1. Of course in due time SEO which arent profitable would be force to close down or be left to private hands. It doesnt mean that all SEO arent profitable or govt needs to keep them afloat, you said it yourself SEO dwarfs the private companies in terms of profit.
The idea is to keep and strenthen those SEO which are making money for the govt and in return it will fund govt projects. We should not be closing our doors to SEOs without realizing its vast potential, China's SEOs is good examples why shouldnt we not follow its path ?
Look at Malampaya projects govt earns a $1B+ a year from royalties, imagine if the govt owns it 100% and be proactive in looking for another oil/gas field; thats a lot of money pouring in into our national coffers. And many more oppurtunities like in mining, steel industry, overseas venture and other business activity that could do little harm to the country's oligarchs
And about consumer choices ? cmon we are paying high utilities rate, we got slow internet speed, high fuel prices; we are left with little choice. Before when the govt had control of Petron, the govt can control prices and even operate at minumum profit to lower fuel costs. Whats good on choices if we are paying a hefty amount.
And im talking only on key industries, not expecting the govt to create their own automotive brand or compete with big foreign companies.
and this is a fantasy thread lol, If im the president I will empower the GOCCs. If it works on China it will work here.
2. You live in the notion that these GOCCs are operating on the red/ surviving on tax payers money. I already cite examples that GOCCs/SEOs can give the govt BILLIONs, not the other way around.
In business you reward your best people, if they make billions then give them millions in wages/bonuses. Thats how to attract brilliant people into the organization.
The govt had $4B reserves from Malampaya project, they can start from that funding. Its just a matter of political will.
3. Thats why poor people had big families they had low medicare cost and its almost free to send their kids to school, I doubt they will complain on the quality of education lol.
I had no qualms about it, its basic job of the any govt to service the vulnerable of the society. The only problem is the lack of funds to service them hence govt should work more and tap the vast potential of GOCCs... more money more projects. But GOCCs growth should be prioritize and only augment 30% of the profit into the the govt coffers.