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naa man sad gani nabuhat daghan maayo ang church like charity
The discussion here is getting hotter.
It has been said, although I don't know asa na verse sa bible ni. "You can not serve two masters at the same time". The two masters mentioned here is GOD and MONEY.
The church primary role is to serve GOD not MONEY. While others say that money is for humanitarian purposes, still it is not the right way for the church to be involve about. Money is the source of evil, IMO. Church has to stay away from it to retain the people's trust.
As quoted above. Let's take an example, During election politicians charity contribution to the church floods. But that does not mean that these politicians are already good and Godly. Front ra na mga buhata para ingnon nga maayo kunohay. Well, you may quick to say, it is a crab mentality, but that's the way I see it. If the church wants to serve GOD, it must stay away from handling money.