Originally Posted by
I am not boosting anything I'm just wanted and clarifying something from you. I'm just seeking a proof not just by saying na mas dali ang DHCP e-manage - we need proof on that in a sense na maka-agree sad ko.
By the way, think, this is a forum brad, let me ask u what's the purpose of the forum in a sense? Diba? this is a set of an appointment, argument of facts, chat, colloquy, confabulation, conferring, congress, consultation, conversation, convocation, deliberation, discussion, gabfest, groupthink, huddle, interchange, interview, meeting, palaver, parley, powwow, round robin, round table, seminar, symposium, talk, think-in, ventilation, explanation, and clarification and proof.
Don't think of anything negative about my "key words" down ther - that would makes you a loser! Saying that you can't explain of somthing, I wan't you to show off and stand your answer in a firm way. Like what i've said, this is also not in a superiorism (on my words) or inferior you are, this is just only an argument of deliberation, proof, and action.
I was just asking you, saying, "do you have any comment on this?" - and you don't have any answers and proofs of your statement - lucky those who have proofs - NO. Don't angry or deliver you opinion negatively towards this forum. I'm just seeking some exponential thoughts so, discussion could have spices or chilli or flavors for us.
"This is not a discussion of bad thoughts and feeling, this is a sharing of pie - a different flavor of the pie yet a family of the pie"