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  1. #91

    Kuyawa gud diay aning Bro. Eli. he claims to be a Christian yet he also utilizes works of esoteric pseudo-historians like the Templar Revelation (yes, kining mga arguments sa sugod ani nga thread are lifted from that book and others, including, probably, the Da Vinci Code) who are set to desecrate Christianity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, etc.

    According to the book The Da Vinci Hoax by Olson and Miesel, The (Roman) Cult of Sol Invictus is derived from a Persian religion called Mithraism. The thing about the Roman Sol Invictus is it became popular in Rome only about a century after Christiniaty was born and reached Rome. The earliest monuments related to Sol Invictus in Rome could only be dated to the end if not after the first century A.D. Persian Mithraists did not celeberate December 25 as a holiday, it was the Roman emperor Aurelian who decreed it the birthday of Mithras in 274 A.D. This is proof that early Christian writings were not influenced by Roman Sol Invictus when it reached Rome.

    About December 25: The Bible, indeed, does not give us a date for Christ's birth but making December 25 Christmas was not to "paganize" Christianity but to stamp its authority over the pagan Sol Invictus. The proof is most obvious: Catholics and other Christians who celebrate Christmas, today, do not worship the sun during yuletide season.

    According to the web page,, and emphsized by Olson and Miesel:

    When Christianity became the religion of the Empire, the church either had to suppress the festivals or transform them. The winter solstice seemed an appropriate time to celebrate Christ's birth. Thus, the festival of the sun became a festival of the Son, the Light of the world.{27}
    The theory that Christianity borrowed its beliefs from paganism has now been largely discredited. If any borrowing of beliefs occurred it was almost certainly the other way around."

    So, unsa man gyud si Bro. Eli? Christian or believer of esotric pseudo-histories?

    About ignorance: according to Abraham Joshua Heschel, there are two types of ignorance. "The [first] one is 'dull, unfeeling, barren' the result of indolence; the other is keen, penetrating, resplendent; the [first] one leads to conceit and complacency, the other leads to humility..."

    So, we shouldn't mind being called ignorant if we are ignorant in its other (second) sense.

    Let us not be disillusioned with this talk of conspiracies. Rather, we should contemplate on the wisdom that God reveals Himself in His own way and in His own time. Abraham was Abram before he relinquished paganism for the belief in the One True God and then, later, in fulfillment of scripture He sent His own Son to the unknowing world. The history of Christianity is not over yet - we are witnessing it until today. It did not end after the first century A.D. Therefore, Christian wisdom is not only rooted in scripture but also historical tradition - history of salvation and in our personal histories.

    Lastly, I ask you this again, Pein, what goodness do your set of beliefs offer? Do you have anything good to tell us besides esoteric pseudo-histories and words of anger?

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by derelict sneakers View Post
    Kuyawa gud diay aning Bro. Eli. he claims to be a Christian yet he also utilizes works of esoteric pseudo-historians like the Templar Revelation (yes, kining mga arguments sa sugod ani nga thread are lifted from that book and others, including, probably, the Da Vinci Code) who are set to desecrate Christianity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, etc.

    According to the book The Da Vinci Hoax by Olson and Miesel, The (Roman) Cult of Sol Invictus is derived from a Persian religion called Mithraism. The thing about the Roman Sol Invictus is it became popular in Rome only about a century after Christiniaty was born and reached Rome. The earliest monuments related to Sol Invictus in Rome could only be dated to the end if not after the first century A.D. Persian Mithraists did not celeberate December 25 as a holiday, it was the Roman emperor Aurelian who decreed it the birthday of Mithras in 274 A.D. This is proof that early Christian writings were not influenced by Roman Sol Invictus when it reached Rome.

    About December 25: The Bible, indeed, does not give us a date for Christ's birth but making December 25 Christmas was not to "paganize" Christianity but to stamp its authority over the pagan Sol Invictus. The proof is most obvious: Catholics and other Christians who celebrate Christmas, today, do not worship the sun during yuletide season.

    According to the web page, Did Christianity Borrow From Pagan Religions? - Probe Ministries, and emphsized by Olson and Miesel:

    When Christianity became the religion of the Empire, the church either had to suppress the festivals or transform them. The winter solstice seemed an appropriate time to celebrate Christ's birth. Thus, the festival of the sun became a festival of the Son, the Light of the world.{27}
    The theory that Christianity borrowed its beliefs from paganism has now been largely discredited. If any borrowing of beliefs occurred it was almost certainly the other way around."

    So, unsa man gyud si Bro. Eli? Christian or believer of esotric pseudo-histories?

    About ignorance: according to Abraham Joshua Heschel, there are two types of ignorance. "The [first] one is 'dull, unfeeling, barren' the result of indolence; the other is keen, penetrating, resplendent; the [first] one leads to conceit and complacency, the other leads to humility..."

    So, we shouldn't mind being called ignorant if we are ignorant in its other (second) sense.

    Let us not be disillusioned with this talk of conspiracies. Rather, we should contemplate on the wisdom that God reveals Himself in His own way and in His own time. Abraham was Abram before he relinquished paganism for the belief in the One True God and then, later, in fulfillment of scripture He sent His own Son to the unknowing world. The history of Christianity is not over yet - we are witnessing it until today. It did not end after the first century A.D. Therefore, Christian wisdom is not only rooted in scripture but also historical tradition - history of salvation and in our personal histories.

    Lastly, I ask you this again, Pein, what goodness do your set of beliefs offer? Do you have anything good to tell us besides esoteric pseudo-histories and words of anger?

    Wow, nice info............................

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Wow, nice info............................
    With all humility, thanks, bro. The information were researched, therefore, not mine. Peace be upon everyone and Pit Senyor!

  4. #94
    in the eyes of all.. we are all ignorant man sad. we cannot please everybody. maypa keep your mouth shut nlang. you disgusted me "Eli" sa ako nahinumdoman you are wanted by the maranao's or generally sa mga muslim sauna kay sa imo ignorante nga mouth sad.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by derelict sneakers View Post
    With all humility, thanks, bro. The information were researched, therefore, not mine. Peace be upon everyone and Pit Senyor!
    Yes Bro, May Peace be with us and God bless....
    PIT SENYOR!!!!!!.....

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