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  1. #91

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    this is the log-in page

    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

  2. #92

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    bai inana jud log-in page...pwede tabang unsaon nako para maka internet sharing using my router maglisod lagi ko

  3. #93

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    Quote Originally Posted by Jr_Gong
    bai inana jud log-in page...pwede tabang unsaon nako para maka internet sharing using my router maglisod lagi ko
    try the links I posted sa in an earilier post:

    Quote Originally Posted by cebu_tux
    Hit(s) relating to PL-DSL1

    Will be updating this as I get more info...

    Will be trying out the suggestions in the tipidpc thread...
    Mas daghan gurus didto... Was able to find out some nice suggested settings for my SpeedTouch 511 (Globelines Broadband). Now, I'm bridging this connection to my Bluetooth PAN and my Xbox aside from other things...

  4. #94

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    i also got that pldt-dsl modem pero it has 4 ports in it.. ni igon pa gali ang technician nga gi usab nila ilang dsl modem para dli na mo gasto ang subscriber for a rounter.. pero samok lang karon.. dli ko maka disconnect sa net.. if ma discon ko invalid na akong password/username morag temporary ra ilang gi hatag nako nga account.. ginna complain about this kay gi sugdan na among billing..

  5. #95

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    Quote Originally Posted by EarlZ
    i also got that pldt-dsl modem pero it has 4 ports in it.. ni igon pa gali ang technician nga gi usab nila ilang dsl modem para dli na mo gasto ang subscriber for a rounter.. pero samok lang karon.. dli ko maka disconnect sa net.. if ma discon ko invalid na akong password/username morag temporary ra ilang gi hatag nako nga account.. ginna complain about this kay gi sugdan na among billing..
    i think its not a temporary password....

    have you seen the log-in page?

  6. #96

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    Can anyone confirm this very simple workaround without messing around with the PL-DSL1's settings?
    From "PLDT plan999 multiple PC ("

    Quote Originally Posted by alfa1
    Guys, here's a little info on the PLDT Plan999.

    Apparently PLDT came up with this new log-in method (through the web browser) to make it easier for non-techies to log-in their DSL service. Supposedly with this DSL users will need less customer support. Its called Cisco Subscriber Edge Services Manager or CESM for short.

    As soon as you open the browser and the CESM detects that you are not logged in yet it diverts you to the log in-page.

    In this webpage you plug in your username and password. Please note that you no longer plug-in your PL# like what we did for previous PLDT-DSL modem configurations. I have an old PLDT DSL service in my sister's house and we logged in using PPPOe using the PL as the username and password where log in name was suffixed with PL#xxx@pldt. This is no longer the situation with the new PLDT 999 modem/log-in setup.

    I'm presently sharing my PLDT 999 connection with my other PC's in the house (wireless and LAN) by using a WRT54G router. The set up is
    -----> Tel cable from filter------> PL-DSL1 modem/bridge-----> Linksys router---------> PC through LAN and PC through wifi.
    There's no problem sharing the connections because whichever PC you use you are automatically diverted to the CESM log-in page.

    The problem:
    Because of CESM i cannot log in to my DSL connection using PPPOe. INstead what i have to do is to manually log in the CESM webpage. This is cumbersome, annoying and tedious specially if you boot up only to use bittorrent or other P2P systems.
    My router is attached to one of the LAN ports of the modem (only one of the ports will work at any given time). The router side is attached to teh WAN side of the linksys router. I use Auto DHCP setting where my router is configured as gateway and its DHCP is ON. It takes a little time for the router to get the DHCP number in the Status page but it gets there. Under this set-up i get to share my DSL.

    While this set-up works i still miss the log-in less procedure with the PPPOe/linksys router setup.

    Thoughts/ observations on the matter.
    1. I Reset my modem to router mode but i cant get a DSL connection. I tried using some of the settings given in this website but it just doesnt seem to work. I had to reset back the PLDT modem to its original bridge mode and work with the CESM.

    2. Everytime you do a new boot-up (as opposed to hibernate) Windows gives a warning sign that "your connection or computer is being directed to another site do you agree? I then clieck OKAY. This i believe is where the CESM kicks in and you are redirected to the CESM log-in page.

    3. My suggested temporary workaround here is if someone can make a Windows automated script. The scenario would be when we try to surf and the CESM determines that there is no connection/log-in yet it kicks in and the user is diverted to the CESM log-in page. Our own automated script will now kick in and plugs in the pre-determined user name and password and clicks on the okay tab. The process is repeated by the script until connection is made.

    4. We need this script because when you leave your PC overnight to download let us say from torrent and the line gets disconnected you have to manually log-in again otherwise you will not be automatically logged in like the PPPOe setups.

    5. Let me try to get screenshots of the CESM so that i can post it here later.

    Mods please feel free to ask me details on the PLDT 999 setup so that i can provide data to help u guys solve this new PLDT puzzle.

    As for the script i cant make one as i'm not a programmer.

    Thanks, hope this helps us.

  7. #97

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    Well Earlz said my post was WRONG and the exact opposite.......... DDUUUHHHH?

    I would reiterate..... the modem uses bridge protocol. and there is that log-in page that people are starting to be aware....

    My suggestion to Earlz is to keep the PC on 24/7 or else he will get disconnected everytime he shuts the PC down.....

  8. #98

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    The suggestion by alfa1 in "PLDT plan999 multiple PC (" works at least so you can bypass the one-pc limitation "imposed" by PLDT.
    I just came from my sis-in-laws home and got it working right away with alfa1's suggestion.

    Speakeasy test on their connection yielded 403kbps downstream. I forgot the upstream but it was 100+kbps.

  9. #99

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    na hatagan nakos akong permanent username and password, sharing it with 2 comps here sa balay.. didnt ask for any log-in page.. diritso ra nako gi plug sa uban port and naa nay internet..

  10. #100

    Default Re: PLDT myDSL Plan 999 - unlimited Broadband internet access

    Welcome to the new PLDT my DSL

    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

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