps in . In evolution , it clarifies all the questions and confusions the story of creation brought up specially to people who understands it literally .

    I am more into arguments and discussions when EVOLUTION is talked about and CREATION is being discounted . Other than that , I have no problems at all with EVOLUTION and EVOLUTIONIST .

    Lastly ... it is not right to discount the question of WHO . Yes to the ATHEIST point of view that is fine but we are talking about SCIENCE and the 5 W's is a standard / norm part of a question which is the very first step in SCIENTIFIC METHODS in conducting a study .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  10. #1050
    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmusslewhite View Post
    You ask me 3 questions
    1.) How id Jesus make water into wine? Psychokinetic materialization, and Ectenic force

    2.) How did Jesus resurrect the dead? Elan vital

    3.) How did God part the Red Sea? Pyrokinesis, materialization, Hydrokinesis, Energy shield, Geokinesis, and Ectenic force

    The Creator and his power which flowed through his son, how would it work? First we would have to assume that this God is much more than us, with an IQ exceeding 2,000 and uses all his brain, not the pitiful 8% we use. There for he would posses the powers of Psychokinesis and all the ability of Parapsychology sciences. That is unless you want to try to put limitations on a being that could manipulate time and space, as well as move inner-dimensionally at will.
    good job james but not good enough. you gave me parapsychology and pseudosciences which does not, in any way, explain how God or Moses did it. how one person can divide a river/sea into two using psychic powers or whatever you call it is simply ODD. one advice for you James, being a SKEPTIC and not immediately believing in what you read sometimes helps.

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