State colleges and universities are expected to excel specially those with substantial budget from the national government. Each student in State colleges and universities like UP are subsidized by the government thus they are generally called as "Iskolar ng Bayan". As such they must prove their worth after passing selective admission tests and interview, maintaining the required passing average per semester without failure! As well doing research study as thesis by pairs only, special projects and community extension service. Such as UP Diliman and Los Banos their professors are all PhDs or doctorate degree holders from abroad, state-of-the-art equipment and machine tools in mechanical engineering laboratories and workshops, as the saying goes "those who have much, much is expected!" Adhorem Gloriam Die!
Please visit the National Engineering Center, UP Diliman. You'll be impressed and amazed with their State-of-the-Art and High Tech Laboratories, Workshop, Research & Development, Technology Business Incubator Facilities with Billions Pesos investment from UP, DOST, DTI and foreign grants JICA Japan, GTZ Germany, AusAid Australia, British Council, etc.
These facilities are used for bachelors, masters and doctorate programs in engineering. For Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering programs, they have the following high tech and state-of-the-art instruments, machine tools such as;
Material Testing & Characterization : X-ray Diffraction spectrometer, Induction Coupled Plasma Mass spectrometer, Tunneling Electron Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope, Robotics driven Universal Testing Machine, Laser Particle Size analyzer, Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer, Scanning Thermo-Gravimetric analyzer, Infrared hydrocarbon analyzer (for polymers, carbon based materials), etc.
Machine Tools : 5D Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Machining Centers (3 units), 5D CNC Coordinate Measuring Machine (dimensional analysis & calibration), CNC Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) Wire-cut and Die Sinker, CNC Plasma-Cutting and Plasma Welding machines, Numeric Controlled (NC) Diecasting and Investment Casting Furnaces, NC Heat Treatment Furnaces, Robotics Tooling system, CAD / CAM Workstations (30 units).