That is about the best I can explain your question. Hope it is enough.I believe in evo going back to bigbang that did happen . and whateever the posibility that was before that.
I believe nothing but a consciousness and a big dark space, then God said, Let their be Light and BANG!!!!! the rest took 5 more stages to complete. There was the first creation, Adam and Eve were the second creation and Eve was Adam's second wife. God caused the Great Food to wipe out the first creation. That the flood created all the wonderful fossils we argue about on this Forum. That everything that was not on the big boat was buried in the mud of the flood and from the deep ancient mud which was displaced by the rushing Artesian fountains that cracked the earth's surface like a egg shell. That shot 22-34 Kilometers into the sky collapsing the outer canopy That that is why the fossils records only show live and death of species and no crossovers-(no missing links).
@ james
anybody can find all the wrong things on such theories.
Just and if you find falt in it, it is just a theory and not law and should be analyzed tested and analyzed again till proven to be true or false. Even if it takes 1,000 years. That is Science
but how do u look at creationism ? im sure u also find some or lots of the something fishy on it.
Yes especially because of bad science and religious crack-pots. True very true, and it would help without cheating by those on both sides of the issue.
but do u believe creationism as
a. claim,
c. fact
d. or not more than a possibility
C. Fact for the most part, I believe in the works of God when compared to evolution.
B.) on the issue of some interpretations and languages which have some variances due to the mistranslations from Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, and early English. Some times you have to take 3 or 4 translations and compare them against each other to get a truer understanding of the meaning of the text. And the Creation's 6 days could be just six steps and not literal 24 hour days.