ang mga tawng uyon anang legalization sa abortion ky BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLWE!! cmon shout with me people!!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!!
ang mga tawng uyon anang legalization sa abortion ky BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLWE!! cmon shout with me people!!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!! BABY KILLER!!
kuyawa avatar nmu pareko89, SS mn.. Insignia sa schutzstaffel, hehe
i think narrow minded kaayo ang mga taw kung musulti na dili i-review ang law on abortion and absolute NO abortion policy...
there should be instances that abortion should be allowed and even the constituions implied it...
if a pregnancy endangers the life of the mother and the only way to save her life is through abortion, the Constitution gives more importance to the life of the mother than the unborn child.
furthermore abortion should be allowed to children who are victims of incestuous rape. why?
1. the effect of the pregnancy and child birth to child-mother.. this type is a recipe for a dysfunctional family...
the law on abortion should also be review, stricter implementation and laws on abortion... (wala naman nakukulong sa mga nagpap-abort
1. wala kase nagsasampa ng kaso alangan anman yung fetus, even the relatives sa fetus such as lolo,lola or papa kay dili man sad magsampa...
(gets mo, why the law should be review?)
im a not pro-abortion but i think there should be some circumstances that it should be allowed.. (special circumstances)
There are no such things as circumstances that should be allowed or considered...if the case is incestuous rape then the child would grow up ending up being retarded or abnormal is not a justifiable reason to abort an upcoming human being into this world, so ayaw ko ingna in the future kung mgk.anak ka nya abnormal m.consider nmu nga i.euthanize imu anak ky retarded man, dba it is whatever the reason it is still inhumane...mao n.imbento gyud ang condom ug uban pang contraceptives...mga lake dha ayaw mo pataka ug cumshot bsg asa! mga babaye dha control your biga be responsible people! hehe
wla p sd ko k.dungog anang pregnant nya g.abort ky n.endanger ang life sa mother...kasagaran gni ana mismo ang mother maoy mo push through sa pregnancy aron m.buhi lng ang bata dba
Well, you have NOT been advancing any rational arguments anyway.
Posting another RH propaganda piece is NOT the same as posting evidence and rational arguments. You aren't convincing anyone with your rants and smear campaign against the Church. We can see through that.i dunno if i have already posted this before:
VERY TRUE!!! Every intended abortion is murder of the onnocent. No amount of discomfort or claimed predictions of how the baby's life might turn out will ever justify murder. Any hardship can be mitigated, but once the child is murdered, there is no remedy. A human life is more important than anyone's convenience or wants.Originally Posted by vietcong696
Also very true!Originally Posted by killallpolitician
We have to be vigilant because the foreign-backed politicians are trying to SNEAK IN ABORTION VIA THE RH BILL!
The RH Bill does this by directly funding abortifacient contraceptives (there are certain contraceptives like the Pill, IUD, injectables, implantables, and other hormonal contraceptives that can cause early-term chemical abortions). This form of abortion is different from surgical abortions, but just as deadly.
The RH Bill also FORCES persons to distribute these abortifacient contraceptives (among others). Doctors, for example, will be forced to dispense such abortifacient contraceptives even if it is against their conscience. If they object, they mus still refer the requesting parties to others who will perform the objectionable deed! Those who refuse face imprisonment and heavy fines.
The RH Bill will also build up support for eventual legalization of abortion through a mandatory propaganda component in the guise of a "s3x education" program. Thus the Bill denies choices to parents when it comes to hat their children will learn about s3x. It willFORCE parents to make their kids attend a government-designed, contraceptive-based, MANDATORY s3x education program. It even forces religious schools to teach what is against their own beliefs. This, of course, violates freedom of religion.
We must reject the RH Bill and the TRAPO politicians who are trying to ram it down out throats.
“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8
Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)
Last edited by mannyamador; 09-01-2009 at 12:01 AM.
No rational arguments?
(1) Contraceptives are not abortifacient according to the W.H.O. evidence-based information. No matter what other studies claim otherwise, W.H.O. did not acknowledge those findings. There are also studies that confirms the W.H.O. findings that contraceptives are not abortifacient.
(2) The Catholic church is against the use of condoms and artificial contraceptives. Priests need not promote condoms but should not ban it. The RH Bill is a matter of national policy and not of faith.
(3) While not 100% effective, condoms prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and STDs, and not any forms of abstinence methods which uses unprotected s3x.
(4) Abstinence methods of family planning is not an option to all women. Forcing natural family planning only that leaves no other option for women is stupid.
(5) Abstinence-only education is what the church only espouses. But the legislators authoring and co-authoring the bill wants a combination of both abstinence and family planning education through an age-appropriate manner. Abstinence-only ed only showed little success in the U.S., the reason why Pres. Obama eliminated funding thereof and replaced it w/ a new method (combination ed).
(6) Six out of 10 Pinoys support the RH Bill. even though this is not a popularity contest, we should not play deaf and blind to the voice of the people.
(7) Our maternal and infant mortality rate is at an all time high. The reason is plain and simple: Filipinos (especially the poor) have little or no access to family planning methods and services.
(8 Our teen abortion and teen pregnancy rate is at an all time high. The reason is plain and simple: IGNORANCE. Religion cannot prevent teen abortion, but s3x ed can.
(9) The RH Bill is not only about family planning, nor s3xuality, nor religion, nor morality. It is principally about rights, health and sustainable development.
(10) Family size matters. Yes, "go forth and multiply" lagi, but do so responsibly as parents. Responsible parenthood is one of the advocacies of the bill. Encouraging and promoting family planning will not lead to a demographic winter. Proper information about different family planning methods coupled w/ values education will not lead to sexual promiscuity nor a culture of s3x maniacs.
(11) Ireland has the same laws as the Philippines with regards to criminalizing abortion and "protecting the unborn", but their gov't funds all family planning methods including condoms & artificial contraceptives. there is no reason why we can't adopt the same.
so if you say I don't have rational arguments why I support the RH Bill, you also mean to say those 6 out of 10 Pinoys in support of the bill have no rational arguments too. all those 130 legislators who are in support of the bill have no rational arguments too. and only you, Pro-life Phils, and the Catholic church hierarchy are the only ones who hold all the rational arguments in this world. toinks!!!
No wonder we are not moving bisan pangutok backwards na daan...
well, look who's talking...
even that misleading poll you have there says a lot already about your type of propaganda...Saying NO to abortion doesn't mean we also have to say NO to the RH Bill. but it seems you want to make it look like it is thru that deceptive poll question...
The debate on reproductive health can go on and on. But at the end of the day, it is the government’s responsibility to ensure accessible health services including reproductive health services. In particular, women should be provided with necessary information regarding reproductive health including all types of family planning methods to guide them in their decisions.
YES TO THE Reproductive Health Bill!!! Take Action now!
Last edited by giddyboy; 09-01-2009 at 08:53 AM.
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